Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2394: Test

  Chapter 2394 Examination

  Seeing Man Bao, Bai Dalang couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t you go home and rest?”

  Bai Erlang sat down beside his brother and said, "Going home is a rest. Eating and drinking in a teahouse is also a rest. Why not stay here? It's not fun at home."

  Bai Shan took a cup of tea for Man Bao, and explained with a smile: “Today is the last day, so let’s take a look, just waiting for Liu Huan to come out of it.”

  In fact, there are a lot of people waiting for the candidates in the teahouse, but half of them are for watching the fun, and the other half are coming with other ideas. On the contrary, there are not many relatives who are really waiting anxiously.

  Most of the relatives are squatting not far from the gate of the Gongyuan at this time, as if they are a little closer to the examination room, the relatives inside can feel their strength in the exam.

  Man Bao was in a much better mood listening to the storytellers downstairs and the constant applause.

Bai Shan called her buddy to order a lot of dishes for her. When she was full, she was sitting by the window holding a cup of tea and watching the guests coming downstairs. There was a loud "clang" at the Gongyuan. , Bai Shan also put down the teacup in his hand and said, "They are coming out."

  Man Bao immediately said: "Go, let's pick them up."

  They only heard the second gong sound when they went downstairs. When they walked to the gate of Gongyuan, the third sound happened and the gate of Gongyuan was slowly opened.

Candidates in    filed out.

  Many of their acquaintances include Wei Chen, Song Zheng and Ji Hao, as well as unfamiliar Guozijian classmates Yun Xinxuan, Feng Chenxiang and Zhang Jinghao.

  As soon as they came out, the servants in the family rushed up to pick them up.

  The people around Liu Huan are the most, because his family is in the capital, not only the small servants, but also a lot of people, including Bai Shan and others, immediately surrounded Liu Huan.

   "How was your test?"

   "Are you all answered?"

   "Is the question difficult?"

   Liu Huan entered the examination room with Bai Dalang’s uncle, Chengheng, and they happened to be close to each other, so they also came out together.

  When the two came out, they were dizzy by these questions. With so many candidates, Changheng didn't dare to speak big words, so they could only say modestly: "Fortunately, I answered a few questions, so I won't pass the paper in vain."

   Liu Huan came to his mind and said: "I think I did a good job in the test. I know all the questions I asked, and I answered them all. I think I did a good job in the test."

  Growth and constant:……

Candidates beside   :……

  So the scene was quiet for a while, someone immediately said loudly: "This year's question is not difficult, I remember all the scriptures tested, and I answered all of them."

   "Really, congratulations, but I happened to have a good answer afterwards, at least the papers are all filled."

   "Before I took the exam, I thought the Mingjing exam was so difficult. I didn't expect it to be so simple. It is simpler than the questions given by the gentlemen in the college."

   Liu Huan listened, and became anxious, and whispered to Bai Shan: "So many people do well in the exam, can I still pass the exam?"

  Bai Shan: "...I have finished the exam. It is useless to think too much. Let's go to eat."

   Liu Huan was anxious, "If I didn’t pass the exam, my grandfather would beat me?"

  Man Bao comforted him, "No, didn’t you have already said it before, did you celebrate your knighthood after the exam?"

   Liu Huan became even more apprehensive, “It’s clear that the Jingjing exam was given by His Majesty. If I fail the exam, my grandfather will definitely hit me.”

   Shirazen and Shirajiro took him and said, "So you have to take advantage of the two days that have not been put on the list. Otherwise, you missed it, but you really missed it."

  Liu Huan:...

  Man Bao was about to cry when he saw that he was so sad, he couldn't help but get up happily and comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, we invite you to dinner."

   After two days of trouble with the friends, Man Bao was in a much better mood, and on the third day, Ming Jing released the list.

  A few people ran to watch.

  Bai Shandao: "I heard that there are 280 scholars in the Ming Scriptures this time."

  Bai Erlang was speechless, "It's almost ten times the Jinshi test, and I want to test Mingjing."

  Bai Shan said: “You will try the Jinshi exam again this fall. If you don’t pass the next year, you will take the Mingjing exam. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the subject.”

   Bai Erlang said: "Where is the regular course better in the system? Brother, if you still can't pass the test in autumn, do you want to take the Ming Jing test with me?"

  Bai Da Lang:...

  He calculated his age and nodded.

  Bai Shan said, "Big Brother, it's unnecessary."

He said: "I heard that my eldest brother's ranking last year was not low, so I just got in. Now your reputation in the capital is not bad. If you don't hit this year, you can try again for a few years, although it shows that Jing and Jinshi are both Officials, but the Jinshi imperial examination is still two points better than Mingjing."

  White Jiro muttered, “Aren’t they all imperial candidates? They all have to go up one step at a time. I don’t think there is a big difference.”

  Bai Shandao: "It doesn't show up in the first ten years, but you will see the difference when you are promoted after ten years."

He said: "For the county magistrates of the same grade, the assessment is the same, but when they are promoted, they will first choose the Jinshi department, and the Mingjing department will stay, but if you have the same qualifications in the next year. What about fighting?"

  Bai Dalang also nodded, “Yes, the gentlemen in the school also said that if you can get a Jinshi, you can get it.

  Shirajiro pondered for a while, but he was puzzled, "Why didn't you let me insist on getting into the Jinshi?"

  Bai Shandao: "Because you don't have the perseverance to read."

  He said: "Brother Grand Hall can persist even after reading ten years of books, can you?"

   Baijiro: He can't.

  Bai Dalang: He is good, but he is not very happy.

  Liu Huan also thought about it for a while, smashed his mouth and said, "Neither can I."

  So many of the students who came to take the exam this time were also students from the Imperial College. They all consciously failed the Jinshi exam, so they came to Mingjing for a try.

  Ming Jingke puts the list, there are more people who come to see the list than the Jinshike, and it is more lively. Everyone is crowded, Bai Shan and the others will not squeeze at all.

  For a long time, after the message, he ran back with unruly hair and yelled: "You are hit, you are hit, Lang Jun, you are hit."

  Liu Huan was overjoyed, stood up quickly, rushed out to hold the message, and asked happily, "How many, how many, are there any tops..."

   "The hundred and twentieth!"

   He smiled so that his eyes were closed, and he happily said, "Master, you are still going up in the middle."

   Liu Huan was a little disappointed. Bai Shan and the others had already stepped forward to congratulate him, "Congratulations, congratulations, you can have a treat today."

  Even Chengheng followed with congratulations, and then waited even more nervously.

  Bai Erlang's eyes were sharp, and he saw his elder brother's little boy by the window. Seeing the joy on his face, there was a guess in his heart. He immediately pointed out his head and asked, "Washing ink, has your uncle been caught?"

   After washing the ink, he raised his head, and when he saw the second young master, he shouted loudly: "I have won, I have won, my uncle won the 87th place in the exam."

  Changheng Heng in the room also heard it, and I was overjoyed.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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