Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2403: Miscarriage

  Chapter 2403 Miscarriage

  Ms. Tang invited Liu’s servants to deliver the letter. Man Bao received it and got up and said, “I’m leaving with Liru first. You can continue to play.”

Liu Huangang is a little more sober. He is pinching his nose and drinking the awful hangover soup. Hearing this, he looks up at her, "So early? You don't want to eat dinner before leaving? Don't you want to go back to the imperial village directly at night? ?"

  Man Bao waved his hand, "I have a patient who wants to see him. I don’t have time to eat dinner. Let’s play."

   Liu Huan can only be disappointed, "Okay."

  Bai Shan sent Man Bao out, "Just you two?"

   "I will go back home to pick up Sanniang. I heard Mrs. Tang's meaning. Sanniang visited before, but it didn't work much. This time I brought her."

  Bai Shan nodded and sent the person to the courtyard where the carriages and horses were parked.

  Ms. Tang was already waiting in the car, and when she saw Bai Shan coming over, she smiled and said, “You also sent it here specially, why, can I still abduct someone for you?”

  Bai Shan salutes and smiles: "I have to trouble Xuesao to send people home later, and there are some things to bring to her at home."

  This is because she is afraid that she will miss Zhou Man's too much time and miss her time to return to Huangzhuang.

  Ms. Tang responded with a smile, and said happily: "Don't worry, I will send people back to you all my way."

  Ms. Tang sent someone to deliver a letter to Liu Yizhu early, so when the Tang family’s carriage arrived at the side door of Zhou’s house, the door knocked and Liu Sanniang came out with the medicine box in a short while.

  Man Bao asked her, "Isn't it a day off today?"

   "No, it's just that today I have a class in the Medical Department of the Imperial College, and I can leave after I finish it. I didn't go back to the palace, but went home directly."

Although it was not a day off for the Liu’s banquet today, there were also many people who were absent from work and asked for leave to drink. Because there were more people, the palace seemed to be deserted, and she didn’t have work on duty, so Go home first.

  Man Bao nodded, glanced at her medicine box and asked, "Are you all packed?"

   "Yes, I have all of them."

  Man Bao sat leaning on the wall of the car and asked: "Since you have seen a patient, then tell me about her condition."

   Liu Sanniang looked at Madam Tang who was sitting aside hesitantly, a little embarrassed.

  Man Bao also turned to look at Mrs. Tang, and after a while, he leaned over and asked Liu Sanniang, "What's your privacy?"

  Liu Sanniang helplessly lowered her voice and said: "Master, this disease is a hidden disease, so..."

  Ms. Tang smiled slightly and said, "I know, my sister told me everything."

She turned her head to look at Man Bao, "I also told Man Bao about this. She had lochia after a miscarriage. She was cured originally, but she didn’t come for two or three months a while ago. She thought it happened again. I was pregnant, but after I got a doctor, I was either uncertain or not. Later, an old doctor prescribed a medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Who knew it would be bad after taking it, like a blood collapse. The pattering has been constant, but it seems to be draining the blood in the body."

  Man Bao had only heard her say that it was more than lochia, but she didn’t know that she had taken medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. The first instinct was to turn her head and ask Liu Sanniang, "She has a miscarriage?"

"No," Liu Sanniang said in a low voice, "I have looked carefully, it should not be pregnant. I also read the prescription and the pulse case written by the previous doctor, but I didn't see any problems, but it seemed Her body broke during a miscarriage, so..."

   Liu Sanniang paused and then whispered: "Master, she should have had no less than three miscarriages."

  Not talking about Man Bao, Madam Tang was startled, her voice was chopped, "What?"

   Liu Sanniang stopped talking.

  Ms. Tang's face changed color, and she asked Liu Sanniang, "Is this what she said?"

   Liu Sanniang said, "Madam and the girl who was waiting next to her said that it was three times, but I don’t think it stopped."

She and Man Bao said: "I have asked carefully, but she doesn't remember things a few years ago very clearly, but the big girl next to her remembers that she had a lot of blood when her menstruation came six years ago, but They said that Madam Wang’s monthly affairs were always inaccurate, sometimes more and sometimes less, so they didn’t care."

  Man Bao asked, "Does she have any children?"

   "Yes," Liu Sanniang said, "There is a son who is seven years old this year."

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, that is not a primitive habitual miscarriage, there must be some external cause.

   Liu Sanniang lowered her eyes and did not continue to say.

  How can Mrs. Tang’s sharp eyes hide it? She glanced at Liu Sanniang and asked, "Doctor Liu, but what's the secret?"

  Doctor Liu smiled and said, “Mrs. Tang, the rest is the patient’s privacy. If you want to know, you can only ask the patient.”

  She was able to talk about three miscarriages because it was definitely not hidden in the end, and it must be included in the case.

  Because she believes that the patient will be like this now, and the key to multiple miscarriages before.

  Ms. Tang pulled a smile and nodded: "Yes, Doctor Liu has helped me."

  Waiting for Tang Mansion, Mrs. Tang took a step first and gave them the space for three mentors and apprentices. She knew that Liu Yizhu must have not said something important.

Sure enough, when Mrs. Tang left, Liu Sanniang whispered to Man Bao: "Although she asked and didn't say anything, I found that she had some old wounds and some bones were broken. I looked like someone was kicking. Internal injury from the beating."

  Man Bao's face sank, "Have you asked?"

"I asked, but no matter it was her, or the maidservant beside her, they all insisted that no. The question was that I had fallen a few times because of the slippery snowy road, but I have carefully seen that some of the injuries on her body are simply not possible. It fell out."

Liu Sanniang also reminded: "Master, there are two aunts and two girls beside her who have been staring at me closely, but the two girls she married have always wanted me to be alone with her, but they have never had a chance. ."

  Man Bao snorted: "It's really looking for death. It's a bit of an eye to play with people in this Tang Mansion."

  Man Bao urged the two of them, "After you go in for a while and calm down, you will assume that you don’t know anything."

   Liu Sanniang and Zhou Liru responded together, and then they looked at Man Bao’s face and asked, "Master, are you not converging?"

  Man Bao said with a sullen face: "What am I converging? This is called Guanwei, do you know? Look at the number of senior officials in the court, how many have smiles on people? This is called Guanwei!"

Having said that, she went to see the lady Wang with a sullen face. As soon as she entered the yard, the few people who were greeted bluffed. She was a little cautious during the action. She bowed her knees, and Man Bao asked: " Where is the patient? Where is Tang Xuesao?"

"Here," Mrs. Tang, who had refreshed her mood, walked in with a smile, and took Man Bao's hand and said, "I will give you time to talk to your master and apprentice, and I want to invite you to the hall for tea first. Who knows you just came here, and the little hooves that led you don't know how serious they are. They neglected you, and I will punish them when I turn around."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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