Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2410: Vent you

  Chapter 2410 Vent you out

With the approval of Wang Ruile, Mrs. Tang started to act. According to her idea, first tell her father, and then find someone to bring Ma Cong back to the Wang family. She will directly beat the Ma family down. The next step is The matter of separation is very simple.

They took the handle of the Ma family. They didn't dare to leave. It was difficult to take the child away, but the child was already in the Wang family. In fact, it didn’t matter whether the child followed the mother in name or not. What's the problem with the Ma family's property?

  She thinks that her father will live for another twenty years without any problems. With her father's support, unless the Ma family is flying behind him, she does not believe that Cong'er can't rob the Ma family's people.

  He not only has a foreign family, but his status is not bad. The Ma family’s grandson is too!

  It’s just that Master Tang directly sprayed the tea after listening to her plan. He happily said, "You are planning to let the Wang family and the Ma family feud."

  Ms. Tang was still in anger at the moment, and she gave a cold snort.

  Master Tang smiled and said: "You gave them half of Li'er like this. It was originally our family, why should we let us bear the same name as them?"

He said: "It is not difficult for us to reconcile, but if you take the child away like this, the world is pedantic, and it is easy to forget those things the Ma family did. On the contrary, we feel that we are aggressive. What if the sister-in-law wants to remarry in the future? And it will also affect the future of the child."

   "Then what do you say? Just leave, and then tidy up the dowry and leave?"

   Master Tang clicked her forehead and smiled: "You are anxious and confused. Have you forgotten why the Ma family tried so hard to marry the sister-in-law?"

  Ms. Tang was silent for a while and then said: "My fifth uncle is gone. Their family is for the future, to marry the Wang family..."

"The fifth uncle is gone, don't you still have a father-in-law?" Tang Daren said: "You still ask your father-in-law and two brothers, and ask them what they are willing to do for this cousin. They are sure over there. It’s time to make up your mind about the rest."

  Ms. Tang stared at him suspiciously, "Do you have a way to let her and Li Qi leave with the child, and leave with integrity?"

  Master Tang smiled slightly; "The key lies in the father-in-law."

  He paused and said, "However, if the father-in-law is unwilling, there is another way on my side, but it will be more difficult."

"any solution?"

"In-laws," Tang Master stretched out his hand to hold her, and smiled slightly: "In-laws, in-laws, isn't it for this time? Excluding the in-laws of brothers, sisters and sisters, how many in-laws are your sisters alone? NS?"

  "Fortunately, the five uncles and five aunts felt sorry for the sister-in-law, and specially selected the Ma family, which is not very high. So we can coerce and lure. If we change to another family that is comparable to ours, it will be difficult to do it."

  Mrs. Tang babbled and said: "If the fifth uncle and the fifth aunt hadn't chosen a pickled family like the Ma family, Ruile would not necessarily suffer such a crime."

Master Tang thought about it, but he still comforted her: "Fortunately, the discovery is timely and there is a chance to remedy it. It's not too late. Don't be too angry. You should write to your father-in-law and brothers first. "

  Mrs. Tang went to get the pen, and Master Tang graciously polished her ink.

  However, after Mrs. Tang finished writing the letter, she always felt that waiting like this was too slow, so she patted Master Tang's arm several times angrily.

  Master Tang hissed exaggeratedly, after thinking about it, he leaned into Mrs. Tang’s ear and asked, "Or, you try the latter method?"

  Ms. Tang looked up at him, "Say it!"

  Master Tang smiled slightly, clutching his arms and shouted, "It hurts."

  Mrs. Tang: "...I will rub it for you?"

  Master Tang stretched out his hand.

  Ms. Tang squeezed his arms perfunctorily, then patted his shoulders and said: "Say quickly."

   "Let’s let you vent your anger first. You should invite some sister-in-laws to Yongzhou. It is best to bring your brother-in-law, and then invite Ma Hongzhong. After meeting in Yongzhou, let some brother-in-law beat him up."

Mrs. Tang frowned, "Why go to Yongzhou? Can't you come directly to the capital?"

  Master Tang: "...Madam, my husband neither wants to arrest you nor to be impeached by Yushi."

  Mrs. Tang: "...Then what if I bring people to Wannian County?"

"Don’t, the magistrate Guo was sitting next to me during the meeting. I don’t want to be beaten by him. Madam, Yongzhou is not very far away. Just find an excuse to meet in Yongzhou and find a remote place to start. "Tang Daren said: "But you have to be exhorted. Beating people can hurt, but you must not lose your arms or legs, let alone cause death."

  Ms. Tang coldly snorted: "I know, if you really play something good or bad, the cheaper one is the Ma family."

   "Yes," Mr. Tang comforted her, "In the future, there will be opportunities. For people like us, beating is the least distressing method."

  Mrs. Tang left Mrs. Tang to write a letter.

  The Cui family’s daughters are all over the world, but in fact, the Wang family has many daughters. Compared with the Cui family’s many daughters, the Wang family has more sons than daughters. It seems that the Wang family does not have many daughters.

  Ms. Tang naturally didn't contact anyone alone, she contacted all the sisters who could shoot Ma's face and might participate in her face-slapping together.

  The fourth is the first one.

  Man Bao didn't know that her patient was going to stir up the wind and rain. She was inoculating the second group of patients at this time, and the third batch of experimenters were also sent in.

  The second group of patients also included 180 people, and the third group of patients directly entered 300 people, and many more houses were built in the imperial village.

  However, in addition to vaccinating humans, they also have to vaccinate cows.

After discussion, the Taiyuan Hospital feels that the risk of cowpox is still very high. It is not the risk of one person in 180 people dying or two people stupid, but because at least 40 of the 180 people have a high fever. , And this ratio is too high.

  In the eyes of the emperor, a high fever means a high risk, and people have a high risk of death and stupidity, so this ratio must be lowered.

   To let the emperor ask, that is, one hundred and eighty people are best not to die alone, not to be stupid, or even to have a high fever.

  Xiaoyuan Zhengdangtang responded, but as soon as he turned around and went out, he couldn’t help but chant with Man Bao, “This is impossible.”

  Man Bao: "Then you should still play?"

   "Your Majesty also knows in his heart that it is impossible. What he needs is an attitude that I waited for, but the proportion of high fever really needs to be reduced by some means to make vaccinia safer."

  Man Bao: “After all, it’s still too much toxin. How to make cowpox to make it less toxic?”

Several imperial doctors thought about it together. After thinking about it for two days, Man Bao said with some uncertainty: "Vaccinia is safer than human pox. Wouldn't it be safer to revaccinate cows with vaccinia and then develop mature pox?" "

    See you tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will take my niece and the others out of the amusement park, so maybe there is no change. Let’s start the fourth day on Monday.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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