Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2414: Etiquette Examination (for book friends "first embrace"

  Chapter 2414 Etiquette Examination

  Mrs. Tang is very curious, "Why are you always planting vaccinia? Last time you came and said you want to plant vaccinia."

   "Different acne vaccines," Man Bao turned his head and smiled brilliantly at Mrs. Tang: "We will continue to research new and safer acne vaccines. By then, all three children in your family can plant them."

  Mrs. Tang: "...They don’t need it, right?"

Man Baodao: "If you are going to travel far, it is better to plant safety. Children are not like adults. In fact, they are less dangerous. Now we choose the experimenters who are between 14 and 25 years old, but the next batch of us It is necessary to choose between 12 and 19 years old, and in the future, it will be lowered to around 7 years old. Then you can look at the data."

  Mrs. Tang: …She didn’t want to look at it at all.

  Man Bao waved at her and wandered back to Huangzhuang.

  At this time, Bai Shan and the others are still waiting at the Ministry of Rites.

  The examination of the Ministry of Etiquette, the candidates who passed the Jinshi exam last year, the candidates who passed the Mingke exam this year, and only three candidates who passed the Jinshi exam the previous year, including him, come for reference.

  According to the number of people, the exam is divided into two days. The more famous ones such as Bai Shan and Liu Huan were ranked on the first day.

  However, they queued up until the afternoon, and took the Jinshi exam from last year in the morning.

   was waiting, an official came out and called Bai Shan and the other two people.

  The three of them were all Jinshi from the previous year. Because of various reasons, they did not make up their official posts last year, so they did not come to the exam.

  Bai Shan got up, smoothed out the tiny fold on his sleeve, and after saluting with the other two people, they stepped forward. From the moment they walked into the yard, their exams began.

  The three of them strode forward, bowing and saluting the three sitting above like clouds and flowing water.

  The chief examiner nodded slightly, raised his hand and said: "Get up."

  The three of them stood up straight after thanking them.

  The test of the Ministry of Etiquette is very simple. It depends on whether you look good or not, cough cough, no, whether you have good-looking features.

  In addition, there are also walking style, cough and cough, whether the limbs are coordinated, whether the hair is black (whether the body is healthy), whether the salute is good-looking (whether it is good or not)......

Anyway, the time is short. Just walk into the yard and come to the examiners, salute them, let them look at your face, and each answer a question. In the process of answering the questions, the examiners will look at you. Teeth, generally buck teeth or teeth that are not very good may also be eliminated, which is also considered by them as misconduct.

  Of course, the most important thing is that officials cannot stutter. This is the main purpose of the oral exam.

  Dajin is so color-controlled, so although the test of the Ministry of Etiquette does not make sense, there is only one word, but the symbols recorded on the list are divided into high and low points.

  Being like Bai Shan gets an advantage.

  As soon as the three of them left, the examiner touched his beard and said: "Yes, yes, this kid looks really good."

   The adult on the side laughed and said, "Last time the old man said this was when Mr. Yang from the Yang family came to refer to it."

   "Oh, that can't be compared," the examiner smiled so that his eyes were narrowed, "I'm talking about grace, not a face, it's really a face, how many people in this world compare to Master Xiao Yang?"

  "That's, I still remember when he came to our Ritual Department to take a test, there were many girls outside the imperial city who drove their father and brother’s carriage into the imperial city. Oh, we almost blocked our Ritual Department, hahahaha..."

   "Ahem, serious, the student is here."

  The happy adult laughed immediately, looking at the three students coming towards them with a serious face. The three were a little disappointed at the same time. In terms of style, the last Baishan was better.

  Bai Shan got his order, patted Liu Huan and said, "Am I waiting for you outside?"

  Liu Huan was a little nervous, but it was not the courtesy exam that was coming soon, but the official exam next month. Once again, he couldn't help but ask Bai Shan, "Do I really want to register for the official exam?"

  Bai Shan: "...have already signed up, would you ask if this is useful?"

   "Yes, I signed up. It was all my grandfather, saying that shrinking the head is a knife, and stretching the head is a knife, but I have seen the papers you found for me, and I can do half of it."

Bai Shan comforted him, "You can ask for an official if you can do half of the job. After you pass the test of the Ministry of Etiquette, I will take you to review, and you will only review the calculations on the Ministry of Engineering. Then you can ask the official of the Ministry of Engineering. ."

  The official examination is necessary for selecting officials, and the papers for passing the Jinshi and Mingjing examinations are different. The examination for the officials of the Mingjing department will be much easier, and you can choose a more focused direction.

  For example, do you want to go to the Ministry of Rites or the Ministry of Staff?

  Or the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Engineering?

  Report, except for the same basic issues, there will be some emphasis later.

  There is no choice in the Jinshi subjects. Not only must it be comprehensive, it will have a large amount of questions, but it will also be more advanced.

Since returning to the capital, Bai Shan has been preparing for the examinations for the officials, especially when he is preparing for expatriation. Not only must he be familiar with the criminal law, but he must also understand the taxation, field calculations, population, etc. of the households. The local agriculture, mulberry, water conservancy, etc. These will be tested.

  There are also education, people’s aspirations, etc., because the county magistrates also have an important task to teach the people and obey the king’s aspirations.

   During this period of time, Mr. Zhuang went to work, and when he got home, he was always checking and filling Bai Shan's vacancies. It can be said that he has to learn a lot more than Liu Huan.

  Because they knew that he was Bai Shan, the Baixian who had reported to the imperial court, pulled the king of Yizhou off his horse, and also participated in the Western Expeditionary War, the candidates like to observe Bai Shan.

  Some people observe in secret, while others come directly to make friends.

  Bai Shan dealt with it all morning and was a little tired at this time, so after telling Liu Huan, he said: "I'm waiting for you outside, you hurry up."

   Liu Huan nodded in response, and watched him leave very reluctantly.

Yin Or and Bai Erlang were waiting for him while eating snacks in the car outside. At this moment, the sound of drinking and drinking was coming from the car. He opened the curtain and looked in and saw Zhao Liulang raising his head against a note with his head. I was a little stunned to see him, "Why are you here?"

  Zhao Liulang saw him as if he had seen a savior, and immediately tore off the note on his forehead and shouted: "Come up, come up, I'll be waiting for you."

  Shirajiro stared at his forehead, but after thinking about it, it didn’t break. He just tore off four or five pieces of paper from his head.

  Only Yinor's forehead is the cleanest of the three.

  Bai Shan glanced at the checkers on the low table, smiled slightly, raised the curtain and got into the cart, and asked: "You two lose all?"

  Zhao Liulang said: "This is the first time I have no experience in playing, so I won't lose the next time."

  Hakujiro: "I was implicated by him."

  Zhao Liulang: "You fart, this is a chess played by two people, how can I bother you?"

  Yin may ask Bai Shan: "Have you passed the exam?"

  Bai Shan nodded and showed them the list.

  The other three nodded indifferently. Bai Shan did not look bad and did not stutter. What could be wrong with the etiquette exam?

  Bai Shan asked Zhao Liulang again curiously, "Why are you here?"

  Zhao Liulang said: "I went into the palace to beg to see my mother. I saw your horse when I came out. I won't mistake your horse, so I came here."

    See you tomorrow, tomorrow will be more



  (End of this chapter)

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