Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2418: Are you afraid?

  Chapter 2418 Are you afraid?

The maternal housekeeper hurried over. At this time, she already knew that this master was not easy to provoke. Although she didn't say a word from beginning to end, and never complained, Zhao Guogong's mansion waited for an hour and a half. The masters didn't say a word yet, she knew that she would have to peel off her skin if she didn't die. How could she dare to provoke her at this time?

   Seeing her begging for her own clothes and socks, or begging in front of Liu Langjun, she knew she was finished.

She was accustomed to kneeling softly, but seeing Zhao Liulang staring at her badly, she didn't dare to kneel and begged at this time, so she could only bend over and said: "In the house, the slave servant has been taking care of Zhou Tai's doctor. ."

So Zhou Man asked Zhao Liulang to wait in the yard, and took Jiulan in to change clothes, footwear, etc., and exchanged his own things. Jiulan would also take out the set that he just wore and return it to the maid in charge. Mother, the master, servant, master and apprentice only then left.

  Zhao Liulang silently sent Zhou Man out, and when he reached the side door in front, he said: "There is nothing wrong with the people at home, so you are wronged."

  Man Bao turned around and glanced at him, baring his teeth and said: "This is not. It is not me who is wronged today. Moreover, whether the servants are innocent, both you and I know."

  It’s not the first time that she has come out of the imperial house. Every time she goes to Tang Mansion to see a doctor, who avoids her? Isn't Mrs. Tang holding her hand affectionately and talking?

  The last time I went to Liu’s house for a drink, she also went out from the imperial house. Although there were people talking about it, whether it was a male guest or a female guest, who deliberately avoided her from contacting her?

  There are still so many guests in the Liu Mansion, so everyone still has fun together.

  There is no such meaning from the master, so dare the servant do such a thing?

  Man Bao did not take the carriage shuttled by Zhao's family, but left directly in Liu Sanniang's car.

   Liu Sanniang’s car was a bus from the Taiyuan Hospital, but it was time for lunch. Today, Liu Sanniang was ordered to go out for an outpatient consultation, so this bus will always listen to her instructions.

  The carriage drove out of Zhao’s house and headed directly to Zhou’s house.

Zhou’s house and Zhao’s house are different, but they are separated by two squares. They are not very far away. Here are the residential areas of powerful families. The roads are spacious and there are few people. The carriage is a bit faster, but half a quarter of an hour. Will be there.

  As soon as she got on the car, Liu Sanniang's face was a little bad, and Man Bao said, "Master, they humiliate you."

  She had only known that Master had deliberately suppressed time not to enter, but she did not expect that they would let Master change clothes and socks before entering.

Even now, Jiulan is still aggrieved, and exclaimed: "Every time our lady goes out of the imperial village, she cleans up and changes her clothes and socks. She can't bring out the smallpox at all. In order to rush in time, our hair hasn't been twisted very dry. It's the smell of fragrant pancreas. I don't believe that the steward can't smell it, but I also pointed it out for our lady to freshen up and be busy without even leaving a mouthful of food."

  Man Bao:……

  "This is a bit wronged, only people left the meal."

"It was noon when you treated her old lady to the doctor. Shouldn't Zhili's family have dinner and then see the doctor?" Jiulan said confidently: "You said you want to see a doctor, they really let you see the doctor first. , It means that you are fast this time, otherwise you will be treated like other patients, half an hour by hour, don’t you have to be hungry?"

  And Zhao Liulang's smile sank after their carriage left. He turned gloomily to find the maid, staring at her and asking, "Who ordered you?"

  The maid in charge immediately knelt down and said shiveringly: “The slave girl thought that Doctor Zhou came out of such a place. If there is something inappropriate on her body, then our house is going to suffer disaster, so she made her own claim...”

"Do it yourself?" Zhao Liulang kicked over, kicked the person to the side, and said with a gloomy expression: "You have to think clearly, do you think Zhou Man is just a doctor? She is still half of her classmate, Chongwenguan. Compiled by the fourth product, seriously, she is still the boss of the master, what are you, you dare to humiliate her on your own terms, and don't look at how many heads you have grown!"

When they first entered the Chongwenguan, Zhou Man occasionally ran to attend classes with them. This period of time was almost a year. Later, the Imperial Medical Office opened and she had to attend classes at the Imperial Medical Office, so that they would not rub their culture. class.

  Even if it’s not a classmate, it just depends on the relationship with Bai Shan Bai Er, how can Zhou Man be trampled on here at will?

  Not to mention that she is still compiled by Chongwenguan, he is still studying in Chongwenguan, although there is no direct relationship between the two, but in terms of grade, she is his superior.

  The more Zhao Liulang thinks about it, the more annoyed he gets. Zhou Man is wronged at his home. What kind of face will he use to meet Bai Shan and Bai Er in the future?

He looked like he could not wait to eat her. The maid could not escape, so she could only kneel and begged for mercy: "This is all ordered by the wife of the world and the ladies. The ladies are also worried about what she might bring in. thing……"


  Zhao Liulang went to the backyard annoyed, planning to find his mother to be the master of him. There is no way, he is a junior, so he can't yell at a few sister-in-laws.

  At this time, the situation in the backyard also changed suddenly.

  It’s not the first time that Mrs. Zhao Guogong has given Zhou Man to see a doctor. She had been ill twice before and also asked Zhou Man to prescribe.

In her impression, she was a very polite, well-behaved and sensible little lady, so as soon as she left, she asked the old mother, "Before there were too many people, you can’t go away, so I’m not easy to ask, Doctor Zhou Why is it delayed in the front?"

  The old mother brought a bowl of soup to Mrs. Zhao Guogong, and smiled: "I said, don't be angry."

"You speak first."

  Grandma: "That won’t work, you have to agree to the slave and the slave will tell you."

   "Fine, I promise you, how many days do I have? I'm no longer angry with them."

"What are you talking about? Your days are still going on," the old mother said after a pause: "I asked, only to know that Doctor Zhou was taken to the guest house to clean up as soon as he entered the door. I changed clothes. I heard that even the hair was washed, and the personal items such as shoes and socks were changed before I came in."

  Why did Mrs. Zhao Guogong fail to respond for a while.

  The old mother whispered: "Old lady, Doctor Zhou came out of the imperial house."

   Mrs. Zhao Guogong reacted and slapped the table with anger, "Which idiot did something stupid?"

Mrs. Shizi, who was worried about what Zhou Man had brought in, was complaining to several younger siblings, "I never thought that she was young and had such a big temper. It took a long and a half hour before she came here, but she picked up the empress. Yizhi came to see the doctor, but relied on his skill to do whatever he wanted."

    The next chapter is around ten thirty in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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