Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2421: Results

  Chapter 2421 Results

  Man Bao had no desire to talk outside about the affairs of Zhao Guogong's mansion. In her opinion, this was a trivial matter. She reported it back on the spot, so don't care too much.

  In Zhao Guogong's mansion, from the first wife to the sixth wife, all were directly or indirectly reprimanded for this incident, and the mansion will not talk about it.

  So I really didn’t know outside at first.

  Man Bao went out two more trips to treat Mrs. Zhao Guogong’s illness seven or eighty-eight. The rest is to relax the mood, rely on food to supplement, and occasionally use acupuncture and moxibustion for recuperation, no need to take decoctions.

  So Man Bao began to pay attention to the affairs of Huangzhuang, and occasionally asked Wang Ruile to go out for a noon vacation to see a doctor.

  But at this moment, the palace knew.

It was just when the third and fourth batches of experimenters in Huangzhuang got the results. They used cowpox to inoculate cows with pox, and then used cowpox to inoculate humans. The proportion of high fever dropped to 11% and 1%. Nine, the sum of the two batches is 10%.

  Furthermore, there were no deaths in these two cases, but the high fever cases still have other bad sequelae.

  Sure enough, the world’s doctors are not easily satisfied people. When the dead are dead, they pursue the undead, and when the undead, they must seek to reduce the proportion of high fever. If the proportion drops, a lower proportion is required, and there is no sequelae of high fever.

However, the current test results are a huge result for the Taiyuan Hospital. Xiao Yuanzheng stayed up all night and wrote the book. The next day, he happily took it to the emperor. In the end, he entered the small court meeting, but there were a few words. The official is impeaching Zhao Guogong.

  This had nothing to do with him, but after listening to it, Zhou Man’s name kept appearing, which was relevant.

  At any rate, she is too hospitalized.

As a result, the thoughts flashed, and the fire burned from Zhao Guogong to Zhou Man. Previously, Zhao Guogong was impeached for not repairing, but after arguing and arguing, Zhou Man knew that there was a smallpox patient in Huangzhuang, but he always went in and out of the emperor. village……

  Xiao Yuanzheng:...

  This is unbearable. Xiao Yuan, who stood in the corner and waited to speak, immediately walked out and said, “Your Majesty, it’s an imperial decree for the Doctor Zhou to go to Zhao Guogong’s mansion to treat Mrs. Guo Gong’s doctor.”

   "But I heard that apart from seeing Mrs. Guo Gong, she basically has to go out again every seven days. She still goes to Tang Mansion for outpatient clinics. When is this, she dare to pick up patients privately."

  Lord Tang frowned slightly.

Xiao Yuanzheng said: "The ministers knew about the matter. The doctor Zhou and the ministers reported it. They also said that they were going to treat the disease and save people. She did not delay her work in the imperial village. She went out when it was time for lunch. In the afternoon I came back before entering the ward."

"Moreover, if the adults care that she enters and exits the imperial village with poison, they should be more careful about the ministers and the emperor Liu and Zheng emperor and other talents." Xiao Yuanzheng said: "The ministers and others have to go in and out of the imperial house almost every day, and the ministers even go to the imperial house. Dachaohui, Xiaochaohui, hasn't nothing happened in the days?"

  Xiao Yuan Zhengdao: "There are three checkpoints in Huangzhuang. The ward and the place where the doctors live are completely separated. Every time we come out of the ward, we have to bathe and change clothes, and we must not take out a single thing from the inside."

"Yes, the minister requested that Zhou and Lu were not allowed to go out without a warrant, but it was not because the patients they were in contact with were more dangerous than me, but because the ward was always in need of the doctor to watch, otherwise they would take turns in and out. It’s too time-consuming to change people in and out every day.” Xiao Yuanzheng said: “Your Majesty, I’m the ones who prevent and treat smallpox. Since we dare to go in and out, we are naturally prepared.”

  The emperor nodded again and again, and immediately talked to the mud, "Xiao Qing said it was right. Of course, several Aiqings were right about it. Let Zhou Man come out in the future, right?"

"Yes," Xiao Yuan was immediately pulling out the zipper from his sleeve, and bowed and handed it forward: "The third and fourth batches of test data have come out, and the fourth batch is waiting for the re-infection test results, but the ministers guessed. There should be no problem, now this is data."

  Gu Zhong immediately went down and took the paper and gave it to the emperor.

  The emperor was overjoyed, "So, is it a great achievement?"

Xiao Yuanzheng said: "Actually, you can do a few more experiments. We can use some of the cows of all ages and places, and the most suitable season for vaccination... The minister also lists additional experiments at the back of the folder. If all the relevant data can be determined one by one, and then the vaccination will be implemented, the success rate should be higher."

When the emperor saw the long list of test names at the end, the excitement on his face faded a little, and he asked, "How long will it take?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng said: "If you finish it all, one or two years." Actually, it's more than that, but the emperor is an impatient person.

  As a result, the emperor was too long in one or two years. After thinking about it, he ticked two words: "Let’s try the difference between vaccination for teenagers over twelve and under twelve. Others will be discussed later."

  Xiao Yuan was a little disappointed, but still cheered up to respond, and then hesitated to ask: "This person..."

   "I ask the purchasers of the household department and the palace to dispatch employment, and you just wait for people."

Xiao Yuanzheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked where the cases in Huangzhuang were located, "The minister still wants to track their situation. I want to look at one year later, three years later, five years later, or even longer. In the future, will they have other bad reactions due to vaccination, or will they be exposed to smallpox after years, and will they still have the ability to resist."

  The emperor said: "Everyone is sent back to the original place to listen. You mark the people's coming and going, and you will investigate when the time comes."

  Xiao Yuan was responding to the subordinate and asked another question, "Your Majesty, the houses and medicine halls in the imperial village are not easy to build. After the test, can those things be kept? If there are other tests in the future, they can be done there."

  The emperor thought for a while, nodded and agreed.

  The emperor took the zipper in his hand and looked at it. He was very happy, and said to Xiao Yuanzheng: "End the fourth experiment as soon as possible, and report the exact data."

   said to the other ministers: "This is a major event that has a long history. If the risk of acne is so small, but it can prevent smallpox, my Li family should also be vaccinated, and I should be the first person."

  The ministers were shocked after hearing this, and quickly persuaded the emperor not to take risks.

  Xiao Yuanzheng was also in a cold sweat. The emperor was at this age. To be honest, he really didn't dare to let him take risks, but the princes and princes in the harem, as well as the emperors and grandchildren, could give it a try.

  The emperor was in a good mood. He consciously felt that he was in good health. Slaves and wounded soldiers and veterans who were in deficit could be vaccinated. Why couldn't he?

  So the few officials who had remembered the disputes in Zhao Guogong's mansion instantly left the matter behind, and seriously persuaded the emperor to come.

  The emperor finally smiled and walked away with the folds, and easily mentioned Zhao Guogong to the Taiji Hall, with the beautiful name of recounting the past with the empress.

  As soon as he got to the back, before he entered the hall, the emperor stopped, frowned and asked Zhao Guogong, "What's the matter, didn't Zhou Man go to treat his sister-in-law? Why are you listening to your family having conflicts with others?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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