Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2423: Recommended upgrade

  Chapter 2423 Suggested Upgrade

  It’s not difficult at all for Manbao who has seen many patients and remembered the notes in great detail.

In the past few years, she has had two baskets in her case book. It contains not only the pulse case and the prescriptions used, but also the person’s name, hometown, appearance, patient’s statement, and even the pulse condition for follow-up visits. You can just extract a part of the various records and put it directly into the medical book, so you don’t need to bother to compile it.

  So she has a high birth rate, and even the doctor Liu, who is a civil doctor, is embarrassed.

  But everyone is not surprised after reading Zhou Man’s notes. What can the imperial doctors of the hospital do? Apart from admiration, naturally I can only try to learn from her.

However, it is really difficult to do so. A day and two days, three, five, seven or eight patients is nothing, one month and two months, thirty to fifty, seventy to eighty patients have to write so detailed, they are very troublesome. And irritability, let alone insisting on it for the next few years, or even more than ten years.

  When I think about it, my eyes are black.

  In many cases, many people give up silently after less than ten years of persistence.

  Can you keep track of how many cakes, steamed buns, sips of water you ate every morning for decades, and even trivial things like whether the cakes are salty or sweet?

  Many imperial doctors can't do it anyway, so in the end everyone can only hold their admiration to the bottom of their hearts. Every day, they watch imperial doctor Zhou adding various detailed things that make their scalp numb when writing pulse cases.

The emperor knew that Zhou Man was smart, and that she was now in a stable position in the hospital, but he didn't know that she had edited so many books. He was shocked for a while, "No wonder I appointed her as a fourth-grade editor, and the Chongwenguan didn't say a word. ."

  Only God knew that he had been waiting for the people at Chongwenguan to object one or two during that time. He even figured out the reasons for dismissing them, but no one said anything. It turned out to be the case.

  The queen couldn't help but glanced at him.

  The emperor thought about it, and said to the queen: "If she makes further contributions in the future, I think she will be promoted to the official position of Chongwenguan, and the hospital can be promoted by half."

  The queen smiled and said: "Why doesn't your Majesty raise the grade of Taiyuan Hospital?"

  The emperor obviously hadn't thought about this, and couldn't help looking at the queen in surprise.

The queen smiled and said: "In the past, there were only so many people in the Imperial Hospital, which only treated officials in the palace and the court, but now there are the Imperial Medical Office. There are hundreds of students in the Imperial Medical Office, and there are twelve local imperial medical offices outside. In the future, there will only be more and more local imperial medical offices, more people in charge, more places, and more things involved. It is better to upgrade the imperial medical office so that more people can be used."

  The emperor started thinking about it, and said after a long while: "This matter is not easy. If the Imperial Medical Office is upgraded, there are many things involved. If it is upgraded, it can no longer belong to Taichang Temple."

  The Zhengqing of Taichang Temple is the third grade, six Shangshu, and the other eight temples are also third grades, but they are only classified as correctness.

  The imperial medical department’s Xiaoyuan is the fourth grade. If the entire imperial medical department raises the product, it will be at the same level as the Taichang Temple in charge, which is definitely not acceptable.

  If there is no superior and inferior, how can we manage it well?

   Therefore, if you want to submit products, the Imperial Medical Office will be divided into a separate department.

  The emperor hesitated. The project was so big that he was dizzy just thinking about it, and the cost was so great that he felt distressed just after his heart was over.

   But considering that the vaccinia has already been made, this thing must be promoted in the future, so that more people will be vaccinated, otherwise, how to eliminate smallpox?

  Think carefully. If even smallpox can be eliminated, can other diseases be eliminated?

Various thoughts flashed through the emperor's heart, and he sat cross-legged on the couch and started to daze.

  The queen didn't bother him when she saw her, she took the needle and thread on the table next to her and did it.

   When the emperor returned to his senses, he leaned forward and asked, "Who made these socks for?"

  The queen smiled, "Your Majesty."

  The emperor became triumphant, looked at it pretentiously and nodded and said: "However, the queen's craftsmanship is good."

Xiao Yuanzheng, who was out of the palace, didn’t know whether he was promoted to the emperor’s mind. He was different from other officials. Whether he was a civil servant or a military general, he could change to another department to continue after he achieved the highest level of a department, and then or They can become the chief officials of Xinjiang, or they can be the prime ministers, and then they can make the marquis, the kings, and the kings...

  He is a doctor, and the best doctor is where he is now. The Fourth Grade Academy is right!

  If there is great merit, your majesty may award him a knighthood.

  But it is also different from those of civil and military ministers. Their title can be passed on, but most of the rewards of their healers are cut for one life. If they can get a plaque from the emperor, it is a good thing to protect the family for three generations.

  The Xiao Yuanzheng who has reached the extreme is not afraid of it except for fear of being seized from office.

That's why Xiao Yuanzheng, who has made a great contribution, can be angry as much as he can. He went out of the palace angrily and went home. Halfway through the walk, he felt really angry, so he knocked on the wall of the carriage and made the carriage turn, "Go to the imperial village!" "

  He ran to Huangzhuang and asked Zhou Man, "You were humiliated when you went to Zhao Guogong's mansion for a visit?"

Man Bao just came out of the ward at this time. She had just changed her clothes and her hair was still half dry. The draped hair was a bit messy, and it didn't look very good. She was a little dazed, "Am I humiliated? "

Xiao Yuanzheng snorted coldly: "Things are going up, saying that as soon as you enter the door, someone will hold your clothes and socks to ask you to change and wash, even your hair must be washed before you can go in. This is not a humiliation. what is this?"

  Man Bao was surprised, "Is the Zhao family stupid? I didn't say anything, why did they take the initiative to expose its shortcomings?"

"Who knows if it's stupid or not? It's someone else's business, let's leave it alone, I'll ask you, why don't you tell the courtyard?" Xiao Yuan was indignant, "Do you think this is your own business? No, you were humiliated yesterday. Today they can step on the imperial hospital and point to all imperial physicians. Next time, regardless of who it is, whether in the palace or outside the palace, any individual can humiliate us."

  The doctor Lu in the yard next door was standing on the courtyard wall staring at her.

  Manbao: "...Isn’t that? No, don’t you have no brains? Being polite is the basic communication etiquette. Who would follow this style without the brain? How about self-cultivation?"

Xiao Yuan paused and calmed down a little bit, but still said: "Anyway, we are too hospitalized and can't take it for nothing. Do you know what people say about you at the imperial meeting? Say you have come into contact with so many smallpox patients in the imperial residence. , But always enter and leave the imperial village."

  Man Bao immediately said: "It was the queen who ordered me to see a doctor. Do they dare to blame the queen?"

   "Of course they don't blame the queen, they mentioned you going to Tang Mansion."

  "Then I went to Zhao Guogong's Mansion and I was fine, why would I have trouble when I went to Tang Mansion? And I only go out every three to five days, but you are going back and forth every day, right?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to pat her, "Is it time for infighting?"

  Man Bao was wronged, "I'm refuting them, where is the internal conflict?"

  But her previous sentence was a bit of infighting, and she immediately changed her words, "Who said that to me? Tell me, I'll look for them later."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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