Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2425: desire

  Chapter 2425 Wish

Zhao Liulang didn’t know this at all. It’s been a long time since his mother’s illness was cured, and the guilt and guilt in his heart were gone. So as soon as he received Bai Shan’s letter, he went to the study. The medical books that had been copied by the aides in the family were squeezed into his arms and were about to go out.

   Halfway through the walk, he felt that it was not good to hold it like this, so he called in the young man, patted the book in his arms, and said, "Go, find something nice and put it in the expensive box."

  Xiaosuo looked at the book in his hand and found it strange, why did his family Liulangjun like to give books to people instead?

   "What to look at, this is an apologize to the genius Doctor Zhou Xiao, hurry up and find the box."

   "Hey!" Xiao Si happily replied, ran to look for Mrs. Six, and found a nice box to put it on.

  Zhao Liulang took the box and happily went to Zhouzhai for a banquet.

How can Baishan's wine be so delicious? Especially since he still doesn't like to drink very much, he is willing to drink with you, which shows how much face it is.

  Finally, the box was left. Zhao Liulang went home to look for his father with a face of shame and trance, "Father, because Zhou Man came to see him at home, have you and Zhou Man been impeached?"

  Zhao Guogong looked at him curiously, "When have you also been interested in government affairs?"

  Zhao Liulang: "Bai Shan told me."

   "He is well informed," Zhao Guogong waved indifferently: "It's not a major event, it's already over."

  He doesn’t care, he has prepared the title and others, so why bother with this kind of rumors?

But Zhao Liulang didn’t know, and Zhao Guogong didn’t intend to tell his son about the undisclosed matter, so Zhao Liulang said with a guilty expression: "Father, this incident was our family’s fault. The impeachment is still because you are fighting for the military. Shang Shu..."

  Zhao Guogong looked at him, "How do you know that I want to fight for the Ministry of War Shangshu?"

  Zhao Liulang: "What Bai Shan said, isn't it?"

  Zhao Guogong:...Yes, but Bai Shan is not in the court, how does he know?

  Even if it is Chaozhong, only a few people know about it.

  Li Shangshu’s illness was not publicized, but after the Chinese New Year, he rarely went to court...but before, he always asked for leave and didn’t go to court.

  Zhao Guogong stared at his son, and said after a long while: "Oh, what did Bai Shan say?"

Zhao Liulang scratched his head, "I didn't say much, just saying that Zhou Man was young, and it was not easy to answer back when he was scolded like this for the first time. After all, she would inevitably hurt our family when she said back. It's not good to hurt the jade bottle, so..."

  Zhao Liulang whispered: "My son thinks that this happened because of us. People have tolerated such a disgusting mouse. We can't say nothing."

  Zhao Guogong understood now, he frowned and thought, thinking that what his son said made sense.

Although he didn't think the few gossips in the court had anything to care about, Zhou Man was a little girl after all, unlike him, with thick skin and thick skin, so she nodded and said: "Okay, wait for her to come out of the imperial house. If you ask your sister-in-law to prepare a generous gift for someone to send it away, it will be regarded as an apologize."

  The more and more Zhao Guogong thinks about it, the more correct it is, just to repair the relationship between the two parties, so as not to have a bad relationship with the hospital in the future, and it is not good to ask the doctor.

  Zhao Liulang breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said with a smile: "Father, then you can talk to your eldest brother or mother about this matter."

  He is a little uncle, it is always difficult to ask for something from his sister-in-law, and he and Zhou Man have a good relationship. Last time because of this, several sister-in-laws in the family were fined, and their relationship was much worse.

Zhao Guogong also knew that he nodded and waved him to leave. Seeing him turning around with joy, he suddenly remembered something and stopped him and said: "I'm about to tell you, you are not too young. I will let you participate in Ming Jing this year. If you don’t take part in the test again and again, then go to the Forbidden Army. Turn around, my Majesty and I ask for grace. You should be a small banner first."

  Zhao Liulang widened his eyes and looked at his father incredulously, "Me, shall I be a ban?"

   "Otherwise?" Zhao Guogong glared at him, "Are you planning to go to the Ming Jing test next year, or send you directly to the border? You can't give me a Jinshi exam, right?"

  Zhao Liulang's shoulders collapsed, and he said, "Father, can't I be at home? And I'm still studying in Chongwenguan."

"Shut up, don’t be ashamed, your son will be able to enlighten in two years, you are still studying in Chongwenguan, what have you read in the past three or four years? Bai Shan is so much younger than you, read it out A Jinshi, Liu Huan, who was on your way, not only relied on himself to make a baron, but also passed the Mingjing exam. What did you read?"

  Zhao Guogong felt too embarrassed, especially when facing Liu Hui, he didn't want to see Liu Shangshu's old face, but he still had to see it once a day.

He was heartbroken once to see him once, as long as he thought that his son was first classmate with the grandson of the other person, but the grandson of the National People's Congress passed the exam and sang all the way. Now Yizhou City has served as a county magistrate for four years, and he can come back in a few years. NS.

Later, he was a classmate with his little grandson, but his little grandson also passed the Mingjing exam. As for his son, he was first at Hunguozijian and then Hun Chong Wenguan. At this age, he was still unsure of his future, and he was so **** off. .

  Zhao Liulang muttered, "I am late."

Zhao Guogong was furious, "Why don't you mature more than 20 years late, just go back to your mother's belly late, you brothers are the most unpromising you, and your brothers weren't in the army when you were your age? And the border, or you will go to test Mingjing, three roads for you to choose, you choose one!"

  Does that still need to be selected?

   can only be the forbidden army.

  Although he touches the book every day, the words on the book are never more than blunt, let alone put down the book, hold the book and shake his head while reading, how can he pass the exam?

  Go to the border...

  There is no border gate in this world that is not bitter. He should stay in the capital. Although he needs to be on duty every day, at any rate, he can take two days off in a ten-day shift?

  I can go out and have fun on holidays, and at any rate I am still with my brothers and friends.

  Zhao Liulang made a choice with tears, but he still had a glimmer of hope and said: "Father, we went to the palace today. The Chongwenguan rejected several people's applications for graduation. Bai Erlang did not graduate yet."

  Zhao Guogong said: "Don't worry, if you apply, Chongwenguan will definitely agree. If they don't agree, I will talk to Kong Jijiu."

It was not necessary at all. A few days later, Zhao Liulang took the leave and went back to study, only to talk to Chongwenguan, and he agreed and allowed him to pack his luggage and go out of the palace immediately, which aroused the envy of Bai Erlang, who brought his schoolwork to hand in. Endless.

However, Zhao Liulang was a little embarrassed. He went out with Bai Erlang back and forth, and couldn't help but mutter to him, "Seeing it, they look like they want me to leave immediately, huh, without me, they will sleep in class in the future. More."

   Baijiro sighed: "No, there are not many people in class now."

  The few of them who did not have the exam are still there. Yin may also come in to study. Bai Erlang secretly made up his mind that he must go to the Jinshi exam this fall, and he must pass the exam!

  Don’t go to school anymore!

    I decided to scumbag tonight, so I won’t add it, and I’ll add it tomorrow. It’s too late and too sleepy



  (End of this chapter)

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