Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2431: I did not mean that

   Chapter 2431 I didn't mean that

  Mrs. Pi Guo is not a serious illness. When people are older, they will always feel a little uncomfortable when they encounter a change of seasons.

  Man Bao gave her a prescription and a set of acupuncture and advised her to eat less meat and eat more vegetables when spring is here.

  Then she wandered from Piguo Gong’s Mansion to Zhao Guo Gong’s Mansion on another street.

  The people of Zhao Guogong did not expect Zhou Man to come, and was stunned for a while.

   Liu Sanniang, who was an assistant to Man Bao, couldn’t help but look at them, “Why, this isn’t your Zhao State Government’s list?”

  The steward of Zhao Guogong's mansion immediately reacted, bending over and saying: "Yes, yes, please ask Doctor Zhou inside."

  The elder wife of Zhao Guogong's mansion was lying on the bed. The girl in her yard ran in and reported, "Madam, the doctor is here."

   Mrs. Shizi said: "Please come in."

   Then motioned to the girl to put down the tent.

  The girl didn't do anything, but moved up and whispered: "It's Doctor Zhou..."

Mrs.   Shizi:...

  This is a bit unexpected. Because of Zhou Man, she was fined twice in succession. It is said that the illness was caused by Zhou Man.

  Man Bao didn't move slowly into the back house. He soon arrived at the yard. Seeing no one led her into the house, he turned his head to look at the maid in charge.

  Grandma's face was slightly stiff, she immediately opened the curtains, and went in and reported, "Madam, Doctor Zhou is here."

  I already neglected once last time, but this time it is not good to neglect.

  The people in the room immediately reacted, and Mrs. Shizi said loudly: "Please come in quickly."

  She sat up with the girl's hand, leaned on the pillow and coughed several times.

  Man Bao and Liu Sanniang entered, first smiled and saluted her, and then asked: "Where are you uncomfortable?"

Mrs. Shizi's face was a little pale, but she looked good, she said uncomfortably: "I feel chest tightness, always coughing, and I can't sleep well at night."

The maid beside    immediately added: “Our wife invited a doctor to see and said that she was caught cold and prescribed medicine, but it was not always good. She got up this morning and fainted. This is the imperial doctor.”

  Man Bao glanced at her face again, and took her pulse. After feeling the pulse, he asked, "What did the madam have for lunch?"

   "Our wife is ill and has a poor appetite, so lunch is useless."

  Man Bao asked: "What did you eat for the morning meal?"

   "I ate a little japonica rice porridge for early food."

   "How much is a point?"

  The girl was stunned and said, "Three spoons of it."

  Man Bao asked, "What did you eat last night?"

   "I had a bowl of bird's nest porridge last night."

  Man Bao: "Just eat bird's nest porridge."

   "There are medicines," the girl said, "That medicine defeats the appetite, so Madam can't eat more food."

   Liu Sanniang couldn't help but look up at them.

  Man Bao couldn't help thinking, this is to be a fairy in the sky, just drink wind and food dew directly.

Man Bao retracted his hand and said to the girl: "It's okay. The reason why your wife is dizzy is because you are hungry. Go and ask the kitchen to make a bowl of porridge, chop some minced meat and cook it together, then add some oil, salt and chopped green onion. , And send it to you after it's done."

  The girl was stunned and couldn't help looking at their wives.

Mrs. Shizi's face flushed since she heard Zhou Man said that she was hungry. Seeing that the girl was still daunting and refused to go down, she couldn't help but get angry, "What are you doing in a daze, haven't you heard Doctor Zhou say?"

  The girl immediately saluted and retired.

   Hungry, Man Bao just wanted to get a needle, so she simply went to prescribe a prescription, and after the prescription was given to Mrs. Shizi, she said: "This is to quench the cold and relieve cough, eat after dinner!"

Man Bao emphasized: "Don't worry, eat first before taking the medicine. No matter how bitter this medicine is, it cannot defeat your appetite for two hours. Don't be afraid. I will give you some appetizer and take it. You will be able to eat after my medicine."

   Mrs. Shizi: ... I always think she is yin and yang weird.

  Man Bao just sat and waited, and when her servant finally made the meat porridge and brought it up, she watched her eat it.

Mrs. Shizi took a bite of hot meat porridge, not to mention, her appetite was opened!

Mrs. Shizi ate a bowl of porridge under Zhou Man’s gaze. After exhaling, she wiped her lips with her kerchief and said, “Doctor Zhou, I’m finished, let’s get a needle.”

  Man Bao: "You don't need to stick a needle."

Man Bao said, "Look, you sweat when you eat something? This is the food that replenishes the yang in your body and pushes out the cold. If you can't eat anything in the future, eat meat porridge. This is delicious. NS."

  After eating for three days, you can be sure that everything you eat is green, and you can't wait to eat it in one bite.

  Not eating is also a disease. Whether it is a weak spleen or stomach or a heart disease, it is a disease and must be cured!

  Man Bao left the prescription and left.

Mrs. Shizi gritted her teeth, turned her head and ordered the close girl, "Go and send a red envelope to her."

  The girl whispered: "I wrapped a red seal with five taels before..."

   "Change to a bigger one."

The girl understood, she quickly took out the purse that she was going to give to the imperial physician, remembering that there was no big silver ingot of twelve or two in the cabinet, so she simply stuffed another silver ingot of fifty or two in it, and then ran to chase Man Bao. , Smiled and stuffed her purse into her hand before she left the second door.

  Man Bao declined as usual, "This is what I am waiting for."

  After all, it is one of the duties of the hospital to see the rich and powerful. As long as they accept the order, they will come to see it.

"Yes," the girl said with a smile: "But my wife is very sorry to have troubled Mrs. Zhou for running so far, so I have prepared a ride fee for you, or you can take the money to have a cup of tea. You can just take it. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the slave servant to turn around to explain."

  Although it is the responsibility of the imperial physicians to visit the clinic, it has always been the rule that when someone visits the house, they will pay some carriage fees.

  If the doctor at the door does not accept it, it will be over. Either you have offended the palace, or you have offended the hospital too much.

  Man Bao pretended to decline twice before accepting, and took Liu Sanniang out.

   Liu Sanniang didn’t understand what Master was drawing, so she couldn’t help but ask, “Master, why did you come to see her doctor?”

  She had seen the prescription just now, and it had no other problems except bitterness and sourness. It was a very good prescription.

  Man Bao: "It’s a list from the Imperial physician Zheng."

   Liu Sanniang: "...What if the doctor Zheng does not send you?"

   "Then I won't come," Man Bao looked inexplicably, "Is it still strong?"

   Liu Sanniang looked confused.

  Man Bao tossed the heavy purse in his hand and said: "Fool, this is a chance for them to make amends, and I will come back this time, just to return her to be beaten in the face."

   "But you did nothing."

   "Just doing nothing is the face slap. I have to do it. That is to slap us in the face of the hospital. If you break the law, you will be asked to go to the county government or the criminal department for a few days."

   Liu Sanniang: "...Master, you think too much, I didn’t mean that."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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