Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2436: pass

  Chapter 2436 passed

The    staff examination was over most of the day, and everyone’s results came out one after another in the afternoon of the next day, and they came out on the third day, which is the morning of Zhou Man’s banquet.

  There is no ranking in the official examination, and there are only two results: pass or fail.

  If you pass, you can start waiting for the selection of officials. If you don’t pass, you will naturally wait for the exam again next year.

  Bai Shan never doubted that he would fail, so early in the morning, he washed slowly, and when he was ready, he asked Man Bao to see his results.

  He has the confidence to pass. The reason why he was called to them was because he wanted to get the results by the way and ask what is missing, and choose where he wants to fill the official.

  Liu Huan also took the staff examination, so they called him on the way.

  Liu Huan walked beside the two, very disappointed, "It's a pity that Bai Er and Yin may study in the palace."

  Man Baodao: "They ask for leave, and they will leave the palace in a while. If you want, you can still pick them up."

   "Oh, yes," Liu Huan: "Your family has a banquet today. It is also a good day for Bai Er."

  Many people came to see the results, but they didn’t expect that Bai Shan would also come so early. Didn’t they say that their family is going to have a banquet today?

Bai Shan didn't care what they thought. He pulled Man Bao and looked forward. He saw his name right away, so he lowered his voice and said happily: "I see it, I'm ahead of you, my grades must be very good. "

  Unfortunately, the staff is not ranked in the exam, and you can be on the list if you pass the exam.

  Although there is no ranking on the list, the officials of the various ministries who approved the paper know their details.

  The official examinations are the way to select officials from the three provinces, six ministries, and nine temples and five supervisors. The chiefs of all departments watch it, and some even approve the papers in person.

  So whoever answers how well, everyone knows in their hearts.

  Bai Shan secretly wanted to come and say hello to choose a location for the outside, but they had already chosen a location for him.

  After Bai Shan saw his name, he immediately took Man Bao to find someone, and wanted to use Man Bao to take a look at the existing vacancies.

  As soon as they heard that they wanted to see the lack of foreign releases, the officials gave Liu Huan a smile, and praised: "Little Lang Jun is so ambitious."

   Liu Huan: ...what does it have to do with him? He doesn't want to be outside.

  Looking at the face of Zhou Man, who was an official in the same dynasty, and Bai Shan and Liu Huan’s knighthood, the officials of the bureaucracy opened one eye and closed another to show them the current deficiencies.

  Bai Shan immediately lowered his head and looked. After watching for a long time, he found that the existing gaps were so far away, either in Jiangnan or Lingnan, with almost none in the Central Plains and the North.

  Bai Shan touched his chin to think, and finally pointed to a place with disappointment: "My lord, is this Ruian County in Kuozhou?"


  Bai Shan gritted his teeth and said: "Then choose him."

  The official didn’t expect him to be so straightforward, so he couldn’t help looking at Liu Huan, “Have you chosen?”

   Liu Huan: "...he chose, what do you think I do?"

  Official: "...Didn't you want to release it?"

   Liu Huan stared, "Who said I'm going to release it? I, then, if the Ministry of Households and Ministry of Engineering are not missing, I can also go to the Ministry of Rites."


  The official looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan also looked at him inexplicably, and said: "This is what I chose. He will not release it, I will release it."

   Official: "...Bai County, your vacancy has been arranged."

  He directly took the order and didn't show it to them.

  Bai Shan was surprised, "I haven't asked for a vacancy yet, why is there a vacancy?"

   "It was arranged by the adults above," the official said: "Well, this official position, ask for the truth, and give it to you. Your lack is not bad, how good."

  Bai Shan: "What is missing?"

  "Hanlin Academy," the officials looked at Bai Shan with some envy and jealousy: "This was ordered by Master Wei, and your Majesty also nodded. Congratulations to Bai County."

  Walking around, I still have to read.

  Bai Shan, who had already imagined what he would do when he became the county magistrate, was like being poured with a bucket of cold water.

  He was stunned, then turned his head to look at Man Bao.

  Man Bao looked at him with special understanding, and could only pat his hand to comfort him: "Don't be sad, Hanlin is at most three years, if your majesty likes you, he will definitely let you go out to practice."

  The official on the side: ...Go straight into the Hanlin, and you will immediately become the emperor's close minister. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

Liu Huan was also puzzled, but in front of outsiders, he didn't ask, he kept walking with them all the time, and when there were only three of them and casual guards on the empty imperial city avenue, he asked, "Enter Is the imperial academy bad? I read and revise books every day, and I can draft edicts for your majesty, and be asked about politics by your majesty. How great, if I can enter the imperial academy, my grandfather will be able to feast for seven days and seven nights."

  Bai Shan: "So good, do you want to go?"

   Liu Huan shook his head directly, “I’ll leave it alone, I don’t like reading.”

  Bai Shan muttered a word, but Liu Huan didn’t hear clearly, so he asked him, "What did you say?"

  Bai Shan maintained a cold expression and said, "Nothing."

  Man Bao said: "He said he doesn't like reading anymore."

  Bai Shan looked at him sideways.

   Liu Huan looked disbelief, "Impossible, how could you not love reading? I see you always read books with gusto."

"That's because I'm interested in reading, and I've always been out of interest," it's already known, Bai Shan simply didn't hide it, and said: "I just don't want to do my homework, this is a great book in this world. It's still quite a lot."

To put it bluntly, he likes to read, but he does not like to read because of his homework. Moreover, "I have learned so much, especially the laws and regulations. Not much worse."

  It's just that the latter sees the prince every day, and the former sees the emperor every day; the latter is to accompany the prince to study, the former is to accompany the emperor to study, and the emperor captures the strongman to write some edicts by the way.

  He naturally knew that the contacts he had accumulated in the Imperial Academy were far beyond comparison, let alone the feelings and insights he cultivated near the emperor's side.

  But, he just wants to play outside.

   is like an open room filled with gold and silver jewelry. All the precious things in this world are in the room. Once you enter, those things are his;

  There is a horse outside the house. There is only one horse, and then there is an endless grassland. After riding the horse, you can gallop on the grassland.

  You eat and drink, everything has to be very hard to obtain, you want to get that much wealth in the house, you need to pay ten times, or even a hundred times, the time it takes to walk in.

  However, he is still willing to go horseback riding.

  Naihe, now someone put a rope around him and pulled him directly into the house, Bai Shan...

  He sighed and wanted to go in.

  Man Bao leaned into his ear and said, "I still have experiments in my imperial house."

  Bai Shan came back to his senses, well, the unwillingness in his heart has faded a lot, he can't really go out alone.

  Have to wait for full treasure.

   Liu Huan stopped suddenly: "Wait a minute, is my name on the list?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao stopped and turned to look at him together.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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