Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2442: Reach out

  Chapter 2442 Reach out

Mrs. Liu rallied, her face was full of approval, and she pulled her persuasionist and whispered: "Good brothers and sisters, how can I not know about this? But you have been in Beijing for a while. How can a house be so easy to buy?"

She said: "In the inner city, any small courtyard will cost thousands of dollars. After Shanbao's father went, Shanbao and his mother and I barely made ends meet to provide Shanbao for school. How can there be so much money? buy house?"

"When we buy it in the outer city, our family can't afford to lose that person," Mrs. Liu said: "Moreover, the people who live in the outer city are incomparable to those in the inner city. You can't get the two children married in the future, and let them go from Chong Chong. Move to the outer city in Yuanfang, right?"

   "Don't say my in-laws are unhappy, even I can't make fun of Shan Bao's future."

The person who proposed    forced a laugh. She didn't believe that Mrs. Liu couldn't even get a thousand bucks. Their family's assets were quite rich. Even though they were handed over to a part of the clan that year, she took a lot of them.

  She still has a lot of land with Zhuangzi in Longzhou, and that piece of land also has their Bai family's property. I heard that they harvest a lot of Chengdu every year.

  The lively new wheat varieties in Longzhou a few years ago, I heard that they were shipped from the south, and they must have made a lot of money.

  But Mrs. Liu said that she had no money, and she could not mention this, so she could only laugh.

Mrs. Liu didn’t let her go, and dragged her to continue: “My younger brothers and sisters don’t know. The cost of being an official and not being an official is the same. My mother and I just need to eat and drink, but the children can’t feel wronged. ."

She shook her fingers and said: "People want a good Xuan pen. Our Shanbao can't use such a good one, but we have to use a lake pen or a Shanlian pen, right? People want to use Taohe inkstone, so our family must always prepare a party. Chengni inkstone, let alone the paper and ink strips that he uses every day, now, how can he be able to lift his head outside?"

The Zheng on the side was stunned. They also have these things at home, but his son's daily use is obviously very ordinary, but the pens and inkstones that the mother said are basically only for painting or writing at home. It is only used when the word is written.

Mrs. Liu continued, "There are also children’s accessories. In the end, he is the son of a family. Even if he does not have a father, he is less than others, but he can’t have too many things. The clothes need to be changed from time to time, and the accessories cannot be missing. In the past, I can’t be as shameless as my classmates, to maintain this decent toss..."

  Lao Mrs. Liu didn't say much, she took the kerchief and wiped her tears.

  She said: "Why don't I know that living in Zhou's house is not so good? Let's not talk about it. After a while, the two children will get married. How will his mother and I face this granddaughter-in-law?"

"You are from your own family, and I just said it. If it's someone else, I wouldn't say that. Alas, it's because our widow is unemployed and many things left by our ancestors are gone, so the children are wronged. ."

  The face of the younger sister-in-law who was held by her changed slightly, and she dared not bring up this topic anymore.

  When she returned to their home, she still couldn't help calling her son, and told her truthfully, and asked: "What do you mean by her?"

  Bai Min frowned, "Is she trying to pass the word through her mother and clan?"

The old lady said anxiously: "I also feel that it is impossible to say that she lacks money. No one in the clan knows that she is a capable person. Back then, the ancestral property caused such a big trouble, or our clan invited her. My maiden nephew came over, but everyone came and went well. After living for less than two days, the other party changed her voice, collected things from the family, and went to help her instead."

  Otherwise, Mrs. Liu couldn't just leave.

"Although there has been little contact between the two sides in recent years, the fields and Zhuangzi in her family are not far away. The interested people in the family know that the business is not bad." One or two students who are studying? No one has a family and it becomes like that. She said this, I am afraid it was based on the idea of ​​those ancestors in the clan."

  Bai Min pursed his mouth displeased, and asked, "Why did she mention this all of a sudden?"

  The old lady is a little embarrassed. It can not be said that she can't understand people, so she took the initiative to bring up the purchase of a house in Beijing, right?

  Looking at the old lady’s reaction, Bai Min also faintly understood something, and asked: "Are there many people there at the time?"

  The old lady said helplessly: "We whispered in private, except for me, but your wife and sister-in-law are here."

  Bai Min:...

  The old lady waited for him to make up his mind.

  Bai Min thought for a long time, and finally said, “Forget it, I’ll discuss it with the fifth. Let’s also talk to the eldest brother. As for how to decide, it’s up to the eldest brother.”

  This eldest brother is naturally Bai Wei, the patriarch of the Bai clan. In the past two years, his father Bai Jing was older and guilty of two illnesses. Not only did he return home, he also gave Bai Wei the position of patriarch.

  And Bai Wei, like most family heads in the past, did not go to official positions, but concentrated on taking care of the family at home. Nowadays, he is very strict with family studies.

   And the fifth is Bai Heng, who has been close to Zhou's Baishan family in the past two years, and Chu Lang is still known as his uncle and nephew.

  Bai Heng almost vomited the blood when they heard that they were so bad. "Three brothers, the old lady is okay to tell their family what to do?"

  He said: "I have deliberately avoided this in the past two years. Who doesn't know that the four-bedroom aunt is so powerful, so many clansmen couldn't help her back then, why did you deliberately send in?"

   Bai Min said: "The old ladies are comparing and sarcastic with each other, what can I do?"

   "What's more, it's not a way to hide this thing," Bai Min sat down on a chair and drank a cup of tea, and groaned: "If you want me to say that since Sifang is so tough, it's better to give them things."

  "Give it to them?" Bai Heng smiled bitterly, pointed to himself and asked: "Is it for me or you?"

  He said: "Even if our two families are willing to give it, what about the other family? It has been held in our hands for more than ten years. What has been eaten has turned into something, is it possible for them to vomit?"

"Does this matter have us?" Bai Min said: "I'm not welcome, I didn't want to take it out in the past, but it was not taken out in the end? The same is true for us. But it depends on who is the most powerful. It's weak."

  Bai Heng couldn't help muttering, "Their family isn't that big, right?"

Bai Min glanced at him and said, "Just to return when they are not so powerful, to repair the relationship. If their family is so powerful that we have to pay it back, then it is better not to return, just find a reason. Let them go out of this room."

  Bai Heng's face paled upon hearing the words, "Branch? Third brother, their family is not very far from our direct branch. If this spreads out, how will our Bai family behave?"

"So while Bai Shan is still young, I have to take out all those things, and even buy some more, and find a reason to give Sifang. I think the reason given by Sifang is pretty good. Bai Shan has grown up too. After buying a property and getting married, we should give him something in our clan."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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