Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2448: Heart beat

   Chapter 2448 Heartbeat

  Man Bao comforted him, “It’s not your fault that you were rejected, it’s just that you are inappropriate.”

   Liu Huan felt a lot of ironing in his heart, but still couldn’t help asking: "Where are we not suitable?"

  Man Bao can’t say, just as if he was stupid, right?

   then said: "You can ask Liru."

   Liu Huan retracted again and looked into the distance and said, "Shall we go directly to Yongzhou? Or should we go to your Zhuangzi first?"

  "Go to my village to put things first, and then go to Yongzhou after putting things."

  Their Zhuangzi is not very far from Yongzhou. At this time, the spring planting in the field is finishing, and basically everyone is planting seedlings in the field.

  Man Bao and the others went all the way to Zhuangzi, and saw that some of the seedlings in the farmland on both sides had turned green. They were so happy, she said: "Two spring rains in two days will be fine."

  Bai Shan nodded, “I think this year’s wheat is also good. It has been bowed, and the harvest will be yellow in a month.”

  You can plant late rice in the field after harvest, or plant some beans to raise the land.

  Man Baodao: "If there is no time for planting seedlings and beans this year, we can grow some vegetables."

  Some people are slow, or there are few people in their family, they can’t keep up with the farming time.

  Fortunately, the land also needs to be recuperated, as long as it doesn’t become deserted.

  The Zhou Dalang brothers came to Zhuangzi yesterday. At this time, they received them at the door, but they did not go in, so they directly handed the luggage to them, and then rode a horse and ran away with a carriage.

   Zhou Dalang only had time to exhort, "Come back early in the evening!"

  Man Bao answered from a distance and ran away.

  The gate of Yongzhou City is still the same, Manbao and the others lined up to enter the city, and they were confused when they entered the gate.

  Bai Shan asked: "Where shall we find Mrs. Tang?"

  Man Bao said distressed: "I forgot to ask her yesterday, forget it, let's go to the best restaurants in Yongzhou and have a look."

  She said: "Since you are going to invite me to dinner, you will definitely be waiting in the restaurant. That street is full of food. Let's go there and look for it one by one."

  Yin might raise his head and glance at the sun, and said: "At this hour, it's not time for lunch, right?"

  Man Bao: "It's okay, we wandered over slowly."

  So, they really wandered slowly, mainly to look at the shops and small stalls on both sides of the street.

  The things on the streets of Yongzhou are still a bit different from the ones in the capital. Even the sugar people are a bit fatter than those in the capital.

  Man Bao looked like it very much, and bought five in one go, and one of them divided them into one.

Everyone wandered forward with the sugar man in one hand and the horse in the other. There were people playing monkey games on the street. This is only visible in the outer city in the capital, and it is also true for those who rarely go out of the inner city. rare.

  And the monkey show in Yongzhou is different from that in Beijing.

Everyone squeezed in and watched. They watched while eating the sugar man. They watched the wonderful place. They cheered with the people next to them. They didn't hesitate to save money. They took out a bunch of money directly from the purse and took out seven or eight. Reward for copper coins.

   took a bunch of money from Changshou's hand, and saw Yin or who was about to put it all on the tray. He immediately took back his hand and took the thread apart, trying to count seven or eight for others.

But seeing the person holding the tray staring at him incredibly with wide eyes, his face was a little red, his heart jumped, his eyes were rarely red after a long absence, and his hands were a little panicked. Several dozen coins were placed on the tray, and because of the shaking of the hands, several coins fell to the ground, making a jingle.

  The other party was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly smiled and bowed his body and thanked Yin or, repeatedly saying: "Thank you Lang Jun, Lang Jun Dafu..."

  After saying a few auspicious words, he squatted down to pick up the money, and left with a smile.

  Man Bao looked at Yin Or, and said to him: "Don't be nervous..."

  Yin or nodded.

  Man Bao smiled on his face, but his heart sank.

  After a while, a busker with a monkey on his arm came over, bowed to Yin or Wei, and smiled: "The son is the best today, the little old man will perform a unique trick for you today..."

   After talking, he led the monkey to jump left and right, took out the circle made of bamboo, and led it to jump in and out. Everyone was dazzled, and everyone cheered loudly.

  Yin may also feel good-looking, and his eyes are shining, so he gets excited and directly rewards people with the money.

  It was a quarter of an hour after everyone squeezed out, and Man Bao couldn't help but watch Yinor again and again.

  Yin or He Bai Shan noticed and couldn't help but look at her together. Yin or even reached out his hand to touch his face, and asked a little embarrassedly, "Am I sick again?"

  He always thought that it was a disease that he blushed easily.

  Man Bao also thought it was, but she was not sure at this time, but asked strangely: "Are you nervous just now?"

  Yin may be a little embarrassed and said: "Some embarrassment, it's not nervous."

  After all, he took back the money he gave, and he seemed stingy. In fact, he was a little bit regretful. He should wait for them to reward him and learn how to do it later.

  Man Bao touched his chin and said: "Strange, you can't change your face in the face of life and death. Why do people scold you or look at you with strange eyes, and you have arrhythmia?"

   Bai Shandao on the side: "He puts life and death out of his life, and then he has a thin face?"

  Man Bao stared at his white face, nodded in agreement, then reached out and patted Yin Or's shoulder and said: "You can't do this, you have to practice thicker skin in the future."

   Yin or:……

  Bai Shan looked at his face carefully and nodded and said: "I see, your face is thin and only facing people you don't know well, I think you are very cheeky to us now."

  Yin Or's face is faintly red again, but it is not very obvious, at least not as red as the person who faced the monkey charmer before.

  Man Bao scratched his head, and decided to go back and check his body to see if his illness had relapsed. He had looked pretty good before.

  Bai Erlang and Liu Huan have rushed to the front, and soon ran back. Bai Erlang pointed to the front and said: "I seemed to have seen the carriage of the Tang family emblem just now."

  Everyone looked at them, and immediately asked, "Where are they?"

   "In front, the parking lot of the banquet building."

  Man Bao: "Huiyan Building? I haven't eaten it before. I just went to have a meal."

  Bai Shan also said: "It just so happens that I'm hungry, let's go."

  So everyone decided to finish eating the sugar man in their hands, otherwise it would be impolite to find someone to eat, and they don’t know if Mrs. Tang has any guests, they can’t be rude.

  So everyone smashed the sugar man and walked forward. After walking twenty or thirty steps, they saw the carriage of the Tang family emblem.

  Everyone's eyes lit up and they were about to step forward. Suddenly, one person was flying upside down from the banquet building and hit them not far in front of them with a "pop".

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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