Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2451: Pour wine

  Chapter 2451 Drinking Wine

  The feelings of Wang's sisters are okay. After marrying, they seem to miss the restrained and willful life of adolescence the most.

  Although they are not in the same family, they are of the same family, and they all live in Wangjiaxiang.

  The most important thing is that they are studying together in the family school.

  Small conflicts in youth become insignificant after marriage, especially when family interests are involved.

  No matter how dissatisfied Wang Sanniang and Wang Wuniang were when they were young, or how disliked Wang Liuniang, they will unite their stand on this matter today.

  Whether it is reunion or other things, the Ma family must pay a serious price for this. This is not only to safeguard the dignity of the Wang family, but also to protect the interests of the Wang family's daughter.

  Otherwise, let it go this time. In the future, other husbands will behave like this, and they think that the daughter of the Wang family does not have to pay the price.

  Thinking of this, Wang Wuniang couldn't help complaining about her mother. She really couldn't understand what she was thinking when she sent Liumei back to Ma's house.

  Because of Zhou Man's presence, Wang Wuniang didn't want to discuss the matter in too much detail, so she smiled flatteringly at Mrs. Tang.

  Ms. Tang snorted coldly, then turned her head and said to Man Bao: "You will pick more in a while. Last time I saw a silk-wrapped gold bracelet that was done very well, you can try to see if it is good."

  Wang Wuniang heard the words and immediately said to Wang Sanniang: "Sister, ask them to bring things up. If Master Zhou likes it, I will also give Master Zhou a set. In the future, the sixth sister will also ask Master Zhou to take more care."

  Man Bao’s treatment of Wang Ruile did not confiscated the money. Wherever he was willing to accept so many gifts, Madam Tang gave her to her. Others did not dare to accept it, so Man Bao declined.

Mrs. Tang suppressed her hand and said, "Don’t say goodbye to the fifth sister. My fifth sister is short of everything else, but she doesn’t lack money. She and the sixth cousin are relatives. What's wrong with giving you a set of jewelry? ?"

Wang Siniang looked at Mrs. Tang, then looked at Wang Wuniang, and then said with a smile: "That’s right, those of us who are separated from sister Liu by a few floors heard that Lord Zhou did his best to Liu Mei and wanted to give more things. You, let alone the relationship between the fifth sister and the sixth sister, this is all right."

  Wang Wuniang nodded repeatedly, and must accept Man Bao.

  Man Bao looked at Mrs. Tang before nodding slightly.

  Man Bao, who is accepting bribes, is entangled. How can she choose the cheaper one?

As a result, Mrs. Tang did not give her a chance to choose. She sat and acted as a tool man. A few pallets of things were brought up. Mrs. Tang went gossiping with them, and while holding the jewelry, she held out her hands and gestured directly at Manbao. She decided what she wanted.

   is very beautiful craftsmanship, even if she is young, she will definitely not look old even if she wears these gold ornaments.

The more she dressed, the happier Mrs. Tang, she gently inserted a silky golden phoenix hairpin into Man Bao’s hair, looked at it and smiled: "Yes, let them comb your hair in a while, this golden hairpin. Even when you enter the palace to participate in a banquet, you can wear it."

  Wang Sanniang was stunned, and I don’t know who this golden hairpin belonged to. It was originally prepared by Wang Sanniang to give Wang Ruile, and the value is not low.

  Wang Ruile also finds it good-looking.

  Ms. Tang took it down with a smile, and handed it to the girl to put it on the tray. She said: "Take a box and put it on the tray. I count it as a gift."

  The girl responded with a smile.

  Man Bao couldn't help but looked at her suspiciously, "Sister-in-law, do you have anything to ask me?"

   "Little conscience," Madam Tang nodded her forehead and said, "I just bought it to reward you because of your hard work these past two months."

  Ms. Tang is not stupid. How can she not know how difficult it is for Zhou Man to ask for leave from the imperial village to see a private clinic?

  I heard from Tang He that some officials in the DPRK had asked his Majesty to impeach her for this reason.

  Ms. Tang looked at her and said: "You are not young anymore. Although the bead flower is convenient and concise, occasionally you need other jewelry to set it off."

  Ms. Tang carefully selected gifts for Zhou Man, and even distributed jewelry to the sisters. Finally, the girl behind Man Bao hugged three big boxes.

Mrs. Tang took a look at the time and invited her to say, "I think it’s too early, so just live in the city tonight. I have a private courtyard in Yongzhou. You live with me. As for Baishan and the others, they live in an inn. Go inside."

  Man Bao was surprised, "Are you going to do it tonight?"

  She was entangled and said: "That's not good, the secondary injury can easily hurt the bones. Even if the bones are not injured, the meat may be killed. How about you wait for half a month before continuing?"

  Wang Sanniang and others:...

  Ms. Tang said angrily: "What are you thinking about, who said I want to hit him again?"

"But you reminded me," Mrs. Tang thoughtfully said, "Go back from here and stay close to the state. Don't let his injury heal. You have to find a chance to have another fight when he is about to arrive in Bingzhou. That's fine."

  Man Bao turned around and left, and the state was too far away, she couldn't help.

  Ms. Tang grabbed her, "Are you not going to pick up Bai Shan and the others?"

  She didn't have any toughness to keep people. Seeing that they insisted on going back, she let them go.

  The girl put the three big boxes on the carriage, and then stepped aside to send them off.

Bai Shan drank a lot of wine, his face turned a little red. Lu San and the others sent him down, and put him on their backs, patted his shoulder and invited him loudly, "Next time brother go to the capital, please invite Brother Bai to go. Drink an altar in the champion building."

  Bai Shan nodded with red eyes, so he staggered into the car.

  Liu Huan and Bai Erlang also fainted, except for Yinor, because he hadn't touched a drink.

  Although Lu San and others are not from Beijing, they have also heard of Yinor's name. They know that his health is not good, so no one dared to persuade him to drink.

  There were three people in the car. Man Bao and Yin might not get in the car, but instead rode away.

  Waiting out of Yongzhou City, Man Bao exhaled and asked Yin curiously, "Why did Bai Shan drink so much wine?"

  Yin may just laugh: "He is arrogant, he has to drink, you have not seen Wang Wulang, he has already drunk and got down."

   "Yes, I didn't see Wang Wulang just now." Man Bao was curious, "His drinker can't even match Bai Shan?"

Yin or smiled: "He feels uncomfortable, and Bai Shan deliberately quotes him. If he drinks a cup, the other party can drink three or four cups in a row. Even if the amount of alcohol is good, it can't resist drinking like this, and it's not just Bai Shan's drinking. Wine, I don’t think Wang Wulang’s eldest lady husbands are good people, they are also pouring on wine routines."

  Man Bao: "Aren't they in the same group, how can they talk about it?"

   "Lu San and the three of them only found out that they had come to Yongzhou to vent their anger to Wang Liuniang. They only knew that Ma Hongzhong had beaten Wang Liuniang, and they didn't know anything about the rest, so they were drinking and asking questions."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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