Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2471: Heating one

  Chapter 2471 Conservation Room One

In the two-entry house, Mrs. Liu left the main courtyard to Bai Shan and the others to make a new house. Now it is being furnished. The furniture inside must be replaced with new ones. Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng chose the first two rooms. Live in a room, so as not to live with them in the second entry will make them uncomfortable.

  Man Bao turned around and exclaimed: “It’s okay for the two of us to live. It’s really inconvenient to bring Grandma Liu and Aunt Zheng.”

  It’s still nice to be alone and one yard, even if you stay up late to read a book at night, no one knows.

  Bai Shan thought so too, and took her to look at the main house. “Grandma said that this house will not be rented out in the future, and will be left for us to live in. In the future, even if it’s out, we can leave a room here to take care of it, and it won’t be abandoned.”

  In fact, Mrs. Liu’s original words were, “If your husband and wife have nowhere to go for a fight and quarrel in the future, you will come back and stay here for two days, and then go back slowly.”

  Bai Shan naturally did not think that he would fight with Zhou Man to the point of running away from home, so he changed his view and told Man Bao.

  Man Bao was very happy, especially when he saw that the soil in the back garden was quite fertile.

It's so good. In the future, she can often buy all kinds of rare and exotic flowers from the mall to plant them, wait for it to open for a season to see what it will become, and then shovel it away and burn it if it doesn’t like it. There are so many worries about the big garden at home.

  Man Bao liked it more as he thought about it, and said to Bai Shan: “You don’t need so many rooms, just a porter guarding the house. We clean the room occasionally and we take care of the backyard by ourselves.”

  Man Bao paused and added, "As long as we still live in Beijing."

  Baishan understood and nodded, "Okay, I will let my grandmother choose a loyal couple to watch over."

  Man Bao asked in a low voice, "This yard is really for the two of us. Grandmother Liu and Aunt Zheng still live with me, right?"

  Bai Shan couldn't help but smile, "Yes, you said that, and father-in-law has also repeatedly asked to stay. It is spacious over there, and naturally lives there."

Man Bao became excited and whispered: "It is the chrysanthemum appreciation season. I went back to buy a few pots of chrysanthemums. Last time I saw a chrysanthemum tree. There are six kinds of flower colors, but there are pure colors, and there are two-color and three-color mixtures. They are all double petals, large flowers, and large flowers. They are particularly beautiful."

   is too weird, she can also have an eye addiction on the mall and dare not buy it. The seller said that she could cut it and put it in a box for delivery, but what she likes is a whole plant that looks fresh. If she only buys flowers, there is no such thing as a single chrysanthemum.

  If there is a yard of her own, then she can buy everything she wants, and it is not very expensive anyway.

  Points, she still saved a lot.

  Bai Shan understood her thoughts after hearing her description, so he thought a little and said, "I said to my grandmother."

The two were in the main room. Bai Erlang and the others entered from the main entrance. They came all the way to the second courtyard. They shouted, "Bai Shan, Bai Shan, where are you?" "

  Bai Shan opened the window.

   Bai Erlang asked him to open the window and was shocked. Seeing Man Bao blushing next to him, he looked suspicious, "What are you doing in the house?"

  Bai Dalang, who looked away from the two of them, reached out and patted him on the head when he heard the words, and almost slapped him on the ground, "Don't you know if you are indecent?"

  White Jiro was wronged, "I didn't say anything."

  Yin may have turned his gaze away, turned away and said, "This yard is not bad, and the light is excellent."

Bai Erlang rubbed his head and said: "The light is good, but the environment is not as good as my elder brother’s yard. There is a tree in my elder brother’s second yard. We used to study and play chess under the tree to enjoy the coolness. It’s bare and there is nothing. ."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "Grandma said that when the time came, I opened a flowerbed on both sides and bought flowers and trees."

  He turned his head and Man Bao said: "Don't you like plum blossoms? Plum trees can be planted on both sides by then."

  Man Bao’s eyes brightened and said, “Actually, I also like peach blossoms and apricot blossoms. Well, pomegranate blossoms are also good.”

  Bai Shan laughed loudly and said, “This is not difficult. There is a yard behind. When the time comes, plant on the side of the road. The rest depends on what you want to plant, and we will plant another one.”

  Man Bao became happy, his heart drifted, and the blush on his face that had not yet receded became even more red.

  Shirajiro is hard to understand, are you so happy?

   Doesn’t she have a garden for her boss? Not enough for her?

  Bai Dalang followed them to see up and down, and said to Bai Shan: "If you live here by then, we can still visit the house often."

  Shirajiro spit on the side, "Forget it, you live there. Isn’t it more convenient to stop by from this yard to that yard?"

  Speaking of this, Bai Erlang was a little surprised when he saw that Bai Shan hadn't refuted his eldest brother's words, "No, you want to move out?"

  Bai Shan said with a light cough, “It’s not enough to move out, but it’s good to live alone occasionally for a period of time.”

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly.

   Bai Dalang glanced at Bai Erlang with the look of someone who came by, and said, "You will know when you get married."

Bai Erlang looked inexplicable, "Know what? Isn't it better to live there? The yard is not smaller than this, the room is bigger, and the garden is bigger and more beautiful. It's close to the imperial city. Why should you come out to live?" I thought this house was for one-time use, and it should be rented out when Baishan's worship hall was over.

  Bai Dalang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "My father and I said that we would collect some money and buy you a small yard in the capital."

   "I don't want it," Bai Erlang said: "Just give me the money to buy the house, I just live in the princess mansion."

Speaking of the princess mansion, Bai Erlang said with excitement: "The Ministry of Engineering has almost completed Mingda's princess mansion. I took a look inside when I passed by last time. It looks good, even better than your house. "

  Bai Shan said: "You should let your cousin buy you a small house. If there is a house selling house in Changqing Alley, you can buy it here. If not, you can buy it nearby."

  Even Liu Huan nodded, "Yes, that is, if my house is not really big, I actually want to buy a yard and live in it myself."

   Yin or Huang said: "The mansion given to me by your majesty has been restored. I have moved things in, but occasionally live outside. If you like it, you can come to my house as a guest."

  Man Bao and others refreshed, and asked: "Are you living alone?"

   Yin or nodded, "There are only a few people, but they are all personally selected by me, so there are few words and will not interfere with me."

  Except for Shirajiro, everyone else looked at him with envy.

  Bai Shan asked: "Why don't we invite us to the greenhouse?"

  Yin or stayed, "Do you want to warm up the room?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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