Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2477: agree

  Chapter 2477 Agree

Xiao Yuan was not talking. Man Bao could only speak actively. Of course, she did not directly file a complaint. Bai Shan said that the emperor did not like courtiers quarreling in front of him. The emperor will be angry for a while silently.

  So Man Bao directly mentioned their purpose, first mentioned the effect of the cowpox method, then mentioned its prospects, and finally said that he would train acne-vaccinators in the Imperial Medical Office.

  After all, the imperial physicians of the Taiyuan Hospital cannot always travel between the palace and the imperial village. One or two years is not a problem, but for ten or twenty years, it takes a lot of extra time because of part-time work.

  The emperor glanced at them in a little surprise, and asked, "So your Imperial Medical Office wants to add special subjects for breeding acne and preventing smallpox?"

Man Bao replied with a "yes" and said: "Your Majesty, there should be ways to prevent and cure the diseases in the world. It is difficult with current medical techniques, but I believe that as long as you concentrate on research, you will get results one day. Therefore, the vaccination department is not only Against smallpox, we can also target other epidemics in the future."

  There are many kinds of diseases, no matter which kind of disease is very harmful, many people will die every time they appear.

  Not only the emperor, but the other ministers in the hall could not help but sit up straight. After a little serious, Wei Zhi asked, "How much does it cost to add a new ministry?"

  As one of the prime ministers of Dajin, this is one of his biggest concerns.

  Man Bao looked at Xiao Yuanzheng.

  This is what Xiao Yuan knows best. After all, he wrote the official document and handed it to Taichang Temple not long after, and the details of the cost are listed on it.

  Because it is a subordinate department, and the Tai Hospital and Taichang Temple are not too close.

  This is determined by the special nature of the Taichang Hospital. The Taichang Hospital in the palace directly obeys the emperor's orders. Of course, Taichang Temple's orders should also be listened to, but does Taichang Temple dare to order the Taiyuan Hospital?

  Taichang Temple dare not even inquire about the medical records in the Taiyuan Hospital.

  If Taichang Temple Qing dares to look, I am afraid that he just left the hospital with his front feet, and the Yushitai on his back feet can tell him to peep at the emperor.

  This is a taboo.

  Furthermore, half of the expenses of the Taichang Hospital were applied for through Taichang Temple and the State Treasury, and half were subsidized by the emperor’s internal treasury.

  Similar to the purchase of general medicinal materials, the list is given to Taichang Temple for stamping and then sent to the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Households will allocate funds.

  But if you want to buy precious medicinal materials, such as Tianshan Saussurea, hundreds of years of ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, it is too troublesome to get money from the household department, and several procedures are required to go back and forth. Basically, the emperor’s internal library will directly allocate funds.

  So Tai Hospital and Taichang Temple are not close

The Imperial Medical Office was set up by the Taiyuan Hospital, and it is naturally the case. Because of the lack of closeness, Xiao Yuan was very modest to save money as much as possible when writing the list, so as to avoid the Taichang Temple looking for things such as too much expenditure and insufficient funds. The excuse was rejected.

  Who knows that Taichang Temple still rejected him, and there was no excuse, it was too much!

  At this time, Xiao Yuanzheng did not raise prices, and directly reported, “Because of the special nature of smallpox, it is not appropriate to cultivate acne species and vaccination in the imperial medical office, so the minister wanted to continue to use the imperial palace.”

  He said: "Everything in the imperial village is also readily available, and there is no need for additional expenses."

  The emperor nodded slightly. Anyway, the Huangzhuang belongs to him. Using the Huangzhuang to study the smallpox only takes up some space. In addition to the labor and the Ministry of Industry, the Huangzhuang can also be adjusted to save money and effort. This is good.

Xiao Yuanzheng continued: "As for the imperial medical office, just build two more classrooms and two wardens. Books for teaching, acupuncture and moxibustion can be shared with other departments in the imperial medical office, except for the purchase of prevention and treatment. The cost of smallpox medicinal materials has been handed in before, and it is not very expensive."

  All the adults nodded slightly, and Wei Zhi spoke out on behalf of everyone, "Your Majesty, it can be added like this, but are the imperial doctors in the hospital too busy?"

Xiao Yuanzheng said immediately: "Emperor Lu is very knowledgeable in preventing and treating smallpox, and the minister wants to mention that he is a chief official who is specifically responsible for this matter. The emperor Jiushi Zhou and several other imperial physicians will then assist in teaching. Although it is harder, But it should still be responsible."

  Wang Gong, who had been sitting all the time, interrupted and said, “Isn’t it said that the development of preventing smallpox acne was the first work last week? How can I let Dr. Lu be the chief officer?”

Man Bao only raised his head and glanced at him, saying: "Return to King Gong, I didn't dare to do it for the first time. Dr. Lu has worked hard for the past two years and has made great contributions to the prevention and treatment of smallpox. He personally participated in every statistic and made great contributions, so he was convinced by the chief officials."

  Hmph, Prince Gong wouldn’t kindly raise a point. He was either instigating discord or trying to exhaust me. No matter which kind, she wouldn’t let him succeed.

Man Bao blew the flattery of the doctor Lu and shaped his image. Xiao Yuanzheng glanced at her and said: "Emperor Lu has indeed contributed a lot to the research on the prevention and treatment of smallpox, and his other medical skills are not bad. , His Highness Prince Gong should know this."

  Man Bao’s eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at Prince Gong with a piercing look. Yes, before, Prince Gong liked to use Jitaiyi the most, but later Jitaiyi became his official. His favorite was Taiyi Lu.

  Hmph, you dragged Doctor Lu back in front of the emperor. Did Doctor Lu know?

  King Gong choked, his face was calm, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

  He is not a prince to buy the doctors, he can only take the initiative to take refuge in the doctors.

  It’s just that no matter whether it’s the former Ji Tai doctor or the former Lu Tai doctor, they did not express surrender to him, but he was used to them. After all, it is better to find a doctor who is familiar with him.

  And ordinary doctors also like to see the same person, that is, Man Bao. Although she likes all kinds of new cases, she actually likes to see the same person, so that the changes in the condition can easily be realized.

  But a doctor who does this kind of thing will not say it, after all, it is unlucky.

  People who visit Yinlou Jinpu can tell the distinguished guests that they will come again next time, but can the drugstore and medical clinic say that?

  The emperor could not help but glance at him when he saw his son slumped. He didn't understand what he was thinking. He knew that he would suffer a loss every time he was full of last week, but he didn't have a long memory.

  The prince was already drinking tea quietly, completely ignoring this brother who would be furious every time I saw him.

The emperor thought for a moment, and simply took out the matter that had been pressing for a few months. "If this is the case, let's add it, um, name the'vaccine department'. In the future, he will specialize in the prevention and treatment of diseases like vaccinia. Recipe."

  The emperor said: "Nowadays, there is only one disease of smallpox that can be prevented, so start with smallpox."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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