Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2483: Answer

  Chapter 2483 Answering

  Man Bao took the slip and ran to the imperial city to pick up things. When she found that the line was so long, she estimated the time and turned around dejectedly.

  Bai Shan also took the note to get something, and the two of them bumped into it.

  Bai Shan looked at her, then looked at the long line, and suggested: "If you don't take it back, let someone come and pick it up tomorrow."

  Man Bao sighed, "I wanted to get it by myself."

  She feels that receiving gifts is a joy.

Bai Shan thinks so too, but they don’t have such ample time to line up. The two walked back side by side. Bai Shan looked around and whispered to her, “The Imperial Medical Office has been settled. One is Doctor Liu. Another is Master Shi who was transferred from the Ministry of Households, his name is Shi Bin."

  Man Bao was taken aback, and asked, "How to transfer from the Ministry of Households, are we too unmanned in the hospital?"

  She also looked around, and said quietly, "I can too."

A smile flashed in Bai Shan's eyes, and he lowered his voice: "The adults said that you already have two jobs. past."

  Man Bao is not stupid, and immediately said: "Forget it, I will repair the book and see a doctor in the future."

Bai Shan shook his head and said, "Definitely not. Your medical skills are so good. Xiao Yuanzheng still wants you to pass on medical skills. When I was replaced, they were discussing whether to make you a doctor of the Imperial Medical Office or to be the director. ."

  Man Bao gave a wink, and immediately said: "I don't want to be the master book, I want to be a doctor!"

  The doctoral grade is much lower than the main book, but it belongs to the academic officer. As long as teaching is good, there are few other chores. She does not point to the promotion of the official position of the Imperial Medical Department, so she does not want to manage chores, just want to teach.

  Bai Shan nodded, "I think so too, but unfortunately I can't intervene, but it doesn't matter, the will can be changed before the decision is made. If your majesty asks me, I will speak for you."

  This is the advantage of having someone in front of the emperor. Bai Shan walks in front of the imperial court, and the emperor always chats with him. Just confide a sentence or two when chatting.

  As for how it will develop, it can only depend on God’s will.

  Bai Shan returned to the Hanlin Academy and went to pick up Man Bao Xia Ya after handling the matters on hand.

  The two took back the three slips and handed them to the family, saying, "Tomorrow, let the servants go in line to pick up things."

  Old Zhoutou, who has received several boxing gifts, immediately said, "I will go in person."

  He smiled and said: "Anyway, we have nothing to do, just leave this to us."

  Bai Shan heard this, and simply handed over his note to Lao Zhou, and let him take it together.

  Liu Sanniang has no grades, so there is no boxing ceremony, but Lao Zhoutou is confident that she and Liru will be able to receive the boxing ceremony in the future.

  The next day, Lao Zhoutou deliberately changed into a new dress, and then went to pick up things with the servants of the Bai family.

   And Man Bao and Bai Shan went to work as usual. Today, Bai Shan was lucky and was called into the palace to participate in the small dynasty meeting when he arrived at the Imperial Academy. Well, he was an observer and occasionally took notes to the emperor.

  Of course, he would not leave after the Xiaochao meeting ended. Instead, he hid with Shenglang while eating a quick work meal, and then continued to stare at the emperor in a daze.

  Shenglang ate a bit anxiously just now, and felt a little choked, so he couldn't help looking at Bai Shan.

  Working with him for a few months, Bai Shanxin, who had already understood each other, understood, quietly got up and touched a cup of tea to give him a drink.

  In the daily life, Lang's writing is constantly working. Seeing that nothing much has happened so far, he can summarize it in a word and then he takes a sip of the tea.

  He didn't dare to drink too much, otherwise he would have to run to the latrine. They had to control the number of times they left the emperor’s sight as much as possible.

   is wrong, it is the number of times the emperor has been taken away from their sight.

  Bai Shan was not available for the time being, so Bai Shan poured a little water in the inkstone, and silently rubbed the ink for the living man.

  Wait in the afternoon, the emperor had almost approved the zhezi. Feeling a little tired, he got up and went out for a stroll. Well, he called Bai Shan casually.

   So Bai Shan got up to follow, and Shenglang got up slowly and followed behind silently.

  The emperor planned to play chess with Bai Shan. He found that although Bai Shan was young, his chess skills were good, a little worse than him, and he could just play together.

  Like Wei Zhi, he doesn't like to play chess with the opponent.

  So so many imperial walks, why does he like to find Bai Shan?

  Because after several months of development, the two of them are still chess friends.

  Bai Shan also likes to play chess with the emperor, because he still can't play the opponent, but every time he plays chess, he consciously improves a little. This is a very challenging thing, so he likes it very much.

  Gu Zhong led the people to set the chessboard and stepped back two steps, smiling and standing aside to watch.

  The emperor was very generous and let Bai Shan go first.

  Bai Shan was also used to it, and took the chess pot with the white chess pieces over, and first twisted a white chess piece and dropped it.

  The emperor likes to talk while playing chess, “I heard that your family bought you a house in the inner city as a wedding house? When is your date with Zhou Man?”

  Bai Shan responded with a "yes" and said: "It is scheduled for the eighth day of October."

  The emperor nodded, and after calculating the time, when Zhou Man came out of the Daming Palace, there was still a month to prepare for the marriage, which was enough.

  The emperor couldn’t help teasing him while he was playing chess. “You are an adult if you become a relative, but your official position is much smaller than that of Zhou Man. When you become a relative, who is in charge of your family?”

  Bai Shan thought about it carefully and then said: "Naturally, the two of us will decide together, but I will let her."

  The emperor didn’t expect him to answer so seriously, he couldn’t help but laughed, and said casually: “Yes, yes, you are all good ministers, so don’t cause conflicts at home.”

  Bai Shan pursed his lips and smiled: "The minister and her have always been good, and they won't be in conflict."

  The emperor glanced at him with a smile, "Really, but I still remember that when I first met you in Yizhou, you two quarreled."

  Bai Shan was startled, and then embarrassed: "We are not bickering, we just have different opinions, so we are debating."

  Even Gu Zhong couldn't help laughing out loud.

The emperor also laughed for a while, and simply said to him, "Zhou Man is a capable minister. Her talent in medicine is unmatched. I really hate her, so I want her to hold a post in the Imperial Medical Office again, do you think Is the master book more appropriate, or the doctor?"

Bai Shan did not answer immediately, but thought about it for a while and said: "Your Majesty, there is no shortage of officials in the Central Government. You also said that her greatest strength lies in her medical talents and achievements. If this is the case, she is naturally a doctor. most suitable."

   "But I can see that she had a good plan for the Department of Imperial Medicine. Xiao Yuanzheng is still less than one-tenth of her."

  Bai Shandao: "Your Majesty, she is still the editor of Chongwenguan, a fifth-grade doctor of the Taiyuan Hospital. The former, she compiles medical books, and the latter, she obeys Xiao Yuanzheng."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, and realized that if it was just the same overall plan, Zhou Man would be able to give advice to Xiao Yuanzheng even if he did not take the lead.

  But the grade of the master book is higher than that of the doctor.

  The emperor looked at Bai Shan up and down, and asked with a smile, "Why, are you worried that she will have another official position higher than you?"

  The main book of the Imperial Medical Office is Grade 6, which unfortunately is still one grade higher than Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan said seriously: "Your Majesty, she is still young and needs to grow physically, so she can't be too tired. Moreover, we will have a baby after we get married."

  The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then he turned up to the sky and laughed. For the first time, he reached out his hand and patted Bai Shan's shoulder.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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