Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2499: dowry

  Chapter 2499 Dowry

  The reason why the Ministry of Etiquette hinted this way, in addition to regulatory reasons, there is another reason that is implied by the emperor.

  The emperor prepared a lot of dowry for the two princesses. No matter how much dowry the Bai family prepared, it would be transformed into a dowry. It would go beyond the etiquette system too much. The emperor felt that this was not good.

  The reason why he has such a guilty conscience is naturally because he was stunned by Wei Zhi for marrying his daughter a few years ago. Of course, he admitted wrong, but he didn't change it.

This time, after marrying two daughters in a row, the emperor asked the treasury to prepare a lot of dowry. He stepped on the ceremonial online and offline list, and then he gave it to a private house. The queen also divided his dowry. This accidentally exceeded That's a little too much.

  Wei Zhi had already been admonished last time. The emperor didn't want to see him during this period of time. Every time he saw him, he had to chant once, with guilty conscience.

The head of Zhou didn’t understand this very much, “Why does this Master Wei have so many things? What is there to say when the father’s dowry is for the girl? This is the emperor’s money, who he loves to give to whom, why should he listen to an outsider? the words said?"

Man Bao said: "You can’t say that. The heavenly family is selfless. What's more, this matter involves the ritual system. It is not a matter for your Majesty, not just a royal matter. Mingda has rejected such a high dowry twice. Her majesty and queen's love for her, she can't be too tough, otherwise it will hurt your majesty's heart."

  Lao Zhou did not understand, "Isn’t it my own business to marry a daughter?"

Man Bao shook his head, Bai Shan also shook his head, and said: "The ritual system is to regulate the identity and social relations of people. Your majesty and sisters, according to the ceremony, the princesses of the first emperor are more expensive than the princesses of your majesty. The dowry beyond the ritual system will not only break this Relationships will leave bad examples for future generations. What should some people do in the future?"

Bai Shandao: "Your Majesty’s love for daughters is understandable, but Master Wei is not wrong. He looks at the matter from the overall situation. Now your Majesty is only stepping on the line of the ritual system to let the treasury prepare the gift list, and the rest will be subsidized by himself. But what if there is an emperor who is unwilling to take money from the private treasury in the future, or if there is no money in the private treasury, but he wants to give the married princess a decent share?"

  Old Zhoutou: "What should I do?"

"He will pass on to the state treasury, and the bottom line will be stepped down little by little," Bai Shan said: "What's more, your majesty's private treasury does not belong to him alone. In addition to him, it also involves other imperial children. Not to mention, the Imperial Medical Office and Taichang Temple often require subsidies from the emperor. If he has more dowries for princesses, there will be fewer things for the Imperial Medical Office and Taichang Temple."

  The Imperial Medical Office still has 40% of its expenditures taken from the emperor’s private treasury. It should take a long time for the state treasury to fully cover its expenditures.

  Not to mention Taichang Temple.

  Taichang Temple is responsible for the construction of the imperial tombs. This is a large part of the expenditure. Of course, the money is from the national treasury. However, in order to relieve the pressure on the national treasury, it has been independently responsible for a part of the expenditure. Otherwise, why is the emperor so poor?

  Marrying sons and daughters in successive years is one aspect, and this fixed expenditure is also a big reason.

  Looking at the Daming Palace, it has been repaired for 20 years and half of it is wasteland. You know how poor the emperor is.

  So this is really not the emperor alone.

  However, the emperor was too stubborn. Wei Zhi and others scolded him, so he listened honestly, turning around to prepare for his daughter, but he didn't change it.

Wei Zhi was helpless. The Chinese New Year was about to come. Various taxes had to be integrated. The place where money was spent in the coming year would also start to prepare plans. Moreover, this year is the time limit for the Ministry of Officials and Supervisors. A warning was given two months earlier, saying that the cold will arrive early this year, and there may be snow disasters in the Central Plains and the South.

  Yes, the snow disaster is not in the north, but it may be in the central plains and the south, which happen to be large areas of grain production, which is really a headache.

  So there are a lot of things to do. Wei Zhi doesn’t want to get too stale with the emperor on such trivial matters, especially when the two of them are about to become in-laws.

  So he wrote twice, and twice persuaded him face to face, and found that the emperor was confessing his mistake face to face, what should be done behind the scenes, he opened one eye and closed the other and skipped it.

  The emperor had a guilty conscience for a few days, and found that Wei Zhi really didn't ask questions. He was overjoyed in an instant, so he was also at ease. When preparing the dowry for his daughter, he even asked about the courtier's dowry.

  The main reason was that Zhou Man came to ask the queen for peace pulses. They were all children who were going to be married. The emperor asked one more question, "Are your parents ready for your dowry?"

  Man Bao nodded, "I have prepared a lot."

  The emperor smiled and asked, "I heard that you also make a lot of money yourself. Will you put it on your dowry?"

  Man Bao shook his head.

  The emperor frowned, "Why, do you want to leave all your money to your parents and family?"

  As a father, how can you ask your daughters’ hard-earned money?

Man Bao said: "No, my father won’t let me put the money in the dowry, he told me to keep it secretly, saying that it’s a private house. Make things easier, no one knows how much money I have."

  In fact, if it were not for reading the books, she herself would not know how much money she had. "

When the emperor heard this, he thought about it, and said to Mingda afterwards, "Unfortunately, everything in our house is on the account books. It won’t work if you want to secretly leave it to you as a private house, but Zhou Man’s father said it’s good, you still There should be some private houses. Looking back, I will find an excuse and ask for some money from the private library.

  Mingda: "...Father, didn’t you and your mother prepare a box of silver for your children? That’s enough."

   "That's an open road, not a private house."

  Mingda felt that Bai Erlang would not remember this and might embarrass him a little bit, but the emperor insisted that she was helpless and could only say: "Daughter is not expensive, you can give your sister some, and I will have a little less."

The emperor nodded, reached out and touched her head and said, "You are weak, and I will ask someone to prepare more medicinal materials for you. In the future, you will live in the princess mansion. If the medicine is not enough, you will send someone back. Say, I have someone find it for you."

  Mingda smiled and nodded. Her father's mood ups and downs has been a bit big recently.

The emperor was very pleased, grabbing the hand of the girl and sighing, "Unconsciously, you are going to be married, especially a few years ago when you were such a small person, with yellow and loose hair, no matter how much you eat, it was useless at that time. Your mother and I were worried to death. The hospital said that you are weak and have weak spleen and stomach. You are not like your sister at all. You are like a kitten when you eat. I didn't expect that you are so old now. "

  The emperor saw that Mingda had only slightly yellowed hair on the tip, and he reached out and touched it with satisfaction. His daughter's body was getting better and better. You can see from the hair.

  Mingda doesn't want to talk to her father anymore. She looks good everywhere, but her hair is not very good, so her father even mentioned it specially.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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