Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2507: Wedding night in the bridal chamber

  Chapter 2507 Wedding night in the bridal chamber

Bai Shan was stunned for a moment, his face flushed, and Bao Bao's face was flushed. Madam Tang shook him when she saw this. It smells bad."

But seeing Bai Shan and Zhou Man blushing, the young people consciously found their face, so they were satisfied. Without waiting for the answer, they hooked their shoulders out with a laugh, and then turned back and shouted: "Bai Shan, we are waiting for you outside. Drink, not get drunk or go home tonight."

   "Yes, that's right, let Lord Zhou give you a needle to hangover at night."

  Bai Erlang followed silly and happy, but in order to show that he and Bai Shan were in the same group, he gave them a **** kick in the back and drove them faster.

   Yin or smiled and shook his head, and said with Bai Shanzhou: "I can't help you with this."

  Yin may not help here, but it is a great weapon in front.

  Out of envy and jealousy, everyone poured wine into Bai Shan together.

  Of course, there were a lot of people around Bai Shan. They said that the three brothers Chu Lang, Fri Lang and Sat Lang who were sent to marry would never allow them to get people really drunk, so they took turns to block alcohol.

Bai Dalang can still be useful, but Bai Erlang and Liu Huan’s drinking is all a burden. When they came, they blushed after being filled with two glasses. Zhao Liulang and others couldn’t help but burst into laughter. It’s not like this, but the drink is ten percent. No, we have to explore your bottom tonight."

  In the end, Bai Shan offered a sharp weapon Yinor and pulled him to his side. When someone toasted his eyes, his eyes became blurred, and Yinor held on, so Yinor said that he helped Baishan drink.

  Who would dare to let Yin or the wine substitute? Is it too long?

  Although he looks weaker than the average person now, he has a deep-rooted impression in the past two decades. Who dares to let the first weakest man in Beijing replace alcohol?

  Even Zhao Liulang was awake for a few minutes, and walked away staggeringly.

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally took Yin or He and Bai Erlang's shoulders back to the new house.

  As soon as he arrived at the main courtyard behind, Bai Erlang let go of him, Bai Shan staggered two steps, slapped a drink, and felt stinky.

  Shirajiro stared at him, "Aren't you really drunk?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Drunk..."

  Anyway, I feel dry, blushing, and a little dizzy on my head. Isn't this drunk? What is it?

  Bai Shan was a little aggrieved, "They are too ruthless. Wait, they will always get married."

   "Unless it's a continuation," Yin or soberly said: "I just saw it, the people who rushed to the toast are already married, such as Zhao Liulang, Lu Yue, Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang..."

  Bai Shan’s classmates and colleagues, few of them are married yet.

  Bai Shan pouted aggrievedly, walked to the new house, turned around soberly and handed over with them, "Thank you for sending me back, you guys go back, I can come in by myself."

   Yin or Kajiro and Shirajiro stopped, stretched out his hand and opened the door, "Okay, you can go in."

  Bai Shan stumbled in.

Wuyue of Jiulan in the room immediately stepped forward to help him, and Man Bao also stepped forward. When he saw that he was drunk, he was relieved, "Fortunately, fortunately, I prepared a sober soup for you. "

  Bai Shan was a little more sober, but was still pulled by Man Bao and sat on the chair, with a bowl of hangover soup in his hand.

  Bai Shan stared blankly, and said after a while: "It looks so bitter."

   "Not bitter, but sour." Man Bao said very positively.

  Bai Shan dumbly picked up the bowl and drank it. After taking a sip, his brows wrinkled, and said aggrieved: "It's bitter, sour and bitter."

Man Bao sat aside and said: "The effect is very good. Even Xiao Yuanzheng said that my improved sober soup is good. Later I will ask someone to soak some honey in vinegar water for you to drink, drink a little more, and take a few trips. The latrine wine is gone."

  Bai Shan sighed, raised his hand and took another sip, his entire face wrinkled, and sighed again after drinking...

   Jiulan talked on the sidelines and stopped. She sighed badly when she wanted to say that she was newly married, but when May looked at it, she smiled and pulled Jiulan out, closed the door and waited in the corridor.

  A woman came forward and asked, "Master is back, do you want to prepare meals?"

   May said: "Wait a second, I'm still sobering up."

  After hearing the words, the old lady went down, and went back to report to the old lady.

Zheng immediately felt anxious, "The front is too violent. The old people's wine is not good or not, and Shanbao's classmates and colleagues are messing around. He is not too good to refuse too hard, but so many people in the clan also Following the noise, I have to get Shanbao drunk..."

  Lao Mrs. Liu calmed her and said: "Relax, I have been watching. Fortunately, with the help of uncles, he doesn't drink too much. I saw it when he walked back, and he still walks steadily."

  Zheng: "What about the bridal chamber?"

Mrs. Liu frowned slightly, and said for a moment: "It's not in a hurry, it's still early. Man Bao will make hangover soup. By the way, let the kitchen send some of Man Bao's hangover soup to the front. This wine is good. Things, but you can’t drink too much.”

  It’s not as good as the others.

  After finishing the order, he told the woman: "Let the kitchen keep the water hot, and the Langjun and the lady are going to take a bath in the back."

  The mother-in-law went away.

Man Bao leaned on his chin on the table and watched Bai Shan finish drinking the sober soup in one mouthful. Seeing that the tails of his eyes were slightly red, he couldn't help but stunned, and half of his face was buried. In the arm.

  Bai Shan seemed to notice that she was smiling. He looked down and saw that the corners of her eyebrows were smiling, and there were tears in her eyes. He couldn't help but smile, and then asked, "What are you laughing at?"

  Man Bao embarrassedly buried his entire face in his arms, then revealed his face to look at him secretly, and whispered: "You look good when you are drunk, well, you have a heartfelt expression."

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and smiled, maybe it was drunk, maybe it was because the two were married, he was much bolder, and he leaned over to make a mark on her lips, and then slightly pulled away and asked, "Do you love your heart?"

  Manbao's cheeks were red, but this time he did not hide in his arms, but slightly lowered his eyes and nodded, and then looked at him with a "well" with moist eyes, and said softly: "Pour my heart."

  Baishan's throat became tight, and she couldn't help but lower her head to hold her lips...

  Man Bao blushed and went to open the door, and said to Jiulan Wuyue: "He is awake, you are ready to bathe."

  Jiulan and May immediately responded and happily went to lift water.

  Bai Shan's face was flushed, and he woke up a lot of alcohol. At this time, his eyes were bright. He took off his coat and threw it on the wooden couch. He Manbao said, "I don't feel dizzy. Your sober soup is really effective."

  Man Bao muttered a few words, but Bai Shan didn’t hear him, so he turned around and asked: "What?"

   "It's nothing," Man Bao said with a hard face, "I just opened the door, and I heard there was still lively in front of me. I guess I won't leave until the curfew."

  Bai Shan looked at her quietly. There was a big reason to suspect that she was turning the subject away, but regardless of him, Bai Shan went to the bathroom to shower and change clothes.

  Waiting for the two of them to sit on the bed, Bai Shan and Man Bao were somewhat restrained again.

  The two sat side by side. Bai Shan scratched his head and coughed lightly: "Man Bao, it's late at night, let's go to sleep."

  There hasn’t been a curfew yet, and it’s actually not too late at night, but Man Bao also blushed and nodded.

The two put down the red tent and lay on the bed together. Bai Shan reached out and held her hand quietly. Man Bao had no objection, he turned his head and looked at her sideways. It happened that Man Bao was also looking over, and both of them had bright eyes. Yes, Bai Shan got closer and kissed her lightly, Man Bao's heart rumbling, and he felt the sound of dong dong in his ears...

    This is the flower candle night in the bridal chamber. Well, I don’t like the phenomenon of locks in this book, so no matter it is in the book or out of the book, everyone will see you tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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