Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2524: Mr. May

   Chapter 2524 Mr. Mei

Quietly returning to the plum garden, he thought he would avoid them by being careful, so he pricked his ears and listened carefully, and then went directly to the plum blossom forest with the loudest noise and went to another place. Turning around the three plum trees, I saw two young men and women standing opposite each other, blushing, and they were quite familiar.

  Quiet and stopped, Liu Huan and Zhou Liru, who were blushing, turned their heads and looked at them. The three of them met their eyes at once.

  Zhou Liru still held the flowers Liu Huancai had folded for her in his hand. The two of them looked at Jiai before they wanted to talk. Jiai nodded at them, turned and left.

   Liu Huan opened his mouth, until his back disappeared before turning around and asking Zhou Liru, "Why did he leave?"

  Zhou Liru said: "Let's go, the master of anger is an eminent monk, he won't take these things to heart, let's go, let's collect some of the fallen plum blossoms and go to my sister-in-law."

Quit turned around again, and finally found a place where no one was there. I looked up and down the plum blossoms next to him. After choosing, I finally chose a good one, so I took out the flower scissors from my sleeve and cut it. As a result, he didn't do such things very often, so he cut it several times and didn't cut it.

He was a mature monk, so he was not eager nor impatient. As a result, when he was making the fifth cut, Man Bao smiled and turned out a plum tree. They met in two and met each other. It was a bit quiet, but Man Bao immediately shouted: "Ah, the plum blossoms in Huguo Temple are not for discounts, you can only take the plum blossoms that fall from the ground..."

  Man Bao didn’t realize that he was quitting after he had said it. After speaking, he curiously said: "Master of quitting, why are you also picking flowers?"

Master Jie Hao had given up avoiding them, and he cut directly, and a plum branch as thick as a thumb was cut off. He held the flower in his hand and bowed with a few people expressionlessly, "I have seen a few donors," Come here to cut flowers by the order of your teacher."

  He paused and said: "The plum blossoms in Huguo Temple are indeed not allowed to be cut."

  He didn't forget that when they first came to the Meilin of Huguo Temple, they didn't understand the rules, but they cut a few plum blossoms and left.

  Of course, he will not feel heartache, but the host will feel heartache.

  Man Bao’s eyes were bright, staring at the plum branch in his hand, "Master Jie An is so powerful, the plum blossom I chose is very beautiful."

  Bai Shan also thought it was good-looking, so he whispered to Man Bao: "When we go home, we will also go to our plum garden to take a look. We also cut and bottle the good-looking ones."

  Man Bao: "Mother won't agree."

  Man Bao thinks that Zheng really loves flowers and plants, but she loves to dig flowers and plants. She has always looked closely at the flowers and plants in the garden, and she has to get her consent for bottling.

  In order not to make her sad, in fact, the best way is...

  Man Bao's gaze fell on the...scissors in Jiai's arms.

  The gentleman is not in favor of others, but there are still many plum blossoms in the plum garden.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang looked at each other, and the three of them tacitly stepped forward to surround Ji An, and said: "Master Ji, we may not go to see Master Zhiren for a long time. How about going to see Master together this time?"

  One said: "Master of Quit, I will help you get plum blossoms."

  The last one said: “I’ll help you get the scissors. How can we choose only one plum for this bottle? If this one doesn’t fit the vase, don’t we have to go for nothing? Let’s choose a few more.”

  The other two nodded again and again, "It's a pole, it's a pole."

  Jie was embarrassed by them and cut three plum blossoms again. Then they went to find Master Zhiren together. They smiled and said, "Let the master choose one of his favorites."

   Quit spit out in my heart, and the remaining three sticks belong to yours, right?

  Jie 嗔 was surrounded by them to find Zhiren, but there was no expression on his face, and he was very clever monk.

  After hosting the guests and returning to the monastery, he happened to see the four of them heading to Zhiren’s monastery together. They couldn’t help but pause. After watching them go far, they frowned and sighed last.

  The master Zhiren who is at the top of the Central Plains Buddhism is not someone who wants to see him. Even the prince, if you want to see him, you have to see whether Zhiren is in the mood or not.

  As a result, Zhou Man and they always want to see them every time they come, and they never stop them. Obviously, this is what Master Zhiren meant.

  The host didn’t understand how these people got the blue eyes of Master Zhiren, and they didn’t look like people with Buddha destiny.

Master Zhiren is not alone. He also has a friend. The two of them are sitting and playing chess. Hearing the footsteps of so many people, Master Zhiren has already guessed who it is, so they stand still, but the guests on the opposite side can’t help. Look up.

  The three people who came over with joy saw that Master Zhiren had a visitor, they immediately reduced their smiles, showing a calm and dignified appearance.

  Bai Shan stepped forward and bowed with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I have seen Master Zhiren."

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang followed to salute.

  Master Zhiren moved his eyes from the plum blossom in their arms to their faces, nodded slightly, and showed a chuckle, "It's three benefactors, this one is the plum benefactor."

  The plum donor is dressed in a green robe and a bookish look, but his eyes are a little cold on the person. Well, like the plum blossom in their arms, it seems very close, but far away.

  Master Zhiren smiled and introduced them to the Mei donor. Hearing the introduction to Zhou Man, his gaze fell on her with a smile on his face, "This is the famous genius doctor Zhou Xiao?"

  As soon as he smiled, people approached.

  The smile on Manbao's face couldn't help being more sincere, smiling and saluting: "Yes, Mr. Mei is good."

  Because he is a bookish person, which resembles the taste of Mr. Zhuang, such a person must be a scholar, and there is no wrong way to call him a gentleman.

  Mr. Mei, who was originally cold-faced, immediately became enthusiastic, put down the chess piece, got up and sat aside, and smiled and asked the three of them to sit down.

   Quit ignoring them, turned around and held his plum blossoms and went to insert the bottle, and then put the bottle on the desk in the house.

  This is the time to go out.

Master Zhiren knew at a glance that these three little friends were bullying and quitting again, so he smiled and said, "No, take the plum sticks in the arms of the donors and wrap them, and the three little friends will take them down the mountain. "

  Man Bao said three modesty: "What a shame..."

  Master Zhiren smiled and said: "If the donors don’t like it, then I will ask Ji-an to send one of his uncles and brothers..."

  Man Bao three immediately said: "Then we will be disrespectful."

  Mr. Mei looked at the three of them, faintly aware of their personalities.

  Master Zhiren laughed. Seeing Mei Donor hesitating, he thoughtfully said: "Master Zhou, Donor Mei came to Beijing this time for Master Zhou."

  Man Bao was surprised, "For me?"

  Master Zhiren nodded and smiled slightly: "Exactly."

  Mr. Mei finally finished his mental construction, got up and bowed to Zhou Man and said, "Emperor Zhou, I'm here to seek medical advice."

  Man Bao looked at him carefully and saw that his face was ruddy, energetic, and his limbs were slender and powerful. He didn't look like a sick person.

  Body looks better than her father.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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