Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2530: Financial power

   Chapter 2530 Financial Power

  Mr. Mo can use more resources, and their school also has a teacher studying ancient medicine. He finds relevant knowledge in the engine, sees who wrote the paper, and just finds it directly.

  Mr. Mo still has a very high status in school. These people are generally in a lower position than him. As soon as he heard that he was interested in this research direction, he immediately refreshed and chatted with him eagerly.

So the next day, Teacher Mo summarized the collected information and sent it to Zhou Man. He also found out the bibliography recommended by the other party and sent it to Zhou Man. "These papers are the latest research. You can't see it now. I I will email you a copy, but these nine books are available in the encyclopedia. You can buy them and read them yourself. Ask me if you don’t understand them."

  Man Bao felt flustered when she saw the link to the bibliography. How long did she have to read so many books to finish? Can Lady Mei's illness afford to wait?

   Thinking this way, Man Bao still bought all the nine books recommended by Teacher Mo, and then he started to read the papers that Teacher Mo sent to her.

  Compared with being scattered everywhere, you need to summarize and summarize by yourself. There is no key book, and the key points in the paper are prominent. She can easily find what she wants.

  It’s just that there are some nouns in it that Baobao doesn’t know, so she has to buy another analytical book or search for explanations in the encyclopedia.

  Manbao paid the points directly to print out these papers.

When Bai Shan came over, Keke reminded Man Bao.

  Man Bao regained her consciousness, stuffed the paper into the drawer, pondered for a moment, took out a piece of paper from the side, studied ink while thinking, and wrote down the paper she saw just now.

  Bai Shan knocked on the door, and after hearing her answer, he opened the door and came in.

   "Why, is Mr. Mei's condition difficult to treat?"

   "Mr. Mei is not sick, but his daughter," Man Bao said, "Ms. Mei is pregnant, but she is pregnant, which is very dangerous. Now she has aborted. I am thinking about how to cure her illness."

  Although Bai Shan knows some medical theories, he is not very proficient. He is puzzled, "I know, the place where the fetus condenses is the uterus, where is the bifurcation?"

Man Baodao: "It is the place where the uterus is connected. In fact, you are not right. The place where the fetus is condensed is not the uterus. The place where the fetus is condensed is the uterus. Once it reaches the left, the other reaches the right. The fetus is condensed at the bifurcation, and then transported to the uterus for pregnancy. Her problem is that the bifurcation is impassable, so the condensed fetus falls in the bifurcation."

  Bai Shan suddenly realized, "Liangqi is narrow, where will the fetus break through the belly?"

  Although it’s a bit inaccurate, he can understand it, and Man Bao nodded, “Once it ruptures spontaneously, it will be unbearable pain and there is a risk of hemorrhage.”

  Bai Shan sat next to Man Bao and asked, "Can it be cured?"

  Man Bao shook his head and said, "Not sure, but I think I can give it a try."

  She has bright eyes and is obviously very excited, "I only heard Doctor Tao say about this kind of case occasionally. This is the first time I have encountered this kind of disease. There should not be many such diseases in the world."

  So she wants to seize the opportunity to study well. Therefore, although she spends a lot on it, she does not want to take too much money from Mr. May.

  The consultation fee can be omitted. After all, the medicine may need a lot of money later. What if they spend the money and die?

  Speaking of the consultation fee, Man Bao took out the money bag he received today to Bai Shan, and said with joy: "Look, this is what I earned today."

  Bai Shan stretched out his hand to take it, poured out the silver, took it in his hand, and asked with a smile, "Give me it?"

  When Man Bao heard it, she felt a little pain. She hesitated for a while and said: "Then I'll charge you half."

  Bai Shan immediately divided out half of the silver, and put the other half into her purse, "Okay, then I will collect half of it."

  Man Bao watched him take away the twelve taels of silver.

  Bai Shan took out the money bag on his waist and filled it with silver, but poured a handful of pearls from it to give her, it was so round and big that Bao Bao was dumbfounded.

  Bai Shan narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said: "Today, your Majesty specially invited me to study in the palace. It happened that Chuzhou sent me Donghaizhu as a tribute, and his Majesty rewarded me with ten."

  Man Bao held the pearl still, and exclaimed, "This is the East Sea Pearl."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Grandma and mother don't love pearls now, so I will give them to you."

  Man Bao liked it too much, and then glanced at him and said: "Grandma and mother say they don’t love, it’s not that they really don’t love."

  Man Bao separated the pearls into three, and the rest was packed in two small lotuses, one lotus packed four, and one packed three. She handed it to Bai Shan, "This is for grandmother, this is for mother."

  Bai Shan looked at her, "You can take it to your grandmother and mother yourself."

  Man Bao shook his head, "You are happier when you take your grandmother and mother."

  Can the grand-daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law give it more happily than the grandson and son?

  Bai Shan was a little confused, "How come, grandmother and mother also like you very much."

  Man Bao waved his hand and said affirmatively: "I’m right, I have so many elder brothers and nephews, don’t I know?"

  Look at the reactions of her parents and brothers and sisters.

  A piece of cloth, if the big head is given to the eldest brother and sister-in-law, the two of them must have lost their eyes; if Liu Sanniang gives it to them, although they are also happy, they must be limited.

  Bai Shan thought about it, and felt that this matter should be sooner or later, so he got up, "Then I will send it now."

Sure enough, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng were very happy. Although he kept trying to bring him back to make jewelry for Man Bao, he insisted on giving them to Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng. They did not insist on it, but were very happy. collected.

  Bai Shan returned to the room thoughtfully.

  Man Bao was holding a brand-new book and leaning against the bedside to look at him. When he saw him coming back, he raised his eyes and looked at him, "I’m not wrong, aren’t my grandmother and mother particularly happy?"

  Bai Shan pulled out his small silver box from the cabinet, and responded, “They said they would keep it for you to make jewelry for you later.”

  Man Bao slowly moved the book in his hand, eyes exposed from the book, watching Bai Shan put the twelve taels of silver into the box, and after it was locked, put it in the cabinet.

  Man Bao’s book was lifted up, completely covering her face, she said: "We have to give red envelopes to our nephews and nieces this year."

  Yes, they are married. This year they have changed from the one who received red envelopes to the one who issued red envelopes. Bai Shan felt sad for a moment, and then asked: "Did grandmother and mother not let people play gold and silver?"

  Man Baodao: "I haven't heard of it. Please ask tomorrow. If you don't make a call, you can give me the money, and I'll go to the silver building to call some back."

  Bai Shan responded, staring at the book in her hand, tilting his head and asking: "What book are you reading? Is it so advanced? I haven't turned a page until now."

  Man Bao turned a page and said without changing his face: "The medical book, new, I have never read it before, so I read it slowly."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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