Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2532: Busy

   Chapter 2532

In the evening, Man Bao said goodbye to his family and went to the palace to be on duty. Xiao Yuanzheng was on duty with her tonight. As a third-class imperial physician's order, he was already eligible to participate in the palace banquet. Fortunately, the palace banquet was not late. After dinner, I came over to spend the night with Zhou Man. Fortunately, the whole night was very safe and no one called a doctor.

  The three families stayed together this year. Zhou had many family members. In order not to disturb them, after eating, they went to the side room of the front yard and talked around the fire.

  Bai Shan curiously asked about beggars and beggars.

On Thursday Lang said: "Beggars are not the same as beggars. What can I say about this? Anyway, you remember, don’t mess with local beggars wherever you go. As for the gang of beggars, there is always nothing wrong with staying away."

  Bai Shan was curious, and had to ask again. The three Zhou Lixue came over with homework to ask for advice.

  They have to take the Ming Jing exam in February, and there is more than one month left, so during this period of time they are reviewing intensively.

  Bai Shan put the matter down and gave them a topic first, “Why don’t you go to Mr. Zhuang?”

  Zhou Li learned: "Let's find your little uncle first. We will go to Mr. Zhuang again for questions that little uncle can't answer."

  Bai Shanbian's spirits lifted up, huh, can the trivial questions of the Ming Scripture stump him?

  Bai Erlang and Xiang Mingxue also sat over to join in the fun, they are also scholars.

  This New Year should be their busiest one.

  After the seventh day of the first day of the seventh lunar month, the imperial court opened the seal, and Zhou Man and the others entered the palace as errands. Doctors like Zheng Gu who were called back from the local medical office had to enter the imperial village to learn acne.

  This time, Zhou Man and Lu Taiyi led the team.

  Before entering the imperial house, Man Bao went to see Mr. Mei and his daughter who had moved to Changqing Lane, and he left them with medicine before entering the imperial house.

  Because the total number of vaccinations has exceeded 10,000, after reaching their expected data, people who will be vaccinated later do not need to spend time testing whether they are immune to human acne.

  So now, you only need to wait for the acne scabs to mature and fall. It only takes about five to seven days to enter the imperial village.

  You can rest once every ten days.

  Because Liu Sanniang is pregnant, and she is also familiar with vaccination, this time the hospital did not ask her to go in. Instead, Zheng Gu and others were asked to give Zhou Man and Lu Taiyi a hand, while studying, and at the same time, they also want to get acne.

  Yes, all the doctors transferred from the local medical office will get acne inoculation.

  After all, if they want to vaccinate locally, they will have to contact smallpox patients frequently in the future, and the best way is to get vaccinated by themselves.

  Fortunately, they are still young, strong, and the risk of vaccination is not high.

  Well, vaccination teaching starts from itself.

  This is Man Bao’s busy schedule, and Bai Shan is also busy. This year’s Ming Jing exam is scheduled for the third day of February. The day after the dragon’s head rises, the Zhou family will refer to Zhou Ligu and Guan Yong this year, and Bai Shuping also signed up.

  Not only does Mr. Zhuang want to instruct them, but Bai Shan will also give them questions after he leaves the office every day, so both husband and wife are busy.

Before dawn on the third day of February, Man Bao got up with Bai Shan, followed his family and sent the nervous Zhou Lixue four to the gate of Gongyuan.

  The four of them were a little nervous. In addition to the cold weather, they could not help but stomped their feet, and asked Zhou Man nervously, "Sister, do you think we can pass the exam?"

   Regardless of whether it is possible or not, it must be said at this time anyway, so Man Bao nodded with certainty: "Yes!"

  However, it is useless to rely on Man Bao to say that it can be useless. A few days later, none of the four of them passed the exam, but Pei Shouyue passed the Mingjing exam, and the ranking was not low, which was very appreciated by the chief examiners.

  There are many things in February. The first major event is the rise of Erlong's head in February, the second is the Mingjing exam, and the third is the wedding of Princess Changyu.

  Since the beginning of the new year, Man Bao and Dr. Lu have only had two acne inoculations. The third time was originally planned for February, but Man Bao asked for leave to attend the wedding banquet.

  Xiao Yuan is calling back directly. The reason is that Zhou Man is not a relative of the royal family and is not included in the leave. Spring is the busiest time in Taiyuan Hospital. Everyone is too busy. Are you embarrassed to take leave to go to the wedding banquet?

Xiao Yuan was planning to throw her into the imperial house to continue acne, but the emperor directly said to him at the Xiaochao meeting, "Princess Changyu is in the palace all the year round. Yu sent to marry."

  After finishing speaking, he invited all the ministers and workers, "At that time, all the qings will come to drink this glass of wedding wine from Wei Qing and Wei."

  Wei Zhi's face twitched, as if it was the two of them who got married.

  But on the day of great joy, Wei Zhi did not trouble the emperor with such small details.

  The emperor asked, what else could Xiao Yuanzheng do, he could only give Zhou Man a leave.

  So Zhou Man lived in the palace on the night of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It was the first time that Mingda had a friend living in the palace for a wedding, so he stopped living in his palace, and ran over to be with the two of them.

  The three of them leaned on the bed and whispered together at night.

  Mingda asked Zhou Man: "Wait when I get married, do you want to come to the palace to accompany me?"

  Man Baodao: "No, you don't know, Bai Er is going to pick you up in the palace from my house."

  Changyu was curious, "Does Mingda still go to your house to worship?"

   "Of course not, just like you," Man Bao said: "First have a meal at my house, and wait until auspicious hour to go to the palace to pick up the princess, then send it back to the princess mansion, and entertain guests in the princess mansion is considered the second meal."

  After all, the palace does not hold banquets, and there is no prohibition on marriage. The rules are very different from those of ordinary people.

  Neither Mingda nor Changyu have experience, so they look confused.

  Man Bao said to the two people: "It doesn't matter, just listen to the order of the bridegroom. I heard that this time the bridegroom is a young official selected from the Ministry of Rites, so handsome?"

   Chang Yu hummed: "No matter how handsome, Mr. Yang is not Jun. Unfortunately, he is not in the capital. Otherwise, I would ask my father to order Mr. Yang to be my bridesmaid."

   Mingda said: "It was the sixth uncle in the clan that the grandmother had decided, but in the end he disliked that he had a beard, so he was unwilling to do so, so the father was changed to the Ministry of Rites to take charge."

  Obviously, the Ministry of Etiquette also knew about the princess’s faults, and deliberately selected a good-looking official to come up. Although the official position of the other party was very small, the etiquette system was originally in the Ministry of Etiquette. Emergency training for a period of time would be fine.

  Man Bao asked Mingda curiously, "What about your bridegroom?"

   Mingda said: "I think it’s just the same as my sister’s."

  Changyu: "Look, see, there is no one in the world who doesn't love being handsome, otherwise, why don't you say, I think it’s good for Uncle Six?"

  Mingda tickles her in embarrassment, "Just your mouth is not forgiving."

  Changyu laughed loudly, and when the laughter passed, he lay on the bed and said, "Mingda, wait. When you get married, I will go back to the palace and live in the palace, and I will send you to marry like this."

  Mingda said softly "OK".

The three of them just slept in this was impossible. Aunt Shang in the Queen's Palace sent a box, and she was relieved to see Zhou Man here, and smiled: "The doctor Zhou is really nice here. Now, this is the book sent by the maidservant from the maidservant, so please ask Zhou Taiyi to teach the princess."

  Man Bao was about to open the box and look, "What book?"

  Aunt Shang held the box and smiled: "Good book, wait until the slaves and princesses leave."

   After speaking neatly, he bowed and stepped back.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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