Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2535: preference

   Chapter 2535

  Princess Changyu was given by the prince to marry, so is Princess Mingda.

  Even, this time Zhao Guogong’s line also came, and several cousins ​​stood behind the prince looking at Bai Erlang in red.

  At the gaze of the upper prince, Bai Erlang's scalp was numb, but he still bowed immediately.

  The prince looked at him up and down, nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with him. He glanced at Bai Shan and others behind him, turned and led Bai Erlang into the palace.

  Bai Shan's eyes turned around and immediately followed.

On the square in front of the Tai Chi Hall, the people who were called by Bai Erlang to greet the relatives separated and stood on both sides. Feng Zongping slightly raised his head and looked at the entrance of the Tai Chi Hall. He stretched out his finger and poked Yin Or, who was standing in front of him, and whispered. : "This is probably the closest time to Tai Chi Hall after I passed the exam."

  Yin may ignore him, and he did not take the exam.

  Liu Huan looked around and asked them in a low voice, “Do you think your Majesty will be embarrassed? The last time Wei Yu went in to welcome the princess, I heard that the emperor was also tested for school.”

  This time the emperor did not take the school Shijiro, he was training Baijiro. The main idea is to treat the princess well and respect the princess as a king.

   Baijiro's head was like a paste at this time, and he peeked at Mingda from time to time, so he didn't hear what the emperor said, anyway, he just nodded his head and agreed.

  The emperor saw that his attitude was okay, so he felt better, but when he turned his head and saw his pretty girl, the emperor felt sad again.

  Mingda has always been weak and needs to be very careful to feed, but she is smart and sensible. There is no lady in this world that can match his knowledge.

  In the past, the imperial doctor of the hospital always explained that Da was too weak, and I was afraid that he would not live long, and I don’t know if Bai Erlang can treat Ming Da well. If she is wronged, she will not say anything, and she will suffer from it. I am afraid that her health will be worse...

  The more the emperor thought about it, his face became more grim, and the eyes staring at Bai Erlang became worse.

Gu Zhong saw that the emperor was fascinated, and the Ministry of Rites was constantly winking, and he accidentally stepped forward to remind him that the queen had wiped her tears and the emperor said, "Your Majesty, it's good time, let the children go. Bar."

  The emperor felt sore in his heart, a puff of air stuck in his chest, his nose was sour, and when he reacted, tears were already streaming down.

  Mingda could not help but step up the steps, kneeling before the emperor’s knee, holding one of his hands and saying: "Father, if you are reluctant to give up, your daughter will not marry."

  Shiajiro's eyes widened.

Although the emperor wanted to nod his head very much, his reason returned. He stretched out his hand and gently touched Mingda’s hair, and said with tears: "That’s not good. Married, you will have a good life in the future. The consort..."

   Baijiro immediately stepped forward and responded: "Your Majesty, the minister will treat the princess well and make the princess happy every day. The princess said to the west, the minister will never look east."

  Although these words were very flattering, the emperor was very useful. He nodded in satisfaction, so after tears, he took Princess Mingda's hand and got up, "Go, I will personally send you out of the temple."

  The official of the Ministry of Rites wanted to say that this was unreasonable, but the people around him stretched out their hands and yanked at him, and he could only endure nothing.

  The emperor personally took Princess Mingda by the hand to the gate of the main hall, and then stopped.

  He knew that he could not send it too far, otherwise Minger should be impeached. He is fine if he is impeached. Anyway, he will be scolded every three days, but Mingda cannot be scolded.

   So he handed Mingda's hand to the prince at the door and asked the prince to send the two out.

  The prince responded, and walked out with Mingda's hand, and Bai Erlang quickly followed.

   After getting off the Tai Chi Hall, the prince bent over to carry Mingda on his back, and sent people to the float at the gate of the palace all the way.

  Man Bao was taken aback when he saw it. Last time, the prince didn't carry Changyu on his back until the gate of the palace.

  The prince is in good health. Although the road is not short, he still carried the person to the gate of the palace without breathing, and placed the person on the float.

  The last time Changyu married the dowry, it opened the eyes of the people in Beijing. This time, everyone has seen the royal wealth.

   rushed to tell each other to watch the excitement.

  However, the minister of the DPRK who knew the inside story knew that the emperor almost emptied the inner treasury for the dowry of these two daughters.

  Including his own private accumulation, I am afraid that it will also be taken out this time.

  Some officials shook their heads privately, "Your Majesty prefers the princess so much, and he is not afraid that the Prince's heart is not beautiful?"

   "The prince may not be jealous, but Prince Gong is afraid he will be upset."

  Also, in the future, the whole world will belong to the prince, and the prince does not really value money so much, but it is Prince Gong...

  In the past, the emperor and Prince Gong were so glued that they often snorted and said something to give him, and I don’t know whether those things are in the hands of Prince Gong or Princess Mingda.

  The things that the emperor promised to King Gong were naturally in the hands of King Gong, but the more things left were given to Mingda.

  Especially the emperor gave Mingda to the two imperial houses in Yongzhou, which made Prince Gong a little jealous.

  Before the emperor said that he would give Mingda the large imperial village in the northern suburbs of Yongzhou city, but he never said that he would also give Mingda the one in Liyang County in the west of the city.

The imperial residence was not far from the capital. He thought that one was reserved for his successor. After all, there is only one imperial residence in the capital, which is basically used by the Imperial Medical Office. Two in Yongzhou.

  The emperor gave Mingda all at once, so which palace will the successor use in the future?

  Although he is no longer his successor, Prince Gong is still a little jealous.

But what is this, and what makes him even more jealous. After Mingda got married three dynasties, he returned to the door. The emperor held a family banquet in the palace. At the banquet, he was very happy and said to Mingda: "The population of the capital is too much. People expand Yongzhou City, half of the new city uses the imperial village that I gave you."

He squinted his eyes and said: "I asked people to build shops in that area. Not many, only one shop. I let people remember your name. If you have time to look back, if you don’t use those shops, You can rent it out, or if you want to manage something, let the people under your hand do it."

  King Gong was dumbfounded, and Chang Yu was dumbfounded.

  King Gong was infinitely sad after he was stunned, but Changyu was surprised, and kept winking with Mingda.

The prince did not feel much, but he felt that Mingda was not Changyu, and he was afraid that he would not be able to run a store, so he said: "If you rent out, you can let people come to the East Palace to find someone from Zhan Shifu. They may have some contacts on their hands. It must be rented to reliable people, and the store can be managed well."

  Changyu waited for them to finish talking before quietly saying to Mingda: "Leave me a shop."

  Mingda asked her, "Do you want to run it yourself?"

  Chang Yu nodded repeatedly, his eyes gleaming, "I want to open a rare treasure house, which is dedicated to all kinds of rare treasures. You have to keep the largest for me, and the rent is less for me."

  Mingda smiled and said, “I don’t want your rent, it will be given to you for nothing.”

Changyu shook his head, "Forget it, the father gave you so many shops just thinking that you can't run it, and you want to collect renters to survive. How can I just ask you for nothing? Let's collect the rent. You charge me a little less. ."

  Mingda endured a smile and nodded.

   The emperor: Woo...

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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