Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2548: Send money

  Chapter 2548 Issuing money

  Srirang is now very good at counting, and he can still figure out the accounts with his abacus slowly, but obviously, the Yidings can’t do it.

  Even their foreman can't do it very well.

  Friday Lang banged the hanging money out of the basket and stuffed it to the foreman. The foreman froze for a moment, and his hands became soft and he sat directly on the ground.

They used their brains to calculate carefully and found that it was really impossible to calculate, so they put the copper money back into Wu Wu Lang’s arms again, and said bitterly: "Fifth brother, brother Friday, we can’t calculate it. Ah, or else, you can send it to us one by one."

  The other servants also stared at the coins, their eyes were full of light, and they nodded repeatedly.

  I gave it to the foreman. I have to divide it again after I go back. How can I get it right now?

  And if Brother and Foreman make a mistake on Friday, they won’t be able to look for him again. It’s better to just divide it right now.

  Anyway, they do the same job as others. They can take as much as they take. There are always smart people here, and you won’t lose money by following them.

  So everyone persuaded Wui Lang, "Brother Friday, let's divide it here. It's still early, we are not in a hurry to go home."

Friday Lang: are not in a hurry to go home. I am in a hurry. He is in a mess with his own accounts now. He just knows that he has made money, but he can't figure out how much he has made. He has to go back to Lizhong for help. Do the math.

   "Yes, that is, I just had lunch. We are not in a hurry."

  Frirou choked his chest in one breath, and after thinking about it, everyone said that. He turned down at this time and seemed to have a problem with his account.

  The most important thing is that these people are full of treasures, and make a good relationship. It will be easy for him to find them if he has work in the future, so he has to make a good relationship.

  Friday Lang waved his hand and said: "Okay, let's come one by one, but there are so many of you, come forward with a few good ones, you can count to a hundred."

  In the end, in addition to the three foremen, two others stepped forward.

Well, everyone's cultural level is not very high.

Others smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Friday, in fact, we can count, but occasionally we will count wrong. But we know that ten is twenty, twenty is thirty, and thirty is forty... …"

   "Okay, okay, I see."

  Frirou cut off their words and called all five of them.

  He poured a basket of copper coins to the ground, and everyone's eyes fell on the pile of coins on the ground, shining brightly.

  At this time, there is a lot of grass growing in the field, and a hanging of copper coins piled on the grass will not get dirty.

  Wu Lang sat cross-legged on the ground with them, took a sling, and said, "That’s right, one day’s wages are fifty wen. You have worked for five and a half days, and I will give you six full days."

He said: "That person is three hundred yuan, and this sling is 1,000 yuan. Let’s not say that much. If you count out one by one, it is estimated that you will have to count until tomorrow. So, you have a good relationship. Make a group of three people, and I will divide a hundred pens out of a sling, you take the rest, and divide it down by one penny and divide it equally into three."

  This is a good idea. They don’t know how to count. This is how they do when dividing things in the countryside, especially when dividing households. You have a bowl in your house, and it’s my turn, another in your house, and another in my house...

  Everyone had no objection, Wu Lang asked them to count out a hundred wen, and the money that was counted would be strung together with a string and thrown into the basket.

  Just take three bunches in a while and it will be another person's wages.

  So the six people sat down and counted the money. Wu Lang asked the onlookers to stare a little bit, so that no one would confuse the money in private.

  After counting the money, put the small string of one hundred texts into the basket, and the large string of nine hundred texts on the other side.

After counting a basket, Wushu Lang poured out another basket of money, and then put the big bunch of money in this basket. He counted, seventy, and the number was correct, so he squatted aside and counted with his fingers. , How much are the wages of these three hundred people?

  So much money can’t be counted all this way, right?

  Friday Lang calmly forgot it. He knew that one person had three hundred words. He did it himself last night and repeatedly confirmed with Lizhong. Those three hundred people are...

  Friday Lang shook his fingers and thought unsurely, nine hundred texts?

  Bah, baah, no, it’s ninety thousand?

  Well, ninety thousand is ninety hangings...

  Wu Lang felt that he was right, he was relieved, so he rolled up his sleeves and counted the coins that had been piled up on the ground. After counting twenty strings, he immediately shouted: "Enough, enough."

  As soon as everyone heard this, they stopped their actions. Wu Lang became happy and shouted: "The three people who are familiar now come forward to collect the wages. Those who are not familiar are left behind, and come back to collect their own money."

  As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately squeezed into a hustle and bustle. Some cousins ​​are called cousins, those with clan brothers are called clan brothers, and those with cousins ​​are called cousins, or the neighbors are lined up together.

  Wu Lang took out the booklet, held a pen, and the three of them asked, "Is it sure that the three of you will be the same?"

   After they nodded, they crossed out their names, then gave them a bunch of money, and exhorted: "This is nine hundred characters, 300 characters per person."

The three of them all chanted it again. After keeping the sentence in mind, they took the money and retreated to the side with a smile. The two gathered the person who took the money and whispered: "Go back and divide the money. "

   "Don't worry, there must be a lot of yours."

  After the points are divided, there is a small string of money.

  Frilan gave them three strings of money, "One string of one hundred wen, three strings here."

  After dividing them, he gave the three foremen points, which also gave them three strings, and then took out a sling and said: "That's it, you foreman, I will give you 20 more pens."

  After all, they have to take care of people, which is quite bothersome.

   "Six days is..." Wu Lang held his fingers again and forgot it. Five days is one hundred wen, plus one day is, "One hundred and twenty wen, come, I'll count it for you."

  Wait and divide the foreman's money, but the rest does not belong to Wu Lang.

  Friday Lang summoned the six cooks and divided their wages.

  They have little money, only 25 essays a day, but the money was calculated by Zhou Lizhong early in the morning, one hundred and fifty essays per person.

  He counted the money to them, and he put the rest of the money in the basket.

  Everyone looked at the remaining money and exclaimed, “Brother Friday, why did you bring so much money here?”

  Because Princess Mingda gave him so much money, it was just delivered to him in the workshop yesterday.

Friday Lang said, "I have to send money to the stone field in a while. Okay, that's okay. Let those who have taken the money go back. Come and help with a few people and send the money to the stone field with me. "

After hearing this, everyone immediately helped put all the money in the basket and carried it into the ox cart. The three foremen were not in a hurry to go home. They uphold the concept of establishing a good relationship with the master brother. They are very willing to accompany Zhou Lang to this. trip.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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