Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2550: Waiting

   Chapter 2550

  Zhou Lijun pondered the profit, raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, Uncle Wu, you have made more than 10,000 dollars this day."

   Standing at the door, Lao Zhou's mouth opened slightly, and he was speechless for a while.

  At this moment, he finally stopped talking about Friday Lang not cooking at home.

  After pondering for a while, he looked at the pile of money on the ground and asked, "How much do you have to pay to the public school?"

  Friday Lang did not speak, Zhou Lijun dialed the abacus again, and then said: "29,549 cents."

  Lao Zhoutou immediately said: "Okay, count it out and take it back for me."

  Friday Lang:……

  He hasn't warmed up the coins yet.

  He quickly asked Zhou Lijun, "Then how much do I have left?"

  Zhou Li Jundao: "Forty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-three."

  That's a lot. On Friday, Lang Le narrowed his eyes, and then called to Zhou Lizhong to help count the money.

  The old man is still standing aside and staring.

  Qian asked: "Why did you make so much? Wouldn't you cheat the second master?"

  Qian and Lao Zhoutou are both called accustomed, even now they are still accustomed to calling Bai Erlang the second young master.

  Friday Lang immediately said: "I didn't cheat him. I have asked. For such a long way, if there are benevolent people donating roads, it will cost about two hundred and fifty thousand, and I am even less."

  So he wasn't sure at the beginning whether it was a profit or a loss.

  But he thought it all out. It’s natural to make a profit, but it’s okay to lose. Anyway, Bai Erlang can be regarded as his own family. Most of this road was originally built for Man Bao and Bai Er's family.

   Zhou Dalang was stunned, "Why is it so bad?"

  Fifty thousand is not too much.

  At present, there are only two situations of road construction. One is the county government expropriating road construction, in fact, most of them are like this;

  There is another kind of charity donating roads, and taking out money to build roads and bridges. This is a great merit, which is more remembered than going to temples to donate sesame oil money and doing things in Taoist temples.

  Generally, the local squires do this.

  For example, Mr. Bai, building a road can make people think about it for 20 years, and if the road is well built, it can be said for a hundred years.

  Friday Lang said: "Good people have to say hello to the county government if they donate roads, and sometimes even the subordinates have to go to supervise them, and the cost of going back and forth will be large."

  Because of knowing these tricks, Zhou Lang directly cut 50,000 from the 250,000 li he inquired, because he didn’t need to go with him, and he didn’t need to say hello to the county government.

  Not to mention that Princess You Mingda is the signboard, even if his sister Zhou Man’s name is used, the county government will not embarrass him.

  So he didn't give money.

Old Zhou pondered for a moment, and he was very sorry, "Unfortunately, the road construction work is not easy to take. Generally, the county government will directly recruit people to do the road construction. Otherwise, like the princess, you will invite people to build the road. Then you don't know how much money you can make. Woolen cloth."

  Frirou also feels sorry, this is equivalent to a one-shot deal.

  But it doesn’t matter. Man Bao said that there are many things that are lacking right now, but the most lacking is people. As long as there are people on hand, it is easy to make money. He should take those people in first, and it will be easy when he wants to make some money in the future.

  Everyone gave the allocated money to Lao Zhoutou and moved it to his house, and only then began to wonder what to eat at night.

  It happened that Manbao came back from the office and heard the sidewalk: "Let’s eat together, there are vegetables in the kitchen, so Aunt Rong and the others can make it quickly."

  Master Bai saw that he was reluctant to eat at home, so he moved the food and ate together, and everyone was talking while eating.

  Mr. Zhuang asked Bai Dalang, "Is the election of officials interesting?"

  Everyone looked at Bai Dalang together.

Bai Dalang said, "When I went again today, I happened to see a vacancy in Tongbai County, Tangzhou. I have already applied, but there are many people waiting for the vacancy. I heard from a clerk in the staff department that the people waiting for this vacancy include me. There are six in total."

  That's a lot.

  In fact, there are many shortages this year, but there are not many shortages in Beijing. Most of them are local shortages, as well as military shortages.

  In fact, whether it is Jinshi or Mingjing, you can apply for vacancies in the three directions.

  At present, there is no light text or light military, so many people in the army are both civil and military. Many of the honours of the older generation have both humanity, civility and martial arts. The founding of the country is fashionable and can guarantee such quality, let alone the present.

  Actually, reading and literacy will be promoted faster in the army. If you are from Mingjing or Jinshi, you will be more popular. After all, you have read military books, are you better than a rough person who relies solely on groping and talent?

  It is a pity that Bai Dalang has no military talents, so even if there are many positions in the army in Beijing, he did not want to apply in the past.

  After discovering that he could not apply for a position in Jingzhong a few times, he faintly guessed something, so he began to look outside.

  After eating, they changed a place to continue discussing this matter.

  Bai Shandao: "Tangzhou is not far from the capital, and it is in the Central Plains. The location is good. I don't know what is the actual situation in Tongbai County. Why is this vacancy vacant?"

   "I heard that the county magistrate passed away or was in an emergency. I only reported it. I just arrived in Beijing these two days, so it was a new vacancy."

  It is also that he ran the staff every day during this period, and because of the relationship between Bai Erlang Baishan and Zhou Man, the officials of the staff took care of him, so he notified him whenever there was a vacancy, and he immediately wrote the application form.

  There are many people who are as related to him, so some people have applied for this position with his front and back.

Mr. Zhuang said: "Tongbai is the source of the Huai River. As far as I know, there are dense water nets and there are two types of terrain. The west is a plain and the east is a hill, but it is not high. It is a good place."

  When a county official, the most important thing is the terrain. If there is water, the economy will be easy to develop and the population will grow. If you have these two things, you can focus on education.

  The performance of an official depends on the proportion of taxation, population growth and enlightenment.

  What is the proportion of enlightenment?

  One look at the number of Ming Jing and Jinshi, and the second look at the number of people receiving education in the county.

  Master Bai heard that it was a good place, and immediately said to Bai Dalang: "You run more officials, be sure to run down this vacancy."

  He said worriedly: “It’s been half a month since the staff exams, and the good ones are almost finished. If you don’t make any decisions, the rest will be poor villages.”

  Bai Shan also nodded, "Brother Hall, let's fix this."

  Bai Dalang smiled bitterly, "I am not alone in the final say."

  Master Bai looked at Mr. Zhuang and the others. He wanted to find Erlang, but he thought that he would not be too involved in these government affairs, and Erlang was also in the waiting list this year.

Mr. Zhuang and others naturally thought of this, and he said: "You can't do this for nothing. Let's not say whether he can do it well, or it is okay. As a protagonist, he intervenes in the election of officials like this. If it doesn't happen, it won't be more happy."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Man Bao.

  Man Bao nodded and said, "I will meet Li Shangshu by chance tomorrow and talk to him."

    After the Lantern Festival, we will start adding updates, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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