Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2552: Recommend

  Chapter 2552 Recommendation

  Bai Erlang's guess was correct. The emperor had indeed chosen a position for him a long time ago, and had made an appointment with Li Mao to talk about this issue before he got his official test results.

  The location is excellent, the Hanlin of the Hanlin Academy.

  This time the position has to be extremely smooth. Not only did Li Maoyue have no objection, but also Wei Zhi and other ministers did not express any objection, and the emperor who was prepared for a battle with his heart was defeated.

  Li Maoyue did not object because he felt that Bai Cheng was a scholar, and his ability was not much worse. Obviously, the emperor’s move was not to allow Bai Cheng to take power in the future, but to keep the horse and princess in the capital.

  Since this is the case, then I agree.

  While Wei Zhi and others did not object, it was because Bai Erlang had written the book and it was still a bestseller.

   "Xiang Mingxue Biography" is naturally not only watched by my own children and grandchildren, but adults also secretly collected a copy.

  Since his narrative ability is pretty good, it is okay to put it in the Imperial Academy for book editing.

  So the emperor was selfish, and the elders thought about it and thought that Bai Cheng was capable, so they agreed.

  If he is incapable, even if the emperor is angry, they will not be able to agree.

  They think this is meritocracy.

  However, the two brothers of the Bai family are both Jinshi. Since Bai Cheng wants to stay in Beijing, Bai Zhi can no longer stay in Beijing.

  This is the most basic avoidance policy.

  Bai Erlang handed in the application form in the front foot, and Li Maoyue knew about it in the back foot, and told his subordinates: "Press it for two days before giving it to him, so as not to talk about it outside."

  Subordinates should follow.

  Li Maoyue picked up the zigzag that was written today and went into the palace. Today, we will discuss the fourth batch of employment. The position is also very important.

  Don’t look at a county’s magistrate, which has only six or seven ranks. The emperor is very concerned about this, as are the court officials.

  After all, Dajin is composed of these counties. The county magistrates are called parent officials, so they must be selected.

  Basically, every year the emperor of the county magistrate who is elected to the locality will meet with the examination school in person, and only allow them to be released after confirming that there is no problem.

  Especially this time there are several important counties to appoint county officials.

  Li Maoyue set out to enter the palace, and then ran into Zhou Man on the steps of the long Taiji Hall.

  Li Maoyue's time to enter the palace during this period of time is almost the same, and the guards at the gate of the palace and the servants in the corridor will know when he inquires.

  They have a very good memory, and because their work is so single, they can remember such trivial things.

  Man Bao would naturally not ask the guards, she inquired with the waiters. Everyone is still willing to sell her a good news about this kind of little news.

Therefore, she knew that during the four or five days, Li Maoyue entered the palace between two and three quarters. As for the time of leaving the palace, the time of leaving the palace is uncertain. Rest in the palace, and did not leave the palace until the afternoon.

  This depends on the number of affairs in the DPRK. Sometimes when the emperor is too busy to see him, he will leave the palace very late.

  So Manbao does not block the back, but specifically blocks the front.

  She deliberately rushed to the Tai Chi Hall two moments ago. Just now, she saw the long steps from afar and enjoyed the scenery from side to side.

  Although there is no scenery here.

  Tai Chi Hall is very solemn. In front of it is a large square with bluestone slabs on the ground. There are aisles and stone bridges built from various places on the left and right steps, all made of white marble.

  To talk about scenery, it can only be regarded as the large stone aquariums on both sides of the stone steps, which are planted with some green pine and lotus.

  Now that the lotus is not blooming, there are only evergreen and undefeated green pine.

  Man Bao was already very slow, so slow that some ministers passing by couldn't help but look sideways at her.

  Fortunately, there are not many people coming in and out here. Well, except for the Great Court, there are not many officials who usually come to the Taiji Hall. Most of them are officials of Grade 4 or higher.

  Far away, seeing Li Maoyue ascending the steps, Man Bao simply stopped and waited for him.

  Li Maoyue stepped up and looked at Zhou Man very strangely, "How come Master Zhou is free today?"

  Man Bao put his hands in his sleeves, and when he heard the words, he took out the folds and raised his voice: "The vaccinia of the Forbidden Army has been planted, and I will report it to your majesty."

  Li Maoyue suddenly realized, smiled and asked, "Is everything going well?"

  Man Bao nodded, “It’s okay. Some people didn’t respond well when they were vaccinated. Fortunately, there is no danger to their lives.”

There are more people being vaccinated, and more exceptional cases have been collected. Although the Imperial Medical Office is nervous, it is not disgusted with such cases. This shows that vaccinia still needs improvement, or some special vaccinia should be specially formulated to adapt to it. Special cases...

  But this is not Zhou Man’s main purpose today. The reason why she snatched the reporting job from Xiao Yuan’s forehand was to block Li Maoyue.

  So Man Bao also cared about Li Maoyue’s work, "Li Shangshu is still busy selecting officials lately?"

"Yes," Li Maoyue also complained smoothly, "We are busiest in the staff department and the household department every spring. Not only must we arrange for the newly promoted Jinshi and Mingjing, but also the officials who return to Beijing to report their duties and arrange transfers. "

  Even the two are intertwined. When some officials are promoted, they naturally vacate positions for newcomers who will be appointed this year.

   "I heard that there are still magistrates who died of sudden illnesses this year?" Man Bao couldn't help but asked curiously, "What is the disease?"

Li Maoyue is not aware of fraud. Zhou Man is an imperial doctor. Everyone knows that she likes special cases. I heard that she still goes to Jishitang to see cases from time to time. Therefore, only if she is interested in the disease, she sighed: "It was the magistrate of Tongbai County. It was a wind and cold. It was said that it was a spring rain when it was cold. At first it was a minor illness. Who knew it was getting worse and worse, but I didn't get through it."

And very quickly, it took twelve days before and after, and it only took four days for him to make arrangements from becoming serious, so the county office could only report it to the official department and send officials there. After all, it is the critical time for spring plowing. How can the county government not have a county magistrate?

  Wind cold is possible to die.

  Man Baobian also sighed, and then asked Li Maoyue, "Has Li Shangshu decided to replace him?"

  Li Maoyue shook his head and said with a smile: "Tongbai County is a middle county. It is up to your Majesty to decide."

  But he is the official official book, it is impossible not to recommend it, Man Bao did not point it out, and just smiled and asked: "How does Li Shangshu feel that it is straightforward?"

  Li Maoyue couldn't help but pause, and looked at Zhou Man, "Who?"

   "Bai Zhi," Man Bao said directly, "I would like to recommend Bai Zhi to you. Do you remember his official examination papers?"

Before Li Maoyue had time to speak, Man Bao took out an article from his sleeve and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, you can read his usual articles? This is to persuade the class of Nongsang, and Tongbai County can also be considered. It is a big grain-producing county, but I have heard from Bai that there is a big gap between rich and poor in the county. It seems that most of the rich are concentrated in the west, while the east is very poor."

  Li Maoyue didn't want to take the article, but after hearing Zhou Man's words, he reached out and took it.

  Bai Zhi was able to say this, obviously doing his homework, so why not give him a chance.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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