Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2560: enlightenment

  Chapter 2560 Enlightenment

  The small road going out from the east of the city has been passed through, and it was officially put into use two days ago, but it was the first time for Man Bao and the others to come here.

After exiting the East City Gate, we walked northward, which is the opposite of Huangzhuang. After going out for a while, a small road stretches out before. People and livestock walk out between fields and ridges. There is a row of green grass in the middle. , On both sides is the muddy ground with potholes, and on the other side is the kind of ridges.

  Unless people walk, ride horses and donkeys, few people take this road. Manbao and the others have only walked three times, and try not to sit in the car every time, otherwise they can turn you out of the way.

  But now the road has been leveled, and it has been expanded to a large extent. The ridges on both sides have been shoveled, filled with stones, and then refilled with mud and beaten.

  The two lanes on the left and right are smaller than the official road, but it is also very comfortable to look at.

  Man Bao was riding on the horse, and being blown by the wind, he became more comfortable and satisfied with the road, "The road is correct."

Bai Shan nodded and motioned for her to look forward, and saw farmers on both sides of the road carrying burdens with a lot of vegetables and vegetables. Seeing this line of convoys, they were a little timid, so they didn't dare to go anymore. Stand on the side of the road and wait for them to pass.

  Today is the third day when this road is opened. The road is built directly, and people and livestock are not allowed to walk on the road.

But they walked by yesterday. I heard that the Dongcheng Gate into the capital from here is very fast. Once you enter the two squares, you will get a place in the East Market. By that time, you can get a position by paying two cents in the East Market. Vegetables can be sold for 80 to 90 texts.

  If they are lucky, they don’t have to go to the East Market, they just wander from the two workshops all the way.

  The main reason is that there is no tax on the vegetables in Dongchengmen.

Of course, the Dongchengmen does not charge taxes on vegetables and vegetables. Not only does the vegetable and vegetables do not charge taxes, but also the chickens, ducks, fish and eggs. .

  At least people from Wannian County have to go through the East Gate.

  As the magistrate of Wannian County, he still has this power.

  No way, Chang'an County is too hateful. It is clear that Wannian County and Chang'an County are the capital Guo County, but because the imperial city is assigned to Chang'an County, they are obviously at the same level, but Tang He is hiding him.

The most hateful thing is that it doesn’t matter if the West City Gate belongs to Chang'an County, and the South City Gate all belong to Chang’an County. The sites in Mingming City are almost half-divided, so the piece of Chang'an County at the gate of the city will be tens of thousands of years older than them. One more county?

  Partial business travelers like to walk through the South Gate.

   Few people walk at Dongcheng Gate.

  It’s all right now. He added one more route, and he would attract more people to what he said. Therefore, the county magistrate Guo asked the district chiefs to promote in the village early and encouraged everyone to send chicken, duck, fish, vegetables, fruits and vegetables to the capital.

  He wanted to make the people under his control more courageous, but they rarely saw such nobles and such a convoy, suddenly met on the empty road, or the road that had just been opened, and was a little timid for a while.

   After stopping, he hesitated whether to kneel or not.

  Man Bao looked at them curiously, and stared at their burdens before and after arriving, and asked, "Is this cherries grown in the home or wild, sweet?"

  The farmer was stunned for a moment, and forgot whether to kneel or not, and replied: "Going back to the lady, this is the fruit tree in my backyard. I dare not say sweet, but it must not be particularly sour."

  He did not dare to say it was sweet.

  Man Bao heard it and immediately asked: "How much is a catty?"

  When asked about the price, the farmer was not very nervous. He split his mouth and smiled: "Fifteen cents per catty."

  More expensive than meat.

  Man Bao took a look, but he still thought it looked good, so he said, "Come to me...may I try one first? If it is delicious, I will buy it all."

  The farmer immediately picked a big red one and gave it to her, and looked at her expectantly.

  Man Bao took a bite. It was a bit sour, but it was much better than the wild cherries on the mountain in their village, so he waved his hand and said, "I bought them all."

  Anyway, there are so many people today, they are not afraid of not being able to finish eating.

  The farmer immediately became happy when he heard it, and immediately put down the burden, and borrowed a weight with the people nearby to weigh her.

  Yes, they share a steelyard, and this scale is not theirs yet, it is borrowed by them and the village chief, each time they lend him two eggs.

  He figured it out, and quickly reported the number, "Three catties and nine liang..."

  He rushed to Bao Han with a smile and said: "Lady, one or two counts as we let you, even if you are three and a half catties."

  They buy vegetables just like that, half of it is fine, and more or less is not good, so they erase if there is more, and add some if there is less.

   Then he took out a big leaf and wrapped the cherries to Man Bao, then squatted on the ground and squatted his fingers to calculate how much three and a half catties were.

  Man Bao stood and waited.

  After waiting for a long time, he found that he got stuck after counting to the third catty. After touching the sweat on his forehead, he continued to count with his fingers, and he even pulled on the person next to him.

  They are also difficult.

They seldom sell anything. If it weren’t for the local chief who kept saying that it’s spring now, the vegetables in the fields grow fast, and the people in the city have no vegetables to eat, and now they live in a dry place. The vegetable money in the city, otherwise they would not be bold enough to send the vegetable into the city.

  But a catty of vegetables costs two or three cents. No one buys more than ten cents of vegetables. This cherry family buys one by two, and the farmer is so anxious when a package comes in suddenly.

  Man Bao saw that he couldn't figure it out, so he squatted on the ground to help him count together, "One catty is fifteen wen, those two catty are thirty wen, and three catty is forty-five wen..."

  The farmer was at a loss.

  Man Bao took out a bunch of copper coins to open it, counted fifteen pens and placed it in his hand, "This is a pound."

   counted fifteen essays and placed them in his hand, "This is a pound..."

  Everyone gathered around to watch the excitement, and even Changyu and Mingda couldn't resist getting out of the car and watching together.

  Man Bao counted another fifteen essays and placed it on the palm of his hand, "This is a pound."

  Peasant Humanity: "This is three kilograms."

  Man Bao nodded.

   Then he counted fifteen texts and placed it on his other palm, and then said: "This is the fourth catty, but you only have half a catty, so the money is worth half, one for you, one for me..."

  Man Bao placed one in the palm of the person beside him, and another in his palm, until the eighth one was finished, and it happened to be in the opponent's hand.

  She smiled and said, "This is half of it."

  The other party squinted, "Why doesn’t the lady have the eighth article?"

  Man Bao smiled and said: "Half of the fifteen essays is seven and a half essays. If you let me one or two, I will let you half the essay. In the end, you should let me have more."

  The farmer was stunned for a moment. After collecting the money, he respectfully bowed to Zhou Man, retreated to the side with the others and waited for them to leave before taking the burden.

  Man Bao handed the cherries to Mingda, and said with a smile: "This thing is sour and sweet as an appetizer, you can eat some."

  Mingda smiled and nodded, and handed it to Changyu. Changyu hugged him and got into the carriage with her happily.

  Man Bao mounted his horse, and said with Bai Shan: "Maybe the county magistrate Guo can teach the villagers to count."

  Bai Shan also nodded, "Education should not be limited to morality."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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