Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2564: Drought Resistance II

  Chapter 2564 Drought Resistance II

  The two of them came back on a smooth road as much as possible. Four-fifths of the water was still there. The two were happy, and they hurried to pour the water into the field with buckets...

  The two of them were carrying water all day. Zhou Dalang raked the field twice with a rake, so that the water and mud in the field were mixed together to make them more even.

  Bai Shan brought down a bucket of water, and saw Man Bao standing in the field with his feet, washing his feet with the falling water, and said to her: "Come here, the water here is cleaner."

  Man Bao immediately stepped forward, standing with his feet on a bush of grass in the field, Bai Shan tilted the wooden bucket slightly, the water flowed down finely, and Man Bao washed his feet and soiled trouser legs with the water.

  Wash it well before putting it down, and then sit on the ridge to dry your feet.

  Master Wei finished inserting a field, swaying over his body covered in mud, and walked to the Zhou family's field, signaling Bai Shan to continue pouring water.

  Bai Shan gave him a new bucket of water to clean his hands and feet.

   "How many plots of land are there in your lord's house?"

  Wei Zhi sighed and said: "There are only two pieces in the Yongzhou area."

  But his hometown is also suffering from drought this year.

Seeing his sad face, Man Bao comforted him and said, "My lord, my mother said, peasants have to look at the sky for food. Drought and waterlogging are common occurrences. For us, it will be difficult for a while. I'm afraid that he will not be flooded or drought for a long time, and the weather has been good for several years, but the family still has no surplus food."

  Wei Zhi was stunned, and asked, "Why can't I save enough food for a few years?"

"If there is no natural disaster, it is naturally a man-made disaster." Seeing Wei Zhiyi Lin, Man Bao quickly explained, "My man-made disaster does not specifically refer to the officialdom. The prodigal in the family or someone who is sick can be counted. My mother said, the weather has been smooth for several years. If you can’t store food, it’s not as good as a little drought and a little flood every year.”

   "Why is this?" Wei Zhi puzzled, "Even if there is no grain to store, it should be a good weather."

  Man Bao shook his head, "My mother said, Lord God is watching, this world is so big, and the weather here is smooth, and other places must be suffering from disasters, and good fortune should take turns."

"For several years, the weather has been smooth and the blessings have been too great, and there will be great disasters in the future," she said: "For example, in the year of flooding in Yizhou, the weather in our village was smooth in the first few years, and as a result, there was a sudden heavy rain in that year. Adding to the man-made disaster, the levee collapsed."

Wei Zhi thought about it carefully and found that it was true that the Gyeonggi area had only experienced a drought a few years ago. That time was considered serious. However, because there was a lot of grain in the capital area and the grain was delivered from various places, it did not cause a catastrophe. At most, the national treasury was a little poorer. , They are a bit tired as officials.

  After the drought, the weather in Gyeonggi has been smooth for two years, and there was a snowstorm last winter, and this year’s spring is dry. However, Jintianjian said that the situation is not very serious and that it should rain after a while.

  Wei Zhi exclaimed: "Your mother is very insightful."

  It’s no wonder that people like Zhou Man can be raised.

  Man Bao nodded in agreement.

  Bai Shan brought another bucket of water and called Man Bao, "Come here and help me."

  Man Bao stepped barefoot on the grass, jumped over and poured water for him to wash his hands and feet.

  Wei Zhi looked at them, looked at them, and asked, “It’s been two days, why don’t you see Lord Zhou and Lord Bai?”

  Man Bao said complacently: "We pay attention to sun protection. You see, we wear straw hats and we use gauze to cover our faces during the day when the sun is big, revealing only one pair of eyes."

  Master Wei: "Aren't you bored?"

   "It's a little boring, but it won't be dark," Man Bao said, "Otherwise, when we return to the court in half a month, we will become black, but how can we meet your Majesty and your colleagues?"

  Master Wei puzzled, "What can't you see?"

  Man Baodao: "Others are facing the wind in Yushu, and I have to look graceful when I wait for nature. How can I be embarrassed?"

  Master Wei did not speak, but just smiled and said: "Okay, then half a month, no, it will be the meeting with the Dachao in twelve days."

Absolute sun protection is impossible. The two of them are so slutty and love freedom. They lost the gauze within two days. When they planted rice seedlings in the field, even the straw hats were in the way. They were both in the morning and the afternoon when the sun was not so big. Just lost the straw hat.

   Then flutter in the field with joy.

  After planting the fields, they had to grow beans. They were not in the water, so they felt the heat. They put on their straw hats honestly, but they still felt dry.

   And it was too late to wear it back at this time, and the two of them were tanned.

Not to mention them, Lao Zhou also felt distressed. While mumbling to let them hurry up when they planted, he said: "We can do this kind of work by ourselves. Ask for field leave..."

  Man Bao straightened up, beat his waist and said, "Father, how many days are we going to plant?"

  Lao Zhoutou looked around, and estimated: "We will finish planting in two days. On the other plot, I don’t know how your five brothers are doing."

  Lao Zhoutou gave Man Bao dowry two plots of land. This plot was planted by them, and the other plot was planted by Wu Lang with a group of nephews who also took field leave.

  Even Zhou Lixin (Da Ya) and Guan Yong came over and spent seven or eight days in the ground.

  There is no way, because of the lack of water, the fields that need to be planted have to be watered, and the work that can be completed in three or four days has been extended to seven or eight days.

  And now it’s not easy to recruit short-term and long-term workers without chaos, and you can’t find anyone with money.

  I heard that Huangzhuang recruited a large number of workers. Not only were they paid well, but the food was good, and many people went there.

  Then there are some powerful elders who had to hire people to transport water because of this drought.

  Otherwise, why did the emperor leave the field early, and added three days to it, so that you can fight the drought?

Just after Manbao and the others planted them all, Qin Tianjian kept saying that the coming rain was finally coming, pattering, very fine, very fine, when it fell, Manbao and Bai Shan did not realize that it was raining, after all They are wearing straw hats.

  It was still Zhou Dalang feeling hot. He took off his straw hat and wiped his sweat. As a result, he felt the drizzle on his face. After a moment, he yelled: "Father, it's raining."

  The old Zhou, who was lowering his head and stepping forward, was shocked. He took off his hat and extended his hand. He said happily: "It's really raining, hurry up, plant it now."

  Manbao, they all refreshed and speeded up.

Wei Zhi, who came to inspect his seedlings to be dead or alive, saw it, rolled up his sleeves and went to help. After planting the last two ridges, they happily went home together. Man Bao also invited Master Wei, "You It's too late to return to the capital at this time. Why don't you rest in my house for a night?"

  Wei Zhi smiled and agreed.

   and Zhou Man went to Zhuangzi in Pucun.

  The group of people sat in the bullock cart, raining all the way back, but they were very happy, especially the spring rain tended to get denser and denser. Man Bao let out a sigh of relief, “It’s better to get wet with **** underground.”

   "That depends on whether we can go down to night."

At this time, the emperor was also standing in the Taiji Hall watching the rain. Seeing that the rain became denser and denser, he became happy. He laughed and told Gu Zhong, "Go, tell the queen, tonight I To eat the pot, let the imperial dining room kill one more chicken."

  Gu Zhong responded with a smile.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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