Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2566: People and system

  Chapter 2566 Human heart and system

   Zhouman not only supports them to raise chickens, but also supports them to raise sheep and cattle, as well as pigs.

  It’s just that few people in the village choose to raise pigs. Most of them choose to raise sheep and cattle.

  If it were not for the high qualifications required to raise cattle, the owners would have to investigate for a period of time, and the villagers would definitely choose to raise cattle.

   Regardless of what you raise, the seedlings are provided by the owner, but they need to be divided into some owners after they grow up.

  For example, pig raising, the whole village has a population of 100 households, and only 28 households choose to raise pigs. The piglets are provided by the owner. The piglets are provided by the owner. After raising them for the previous year, they will be slaughtered for 46%. The owner is fourth and their own family 60%.

  If the sows you raise give birth, the owner will only need 20%, and the remaining 80% will be their own.

  Furthermore, it's all the owner's own if you die.

  Therefore, many villagers who just put in labor are willing to raise it.

  The job fields are very large, and there are always fields that are not suitable for planting. Those fields have been planted with pastures to feed pigs, cows, and sheep. Anyway, the harvest in the village has been good in recent years, but it is a little tired.

  But they were tired before, they think their life is more hopeful now, especially the children...

  They need to do the same work as before, but they used to go to the ground to knock mud, no matter how old you are, you can walk with a wooden hammer to do it.

  Now they can feed chickens, sheep, cattle...

  It’s not hard work at all. Just follow the buttocks of the chickens, sheep and cows, and don’t let them eat the crops. Occasionally cutting some grass for them and catching some bugs is much more fun than going to the fields to hammer mud.

  When the chickens are raised, they will lay eggs for them to eat. When they kill sheep in winter, they will also have mutton to eat...

  Wei Zhi reached out and touched the boy’s head, smiled and nodded, "Good boy, go and let go of your fuck."

  The child turned around and ran away, chasing the chicken with his friends happily.

  Wei Zhi thought all the way back. Bai Shan and Zhou Man just got up and were washing themselves.

Wei Zhi couldn't help but smile when he saw the two people's lazy appearance, "I was very surprised when I saw Master Zhou's job field. I want to ask Master Bai, should you get your job field after autumn? "

  Bai Shan was in the Hanlin Academy before, and his salary was mostly paid, and he had not had time to divide his duties. This was the cunning of the household department.

Because of the special department of the Imperial Academy, many future bigwigs will just go in for transfers. It is estimated that they will leave and be transferred to other places in the last one or two years. Therefore, they simply do not divide their jobs and use the second subsidy method directly according to the His grade is supplemented by Lumi in the fall to make up for the income of the vocational field.

  It's just that Bai Shan's luck is too good and not too good.

  He joined the job in the early summer of last year. As usual, he was assigned the job field after autumn, so he did not receive a subsidy that year.

Last year he did not have a job field, this year he should get a subsidy, but this year he was promoted to the Ministry of Education, then he will be given a job field after the fall of this year, and he is no longer in the Imperial Academy, so he won’t be able to get the subsidy from the Imperial Academy. This year he still has no income from vocational land.

  Man Bao took a bit of aftertaste, and tweeted: "I suddenly remembered that I made a lot better than you."

  Bai Shan said: "Our family does not depend on salary for food."

  Tahao said unmodestly: "My family is not short of money."

The not-so-rich Man Bao and Wei Zhi, who was short of money, skipped his words and continued to discuss, “Yes, he will also apply for self-management of his job field by then, and the income from the household department is not high. It's not too high."

  Wei Zhi nodded, his job field has been handed over to the household department to take care of him, and he takes a fixed rent every year.

  He can also try to take care of it, but this requires a very careful manager.

  The other party must not only be able to manage the tenants, but also be able to farm the land, but also have a fair heart, must be kind, or it might as well be handed over to the Ministry of Households;

  You can't be too kind, otherwise Shitian will lose the original intention.

  Of course there is such a person under Wei Zhi's hands, his old housekeeper is.

  But if the old housekeeper goes to take charge of the job field, what will happen to the family affairs?

  Wei Zhi glanced at Zhou Man and began to think about his relatives...

  Man Bao is still chatting against Wei Zhi, "Master Wei, I think it is better to hand over this job to the officials, and the benefits will be higher."

  Wei Zhi directly shook his head and smiled: "I have been thinking about it all the way back, but I rejected it with just one thought."

  Not only Man Bao, but even Bai Shan can’t understand, “Why? Isn’t our job field supervisor bad?”

   "Naturally it is good, but that's just your family," Wei knew: "There are not many official families in this world that are as kind and observant as your family. Moreover, it is better to believe in the system if you believe in the hearts of the people."

  He said: "The system is more credible than the human heart."

  On the way back, Wei Zhi was thinking, can this method be promoted in the DPRK?

  He knew it just by a thought, no!

  One, not all officials have the same harmonious family as Zhou Man, the same capable brothers and sisters, or available stewards, who can help them take care of their jobs;

  Second, not all officials have the same blessing as Zhou Man, and are willing to give most of their benefits to tenants.

  Three, and the most important point, people’s hearts will change.

  Wei Zhi looked at Zhou Man and Bai Shan quietly. He thought, now they can abide by the court's regulations, but they will do their best to take care of the field, and when they leave, they will return the field to the court.

  But what about ten years from now, twenty years from now, or even longer?

When they are accustomed to having this job field, and the tenants here are also used to such an owner, when they leave, will they want to "buy" this job land, or will the tenants here? Think of a way to get them to buy Shitian?

  Dajin owned a large amount of land in the public middle of the country at the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, but lost a lot of land every year.

  The Ministry of Households always says that the job fields are not enough, and has been urging them to reduce the allocation of job fields, but where did so much public land go?

  Although the number of officials is increasing every year, there are many deaths and deaths of officials every year. Generally speaking, the number of officials in the officialdom has been in a relatively stable state and has increased steadily, but the increase is not much.

  The amount of land in the place where the nation was founded can fully support the official fields.

The reason why    is not enough is because Shitian has been occupied by others.

  There are “malicious” embezzlement, and there are also “good faith” embezzlement.

   But no matter what kind, from the overall situation, this kind of occupation will bring great harm to the country and the people in the future.

  At present, it seems that the "goodwill" occupation seems to be for the good of the tenants who cultivate this land, but after ten or twenty years, after a generation of owners, can they always treat them well?

  If not, how miserable would they be without the supervision of the court?

  So it is impossible for Wei Zhi to vigorously promote this move, but he can change it.

  He can't believe in people's hearts, but he believes in systems.

  This matter cannot be handed over to individual officials, but it can be handed over to an organization-the Ministry of Households.

Liu Shangshu, who has no fields to plant and no vacations, has been mad to fight drought these days, and it rarely rains, so he slept at home and rested, but he couldn't help but sneezed two big sneezes together. He gathered his clothes together. , Looking at the gloomy sky outside, muttered: "It's rare to rain, but I got a cold?"

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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