Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2568: Fight for water

  Chapter 2568 Fighting for water

Yin or drank a sip of the tea ceremony: "The King of Hejian didn't do anything. It's just that one of his family and the Zheng family fought over water. Seven people died. Coincidentally, all seven of them died. It's from the Zheng family. Five of them are tenant tenants, and two are middlemen who follow the chief to mediate."

  Man Bao: "...It has been raining for three days, and there is no shortage of water in the ground now."

Yin or: "This happened four days ago. The Guo county order had already been tried, but Zheng Jiazhuang refused to accept it. Today, he took the man and the owner of the Hejian county king's house into an armed fight. As a result, the Zheng family who was planning to participate in this year's Jinshi Examination The second son is going to see Zhuangzi and tenants because of four days ago..."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were surprised, "He is dead?"

  Yin or shook his head, "Not dead, but he was seriously injured. My father personally took someone to retrieve the man, and he was sent directly to the palace for treatment. He is still alive and well."

  Yin or said: "This son Zheng is the second son of the long house. He has read poems and books since childhood. He is very famous in Xingyang. His elder brother was brought up as a patriarch."

   is different from a small family like the Bai family in Longzhou, a big family like the Zheng family, they not only deliberately cultivate the children who can enter the court and go out of officialdom, but also support the family.

   Obviously, this Zheng Erlang is a disciple specially cultivated by the Zheng family.

  Man Bao asked: "Where did he hurt?"

   "Head," Yin Or looked at Man Bao and said, "I don't think you should come back from Pucun, otherwise you should go out and hide in Beijing first."

  Man Bao was taken aback, and shook his head after thinking for a moment.

  Hiding things is not her style.

  Bai Shan also felt that he couldn't hide. If he didn't hide, the matter was only the Li family and Zheng family's affairs. This hiding was really tied to the treasure.

  Yin may nod after thinking about it, "That's right," he and Man Bao said: "Then you go home, if the hospital is looking for you, it is probably already in your house now."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao hurried home. The house was quiet and there was no one. The concierge said that no one was coming, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, holding hands and going back to rest.

  As a result, they heard the sound of galloping horseshoes, and the two of them also heard the sound through a door, so they stopped.

  In the palace, Zhou Man was rushed into the palace.

  Man Bao did not have time to change his official uniform and followed the man into the palace.

  Bai Shan thought for a while, and decided to work overtime at the Hanlin Academy, and by the way, he went to the palace to visit Duwei Baijilang.

  Zheng Erlang is lying in the East Palace.

  Yin Li was when he was taking the Forbidden Army to do training outside, he encountered a person who urgently went to the county government to report a letter. Only then did he know that the two Zhuangzi had a weapon fight.

   Originally this had nothing to do with him. Although he was Jing Zhaoyin, it was impossible for him to cross the county magistrate to intervene in such trivial matters.

As a result, I heard that the second son of the Zheng family was also involved, and he was beaten in the head. The other side was the head of the king’s family in Hejian County. He immediately felt wrong, and took someone to quell the fight. By the way He snatched Zheng Erlang out and sent him directly to the palace for treatment.

The reason for looting is that the head of the king’s family in Hejian County did not know Zheng Erlang, and the head of Zheng Jiazhuang, who knew Zheng Erlang’s identity, was addicted to fighting with weapons. Although Zheng Erlang was snatched from under the stick, he did not call the doctor or the general. People take out of the danger zone...

  After Yinli appeared, the other party still wanted to hold the people, with a look of disbelief, believing that Jingzhao Mansion wanted to make money and kill them.

  Yin Li didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, and directly let the imperial soldiers get started. All the people present were arrested, and Zheng Erlang was snatched and sent to the palace.

  The reason why the noise was so big was because Zheng Erlang was seriously injured. Although he only touched it lightly, it was certain that his skull collapsed.

  In such a situation, there is little chance of survival.

  So Yinli sent people into the palace, and asked the Forbidden Army to invite the Zheng, Lu, Wang, Cui, and Li people in the capital into the palace.

  If people are really dead, they must also have a testimony. At least they must let Zheng know that they are doing their best to save people.

  The relationship between the emperor and the family in recent years has not been very good, and Yin Li does not want the family to seize this opportunity to attack the emperor.

  Hejian County King naturally knew this too.

  As the emperor’s cousin, he was trusted by the emperor, so when he received the news, he sent people to control all the villagers in the village, while kneeling to the Taiji Hall to ask for death.

  Wei Zhi was called into the palace urgently. He already knew what happened on the road. He first asked: "How is the injury of the second son of the Zheng family?"

  Where did the guard know it, he could only say: "I don't know how to be humble, but there was blood all over my face when I was sent to the palace."

  Wei Zhi knew that it was definitely not good, otherwise it would not be possible to send people directly into the palace with the politeness of courtesy.

   He sighed and closed his eyes. How could it be such a coincidence that he was in time?

  The emperor sat on the dragon chair, his eyes deep and silent, kneeling down on the Hejian County King, sitting on the low chair next to Zheng Wang, covering his face with his sleeve and crying in a low voice.

  Because in the capital, Mr. Tang, who was the first to arrive, was waiting around him to comfort him, but his expression was very condensed.

  Gu Zhong came in quietly from outside, and first said: "Your Majesty, Wei Xiang is here."

  The emperor's eyes moved a little more, and he nodded solemnly, beckoning him to invite people in.

  Wei Zhi came in, and just opened his head to ask about the specific process, and a small step-by-step waiter came to speak quietly in Gu Zhong's ear.

  Gu Zhong looked at the emperor, but stepped forward and whispered: "Your Majesty..."

  The emperor suddenly said loudly: "If you have anything to say in front of the ministers, what are you doing sneaky?"

  Gu Zhong immediately knelt down with a thud, pressing his forehead against the stone brickhui and reporting: "Your Majesty, the East Palace is answering the question, Master Zheng is not good..."

  The emperor immediately got up and walked directly out.

Wei Zhi followed closely. The others froze for a while and immediately followed. The King of Hejian knelt for a long time, and he staggered when he got up. Gu Zhong, who had already risen numbly, gave him a look. The two of them Hurry to chase the emperor.

  The emperor reached the East Palace all the way, and the prince greeted the people in, but they could only look at Zheng Erlang. There were too many people and too much delay in the imperial doctor's actions, so they could only turn around and go out.

  The emperor saw that Xiao Yuanzheng and Liu Taiyi were both present, but Zhou Man was not there, so he asked, "Where is Zhou Man?"

  Wei Zhi lowered his eyes and did not speak, and the person from the hospital reported: "Master Zhou took his field leave."

   "What kind of field leave are you taking at this time, let someone go and find her."

  Someone immediately responded.

  Manbao is a fast horse, so the speed is not slow, even because of the emperor's order, she can ride directly to the gate of the east palace before getting off.

  She trot in with others, first saw the emperor, and then saw Wei Zhi and other ministers who followed. It was so grand, comparable to the sick queen mother at the time.

  The emperor waved his hand to interrupt her salute, pointed inside and said: "People are inside, go and see."

  Man Bao will go in.

    The next chapter is around ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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