Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2577: I made it (to book friends

  Chapter 2577 I did it

  Doctor Liu sighed, "This is spring~"

  What if it’s winter or autumn?

  Otherwise, summer will do.

  Liu Madam sighed and continued to clean his wound with the medicine, then looked at the exposed part, shook his head and said: "The outside is still visible, what should I do with the inside?"

  Man Bao is also thinking about it. At this time, it is obviously impossible to stop bleeding and reduce swelling.

  Man Baodao: "Try it with Ji Shitang's Panax Notoginseng Ointment."

  Mr. Liu nodded after thinking about it, "You can try it, but what about inside?"

  Man Bao pondered for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Wait a little longer, I think the temperature can be controlled, no matter how high it is, then you can only give strong medicine."

  At this time, even if the person is not beaten up, he will become a fool after he is cured.

  However, Mr. Liu didn't point out this point. Both of them knew that compared to the consequences of being stupid, life-saving was the most important thing for the imperial doctor.

  Xiao Yuanzheng obviously thought so, but he still told the emperor and told him to prepare that Master Zheng could not wake up, or was a fool when he woke up.


  What can the emperor do? He can only quietly tell the Hejian County King to make him also ready.

  Hejian County King sighed quietly.

  Man Bao stared at Young Master Zheng nervously, and took advantage of the convenience of cleaning his wounds to wash out some bad meat and put it away, looking for an opportunity to give it to Teacher Mo.

   Teacher Mo said after the test: "Your treatment environment is too bad."

Man Bao came in to communicate with Teacher Mo while she was going to the latrine after a late meal. She sat down on the floor of the teaching room and said, "I know, this is the first patient with a head injury I have ever seen. I didn't expect it to be so difficult, Teacher Mo, is there really no way to save him?"

  Ms. Mo thought for a while and said: “There are two other ways, just give him a tube of healing potion. It can effectively inhibit and destroy germs and restore body functions to a certain extent.”

  Teacher Mo pointed it out for her directly, and Man Bao felt familiar when she saw it, "This green concoction, it looks like I bought it for my mother."

  Ms. Mo smiled and said: "Restoration potions all have something in common."

   "Then there is another way?"

  Ms. Mo said: "It was originally intended to teach you, we will come to learn Yinqiaosan, Baihutang and Qingjietang today..."

  Man Bao spent a full two quarters of an hour in the latrine this time. When she opened the door and went out, the maidservant outside looked at her with different eyes.

  I really didn’t expect that a doctor would be constipated? It's still so serious...

  The maids looked at Zhou Man sympathetically, how big this is...

  Man Bao was still immersed in the prescription, and did not notice their gaze.

  When she returned to the ward, there was a smell of wormwood inside.

  She waved her hand to let the air circulate, walked in and asked, "How many times have you sprayed it?"

  Emperor Liu stretched out three fingers and said: "Ning Duo Wu Xiao, choking a little bit, but I feel at ease."

  Mugwort, atractylodes and realgar decoction spraying can make the room cleaner.

  Man Bao touched Young Master Zheng’s forehead. It was burning or burning, and it was getting higher and higher.

  Man Bao hesitated for a while, but decided to change the prescription, so she dragged Doctor Liu to find Xiao Yuanzheng, and the three of them discussed it for a while before deciding on the prescription.

  The prescription must be given to the doctor to immediately grab the medicine and boil the medicine, and then administer the medicine to Master Zheng, and Man Bao will give him a needle to lower the temperature and reduce the swelling.

  The sky was getting darker, Man Bao glanced at Young Master Zheng, and felt that whether he was alive or dead was up to tonight, so he said to Liu Taiyi’s Xiaoyuan, "You should rest first, and I’ll be guarding in the first half of the night."

  Both of them had been busy and tiring for a day. They didn’t argue with her after hearing this, and they nodded and squeezed a bed together.

  Man Bao sat on the bed and looked at Young Master Zheng. She was bored and looked at her points subconsciously. She unconsciously clicked on her knee, feeling that she was still unwilling to spend so many points on him, so she went to Teacher Mo.

Teacher Mo did not go offline. He has been studying the case of Mr. Zheng, and used his data and pulse records to set up several anthropomorphic treatment trials, using the medical level of Zhouman’s world as the background, without exception. Death ending.

Later, he simply moved forward the medical level for more than a thousand years, and directly applied instruments and surgical treatments to people. In a sterilized environment, his survival rate was still only 60%. He underwent three operations and survived once. He died once, and another time, although he was alive, his brain was irreversibly damaged.

  Mr. Mo feels that it is impossible to save people with the medical level of Zhouman’s time. The difficulty lies not in swelling and hemostasis, but in the sterilization environment and timely treatment of congestion.

  The latter two cannot be done. Even if the bleeding is stopped and the swelling is controlled, people will not survive.

  Especially it is spring.

  He said: "It seems that you can only use healing potions?"

  Man Bao asked, "Are the healing potions only available through the mall?"

Seeing her unwilling look in her clothes, Teacher Mo smiled and said, “I know you’re reluctant, so you don’t have to go to the mall to buy it. Didn’t I say that I’m going to teach you about diseases such as head injury and meningitis during this time? When it came time to restore the potion, I made two simple versions in the laboratory."

  He said: "It's better than the ones not on the market, but it's definitely better than all the prescriptions you use now."

  Man Bao's eyes widened in surprise, and it took a while to find his own voice, "Teacher, you are too good, do you know how many points a tube of medicine costs? Even if it is a simple version, half of the points can always be sold?"

  Man Bao was ready to move, and wanted to ask if he could teach her to make this potion.

  Teacher Mo gave him a faint glance and said, "Restoration medicine is just a very ordinary medicine. As long as your brothers and sisters, as long as you have a Ph.D., no one will not know how to do it. What is there to be happy about?"

  Man Bao was surprised, "Teacher, didn’t you say that you have patent protection? It’s the same as protecting our own pill formula here. Is this restorative medicine all over the street? Can you search for a prescription at any time?"

   "That's not true," Teacher Mo said: "The people who can make it are only in my laboratory. Of course, those shameless people who secretly took my potion to figure out the formula are not included in this list."

  Man Bao covered his heart, "...Teacher, who do you think this medicine belongs to?"

  Ms. Mo raised her eyes and looked at her, "My, the prescription is my research."

He frowned for a moment and said: "I was about 30 years old at that time. When I was studying ancient Chinese medicine, because of the serious lack of cases, I could only start with Chinese herbal medicine. Unfortunately, there are also many missing or missing plants in our world. Mutation, and finally I extracted the healing potion from the herbal medicine I studied."

  Manbao's eyes gleamed, "So I don't lack raw materials?"

"Yes, you just lack a vacuum machine, a quantum extraction machine, a high-magnification bio-mirror..." Teacher Mo muttered a lot, the excitement on Man Bao's face disappeared, and his face became more and more expressionless, "Teacher, let's come. Tell me about the simplified version of the healing potion. Would you like to give me some tubes?"

    see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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