Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2580: aphasia

   Chapter 2580 Aphasia

  Zheng Erlang's eyelids trembled, and he opened his eyes with difficulty. When he opened his eyes, he saw the people around him.

  He stared at them in a daze, and found that he didn't know any of them.

  Zheng Wang squeezed the doctor Liu forward, met Zheng Erlang’s gaze, and said excitedly: "Erlang, are you awake?"

  Zheng Erlang muttered, without making a sound, Xiao Yuanzheng and Zhou Man squeezed him out and leaned in front of Zheng Erlang together.

  Xiao Yuanzheng introduced himself solemnly, "Master Zheng, this is the palace. I am the director of the Taiyuan Hospital. This is the Zhou Taiyi from our Taiyuan Hospital."

  He stretched out his hand to pull the doctor Liu from behind, and introduced him: "This is the doctor Liu. First you have to answer us, do you know what happened?"

  Young Master Zheng frowned, with a splitting headache, and did not speak for a while.

   Behind Zheng Wang saw it, dissatisfied, and immediately said: "Xiao Yuanzheng, the investigation is a matter of Jingzhao Mansion and Wannian County, isn't it related to you?"

  Xiao Yuan glanced at him, Man Bao also glanced at him, and ignored him. Man Bao first said, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, do you know your name?"

  Young Master Zheng opened his mouth, his voice hoarse, and he didn't make any noise very much.

  Lady Liu immediately handed over the water, and the maid by the bed immediately took it and fed him the water.

  He moistened his throat, and then said: "Fei...Zheng..."

  Zheng Erlang was stunned for a moment, and did not speak for a while.

  Man Bao was confused: "Fei Zheng?"

  Xiao Yuan knew his name, and whispered Zhou Man secretly, and said in a low voice, "It's Zheng Fei."

  Man Bao looked at him in a daze, stretched out **** and asked him, "What's this?"

  Zheng Erlang glanced at her, and said depressed: "Two."

  Xiao Yuanzheng, Zheng Wang and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

  Man Bao asked, "There are three times a day, morning, noon and evening, which one do you like?"

  "Go...morning...noon..." Zheng Erlang pursed his mouth and stopped talking.

  Zheng Wang covered his chest, and almost fell to the ground again, and was supported by the Duke Pi's hand. Together, everyone watched Xiao Yuanzheng and Zhou Man silently.

  Man Bao also turned to look at Xiao Yuanzheng.

  Xiao Yuanzheng:...

  Look at his usefulness, can he immediately make people normal?

  He pulled a little smile to appease Zheng Erlang, "Master Zheng first calm down before you wake up. This is normal. Do you feel uncomfortable now?"

Mr. Zheng stopped talking, but weakly raised his finger to his head. As a result, the opponent's control might not be so good. He poked his finger directly towards the wound, and the man Bao Eye standing next to him quickly grabbed him. The shock of his face was uncertain.

  Xiao Yuanzheng and Doctor Liu were also very frightened, and quickly calmed the people, “It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t want to do it, just just say it.”

  However, Young Master Zheng didn't want to say it, so he just looked at them silently and didn't mean to speak at all.

  But the three educated doctors checked and knew about his condition.

  "Aphasia?" Zheng Wang asked with a strained face, "What is aphasia? He just spoke clearly."

  Xiao Yuanzheng looked at Zhou Man. She gave this name. In fact, according to his understanding, he was more willing to attribute this to the blood stasis in the internal organs.

  He guessed that it should be congestion or swelling in the brain that made the brain unable to control the body, perhaps because of the injured part...

  The ancestors believed that the human soul resides in the central viscera and is the **** among humans, and all extremities obey the central viscera.

  Zheng Erlang made a mistake in his expression, he did not say what he meant, and his throat was okay. Naturally, it was a brain problem.

   However, Zhou Man classified it as aphasia after being subdivided, and Xiao Yuan felt it was appropriate, so he did not insist on his blood stasis in the internal organs.

Zheng Wang asked anxiously: "Can it be cured?"

  Man Bao and Xiao Yuan looked at each other and could only tell each other, "We will try our best."

  Zheng Wang pursed his mouth and turned to find the emperor.

  Zheng Erlang wakes up, everything is developing towards the good side.

After a few days of sinking, the court finally became a bit more lively, so snowflakes flew to the emperor. Some impeached the king of Hejian, some of the Zheng family, and the impeachment of Guoxian, Wannian County. Order.

  In this wave, the most wronged person should be the magistrate Guo.

  The two Zhuangzi's fights were sudden, and there was no gradual progress, and they did not seek mediation from the chief and the county government before they started. He only learned about it after both of them had beaten people to death.

   Seven people died, even if they were in the capital, it was still a major case.

  So he took the person back at the time. Because of the indignation, he made a trial within two days.

  Because both parties are responsible, he detained all the people who took the lead and put them in prison. Oh, the leaders on both sides are the sons of Chuang Tau.

  They took people with their hoes and drank their hands.

  The two people, Guo County Order, were sentenced to be executed in accordance with the law.

  Now there is an accident, and the two villagers have also been arrested. If there is no accident, in autumn, the father and son on both sides will be reunited on the execution ground, and both go to the next world.

  But now there is still an accident, because the Zheng family refused to accept his sentence.

  For the first time, it was the tenants on their side who died, so why should their sons be sentenced to death?

  The second time, it was the son of the Zheng family who was injured, so why should their villager be sentenced to death?

  The county magistrate Guo originally wanted to go through the procedure. If you are not convinced, let's go through the procedure slowly and see how the Criminal Department will review the case.

  As a result, he accounted for half of the snowflakes of impeachment, the other half was Hejian County Kings, and the remaining half belonged to the Zheng family.

  You just said too much, your two fights and killed people, but he was the one who was impeached the most!

   At the Great Dynasty Meeting, County Magistrate Guo never had the opportunity to sit back in his place, and had been arguing with people back and forth on the front line, oh no, it was a distinction.

Man Bao sat cross-legged with the county magistrate Tang before and after, and looked up at him quietly while talking to the officials. In the end, he was so angry that he was so angry that he snorted directly after retiring. Flicking his sleeves, he walked out angrily.

  Man Bao straightened his official hat, got up from the seat, and silently followed Baiguan out.

  Tang county magistrate tweeted: "Lao Guo is so angry this time."

  Man Bao asked: "Is the county magistrate Guo returned to be questioned?"

  Tang county magistrate said: "Investigation will not be enough, but he will definitely be held accountable. Don't even think about promotion. He has to be released. It is estimated that he will leave the capital."

  Man Bao was surprised, "So serious?"

She frowned and said: "I heard Bai Shan talk about it. He didn't make a mistake in this case. Although the tenants on the Zheng family's side have died a lot, the criminal case says that the people on the Zheng family's side are the first to pick the matter. , They did it first."

  (End of this chapter)

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