Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2584: Shot

  Chapter 2584 Shot

  The emperor smiled and said: "Bo Ming rest assured, the personnel from both sides involved in the weapon fight have been taken by the county magistrate of Wannian County. This time, they will definitely be punished severely."

  But it was only the result that Patriarch Zheng was obviously dissatisfied. He looked at the Hejian County King on the opposite side, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is Li Shangshu?"

The emperor’s face was slightly pale, and he smiled and said: "It should be his responsibility that cannot be shied away. Therefore, I asked Jingzhao Mansion and Dali Temple to follow the same case. In a few days, the results may be revealed."

  He said: "At that time, the three departments will conduct the trial together. Tang Qing and Wei Qing are on the side. Don't worry, no one will dare to favor favoritism."

   Patriarch Zheng tightened his face, and he heard the warning.

  Looking further, Li Gong was indeed unable to please, but in the same way, the Zheng family must be no good.

   Patriarch Zheng was thinking, but he didn’t make a decision right now, instead he planned to make plans after seeing the second son. If the person is okay, what if he takes a step back?


  Patriarch Zheng's five inner parts were all burned, his heart burned, he glanced at the eldest son sitting behind him, and silently got up and said: "Nam is waiting for your majesty's investigation."

  The emperor responded with a smile.

   Patriarch Zheng asked to see his son, the emperor immediately said to the prince: "Prince, you lead Patriarch Zheng to see Gongzi Zheng."

   Patriarch Zheng glanced at Zhou Man, “Your Majesty, it’s better to ask Doctor Zhou on the same route, and the minister just happened to ask her about Erlang’s situation.”

The emperor refused, because he also wanted to know what Zheng Fei is now, so he smiled and said: "At this time, there was an imperial physician in the imperial hospital on duty in the East Palace. Boming only saw his son. There must be a lot to say. She is an outsider. What is it like there?"

  Patriarch Zheng gave Zhou Man a surprised look. He didn't expect that the emperor would value her so much and would reject him at this time.

  Patriarch Zheng pondered for a moment, but still did not say a word, raised his hand and bowed back.

  The prince also bowed down and led them to see Master Zheng.

  He has no expression on his face. In fact, if it weren't for Zheng Boming, he wouldn't be too lazy to lead the way.

   Also came out with Zheng Wang. Regarding this matter, he is probably the person in the Zheng family who knows best. After all, he has been involved in the whole process since he was engaged in hair development.

  The eyes of the two brothers turned, but no one spoke, and silently followed the prince to the East Palace.

  In the study, the emperor waited until the Zheng family had left before asking Zhou Man, "How is the aphasia of Master Zheng?"

  Man Baodao: "He refuses to speak in front of others, so the minister can't judge what is going on."

  The emperor asked: "What about his injuries?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "It's getting better, but it's not obvious yet, Your Majesty, this is a brain damage. It takes three or two months to consume congestion, long, half a year, or even a year."

  Wei Zhi asked, "Maybe he will take the Jinshi exam in autumn?"

  The emperor immediately sat up straight, "Yes, can he take the Jinshi exam?"

  Man Bao blinked and wanted to ask the emperor, do you want him to participate, or do you not want him to participate?

But remembering Xiao Yuanzheng’s repeated instructions, she suppressed this sentence and thought for a while and said: "The minister sees that he has no discomfort in writing and communicating during this period, but because it hurts his brain, she has never let him read it. books."

  She said: "If he can read the book and write things down, and it doesn’t hurt his previous memory, then he can participate."

   "I heard that his hands and feet were out of rhythm at first, and his hands were too heavy or light to control?"

"Yes, but this is the beginning. This period of time has been much better. He didn't have much problem with writing except occasionally when he couldn't control his strength." Man Bao paused and said: "In fact, whether it is aphasia or aphasia Loss of strength can be recovered through exercise. First of all, you must have a thick skin."

  Unfortunately, Young Master Zheng is still too young, and his face is too thin, and he refuses to do it in front of others. They are too hospital to be able to provide guidance, otherwise the speed of recovery will definitely be faster.

  The emperor thought for a while, and knew with Wei: "I remember that Wei Yu and Young Master Zheng were classmates, and let him persuade him. The most urgent thing is to recover."

  Man Bao knew that the emperor wanted Zheng Fei to participate in the Jinshi Examination. Although she was a little confused, she did not ask.

  Wei Zhi agreed.

  The emperor knocked on the table and thought for a moment. He felt that this matter had already been settled, and the Zheng family would not take the eldest son out to take risks.

  This is a big scandal. The emperor didn’t think Zheng would let outsiders watch their jokes, so...

  He was slightly straight and looked at Mr. Tang, “Someone impeached Qizhou Governor and accepted bribes to sell land at a low price. You send someone to Qizhou to investigate.”

  Lord Tang responded, and after a glance at the emperor, he was concerned.

  The emperor’s ambitions did not stop there, he pondered for a moment and said: "Yongzhou should also check one or two by ourselves..."

The ministers under    quietly glanced at each other, knowing that they are going to be uneasy recently, and even the tip of the recorder's pen was paused.

  Bai Shan and Master Fang, who have limited information, looked at each other and felt that the atmosphere was not right, but they didn't know what happened. They could only be silent.

The atmosphere in the    hall settled for a while, and the emperor suddenly smiled with Zhou Man and said, "Zhou Qing, I heard that you have been giving Zheng Fei the needle during this period of time?"

  Man Bao responded "Yes."

"Then you have to continue treatment after Zheng Fei is out of the palace. I don't think you need to be specially appointed by the hospital, so let the Zheng family go and invite you." He smiled: "The Zheng family is rich, you don't have to be too pass-by when taking medicine to get the consultation fee. gas."

  Man Bao's eyes are shining, but she has spent a lot of points for Zheng Fei.

The emperor saw her with bright eyes and waved his hand: "Okay, you can go to the East Palace to take a look at Master Zheng. If Patriarch Zheng still has any questions, you can also answer him. My prince doesn't understand medical science, he is there. It's not very useful, you call him, and I have something to tell him."

  Man Bao responded, bowed and retired.

  Patriarch Zheng is holding his son’s hand and crying, while the prince and Zheng Song are standing outside the house. Inside, Zheng Wang is persuading Patriarch Zheng, “Big Brother, the doctor said, Erlang must not be too troubled.”

  Clan Chief Zheng wiped away his tears and asked Zheng Fei, "How do you feel now?"

  Zheng Fei reached out his hand to write with a pen, but was held down by the clan chief Zheng. He stared at Zheng Fei’s face, "I want you to say it."

  Zheng Fei pursed his mouth, opened his mouth for a long time, and stammered: "Also...very good..."

  Zheng Fei was depressed again, and refused to speak any more. No matter how the chief Zheng persuaded him, he would not utter another word.

   Patriarch Zheng could only sigh, and then looked up at his son with stubble on his head. Because he had shaved his head, the sunken piece on the left was so obvious.

  At this time, the wound was exposed, it is said that it was to heal faster, and was afraid of covering the wound.

  Patriarch Zheng was angry and sad, and he had to bear his heart. He and Zheng Fei said: "Don't worry, father will not let the person who hurt you."

Zheng Fei frowned, and wrote, "Father, the weapon fight is an accident. This matter was caused by the two old grievances. Instead of fighting and repaying the grievances, it is better to turn the fighting into a jade silk. What's more, the chaos can't be controlled at all, why bother Too persistent and enmity?"

  (End of this chapter)

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