Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2598: Dian Baishan

   Chapter 2598

Master Guo was called by Yin Li’s order to find Bai Shan. I heard that the emperor finally left him to speak. It seemed that he intended Bai Shan to take over as the magistrate of Wannian County. Then the magistrate of Wannian County didn’t have to release him, but instead. ...

The county magistrate Guo was still a little excited, but he was very cautious, because there is another possibility that the post of the county magistrate of Wannian County and the post of Chang'an County magistrate are not bad, just the powerful and powerful under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County. There are more families.

  One of the biggest dignitaries is a guy called the emperor...

   Cough cough, so since the emperor thought that Baishan could take over Wannian County, if he changed his mind a little, would the emperor think that Baishan could also take over Chang'an County directly?

  Then he, the magistrate of Wannian County, should he be released or released?

  Bai Shan seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled slightly: “I’m still working as a errand in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. If I have the opportunity to be released in the future, I will also ask Mr. Guo’s experience in running the county.”

  County magistrate Guo understood immediately that he would not take over Wannian County, let alone Chang'an County, but went to the outside world.

  He raised his eyebrows, which is really strange. Why do both of them like to run out?

   County magistrate Guo was slightly stiff, and he lowered his head to think.

  Actually, seriously, Tang He and Yang Heshu are two subjects later than him, and he is considered their predecessor.

   But now, they have surpassed him in one or two official ranks.

  However, he always thought that they were lucky. After all, he happened to meet the rebellious king of Yizhou. Although he had done meritorious service, he was also very dangerous.

  But now it seems that there is also a secret to this place to be released?

   So he got serious and asked, "Where does Lord Bai want to put it out?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, "Go wherever there is a vacancy."

County magistrate Guo looked at him suspiciously. Guo County, the capital city, was the largest, most prosperous, and the highest-ranking county in the world. I don’t know how many magistrates wanted to be the magistrates of these two counties. He really couldn’t understand why Bai Shan refused. Instead, the counties outside were selected.

Man Bao has eaten and drank enough, and then I have the leisure to pay attention to the two of them. Seeing that they can't say the key for a long time, they are still playing the front and the front. Thinking that she and Guo Xianling also have a friendship between the front and rear seats for many years, she has more than one time. He was prodded by the magistrate Guo, and this time he had another big meal, so he said directly: "The magistrate Guo wants to ask your Majesty's attitude towards the magistrate Guo when he takes over as Chang'an County, right?"

  The county magistrate Guo wanted to pull the feelings and raise the matter further, but Zhou Man was pierced by this, and he almost sprayed the tea.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan said: "Tell him, I have a very good relationship with County Magistrate Guo, but we are good friends."

   County magistrate Guo raised a smile on his face and said, “Master Zhou is polite. Master Zhou and I have been officials in the same court for many years. Master Zhou invited me to have tea last time.”

  Man Bao just remembered, and said cheerfully: "You are polite, you are polite."

  Bai Shan smiled and said: "Your Majesty is intentional, but some adults think this is not in compliance."

  As for why it is not compliant, everyone knows it without specifying it.

  Today is an emperor who is very good at receiving advice. If there is strong opposition from the minister, then this thing will probably not be done.

  Guo County magistrate frowned.

  Bai Shan pointedly said: "But there are also adults who think that they can be hired outside the standard, and even Master Wei did not object to it."

   County magistrate Guo's eyes lighted up, and he had an idea in his heart. He picked up his wine glass and smiled: "Thank you, Lord Bai, for your suggestion."

  Bai Shan smiled and toasted: "Guo Lord is polite, I am a man, and I will not go to the main hall. From now on, I will ask Mr. Guo to take care of him in the main hall."

  Guo county magistrate smiled and said, "Master Bai is polite, Master Zhou and I will take pictures of each other."

The formalities for the promotion of Lord Tang were quickly completed. The next day he was approved by the Ministry of Education and sent to the staff department. So Lord Tang was officially promoted to Shaoyin of Jingzhao Prefecture. Because the magistrate of Chang'an County was not found for a while, he still handled the affairs. It's just that there are also county lieutenants and county officials under him, who only need to deal with some urgent matters.

But Yin Li found the people and said, "There is a lot of noise in Qizhou. The new governor is still on the way back to Beijing. It is estimated that it will take seven or eight days to arrive. It will take another three or four days to report to work in Beijing. The longer, the worse the situation there."

  He said: "What your majesty and the lords of Korea mean is to let you take someone over for inspection immediately and handle this matter properly."

  Master Tang asked secretly, "Do you want to calm down, or do you want to root out the troubles, or do you want not to hurt lives, but suppress and conquer those who are unreasonable?"

   Yin Li glanced at him and said: "You have a lot of ideas. You can make your own decisions, and act with the camera."

  Master Tang: …He doesn't like this answer very much. You can tell me directly what you want to achieve.

   Yin Li turned around and left, and said: "I've been patrolling. If nothing happens, you can consider who you want to take. If you are not sure, go and ask your father."

  Master Tang quietly curled his lips. He knew that it was definitely not the second type. Otherwise, there was no need to promote him at all. Just let his boss pass. Master Yin went out to do the operation. Do you still need him to take someone there?

Old Tang was very serious, but he was very kind to his son. He didn't hide it, and said directly: "It is good to be able to eliminate the misfortune. Now the people who are upset are like duckweed tenant farmers, almost all of them are attached to these lands. , So it’s the easiest to be provoked. Although you can use your strength to beat the cows to make the people behind them fear and succumb, it is difficult to control the mood of the people. If you are not familiar with Qizhou, it is easy to spread to the tenant farmers and even the tenant farmers. Ordinary people."

"So for the sake of safety, you still have to try to eliminate the invisible. If you can get evidence that they instructed the tenant farmers to cause trouble, don't rush to expose it in Qizhou, or make plans after returning to Beijing, or wait for the next Qizhou provincial governor to take office. Behave later."

Master Tang paused and said: "This time the Qizhou governor was transferred back from Yunzhou. The people there are sturdy. This governor can lead his troops to the grassland and fight against horse thieves, so as long as you If there is evidence, don't worry about him being afraid to ignore things."

  Lord Tang said: "All you have to do is deal with the troubled tenants and redeem the land as it is."

  Master Tang will understand.

  Lord Tang smiled and asked, "Have you thought about who you want to take?"

  Master Tang said: "My son is thinking about it."

  He glanced at his father, leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "Father, you said that my majesty and I want his middle school scholar, will he give it?"

  Lord Tang looked down at him, paused for a while and asked: "Do you want Bai Shan?"

  Master Tang nodded.

  Lord Tang frowned, "He doesn't have the experience of a magistrate, what good is it to take him?"

Master Tang smiled and said, "I know my father’s concerns, but Bai Shan is not an ordinary prince of the family. He grew up in the fields, not only familiar with farming, but also gets along well with farmers’ tenants. Although he has never served as a local official, But the contacts with ordinary people are not worse than those of us who have served as local officials. Moreover, like Changbo, he is very popular with ordinary people. They speak more convincingly."

Master Old Tang looked at his son’s bronze face and firm edges and corners, and then thought about Bai Shan, who was as white as frost and gentle as jade, and nodded slightly. Although Bai Shan is not as handsome as Yang Heshu, he is indeed very friendly. He looked better than his son.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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