Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2606: Different routes to the same goal

  Chapter 2606 The Same Goal by Different Routes

  Tang He glanced at him and said, "We, a group of people, have become a foil after a few words. Are you quite happy?"

  Bai Shan smiled and calmed him and said, "Well, the same goes by different routes. Thanks for this, Brother Xue, when I go back, I will invite Brother Xue to eat at Jiufu Tower."

   "I want to eat ten meals."

  That is estimated to be a month's salary, Bai Shan is a little heartache, but smiles on his face, "It's easy to talk, easy to talk."

  It was getting dark early, but Master Tang didn't go back to the house either. Instead, he followed Yu Cishi's words and turned to the backyard garden and started spinning around.

  At this time, he would definitely be caught by Liang Yushi and the others. He hadn't thought about what to persuade them, so he decided to avoid them temporarily, and he also wanted to think about this Yu Cishi.

  He walked in the dark with his hands back, turned his head and said to Bai Shandao: “Although walking with him will be a little more restrained, but in terms of his words and deeds today, he is indeed rough and fine. If he has a plan in his heart, then we are not afraid.”

  In the officialdom, not afraid of **** opponents, but also of pig teammates. Since their new teammates are not pigs, Master Tang doesn't mind making a little concession in the situation of cooperation.

And Yu Cishi in the main courtyard took off his clothes and soaked them in the tub and said: "This Tang master is very generous, thinking that this time he will not only deal with the various forces in Qizhou, but also deal with the inspections from the capital, I did not expect He is generous."

The lieutenant stood outside the screen and replied, "Is it for the master Bai? Master Tang seems to value that master Bai very much, and doesn't want him to offend the master and break the rules of the officialdom. Moreover, Master Tang calls him a junior, behavior. He also seems to be very kind in his demeanor."

Yu Cishi rubbed the mud **** his body, and said nonchalantly: "I know, when I was in Beijing, I went to find out that Bai Shan was a student of the Imperial College, and then he went to Chongwenguan as a companion to the prince, and he was also Yizhou. Those who came out of the government, whether they were students from Yizhou government or from the Imperial College, all overlapped with Tang He, but the official didn't expect that their relationship would be so good."

   "But it's also good. If you sell their affection, you will get along well afterwards."

   Yu Cishi thought of something, he shook his head and smiled and said, “But this shouldn’t be the key reason. The most important thing is that this is the fastest way to quell tenant riots.”

   "What do adults do?"

   Yu Cishi said: "Since we want to rent the land to Da'an Village, why not just let all the tenants who rent the land? What is the matter of renting for one year, the official can let them rent for three years, or even five years."

  "This is a wonderful thing for adults. In this way, it is a grace to them. In the future, it will be easier for us to manage affairs in Qizhou."

   Yu Cishi said: "It's only when people are cut off, so you have to be softer."

   "It's just that the tenant rent that Master Bai promised was too small."

   Yu Cishi: "What matters is that it will only take three to five years. After these three to five years, we can raise one achievement."

   "At that time, the adults probably won't be here, and this benefit won't fall to the adults."

   Yu Cishi said nonchalantly: "I just take 50% or 60% of the rent now, and the benefits won't fall to me. Do you think the Ministry of Household is paying for us Qizhou for nothing?"

He said: "They are all to be repaid. Now it is because the Qizhou government has no money in the treasury, so the household department paid in advance. Before I came out, Liu Shangshu asked me to talk to me, or he would return the money from the redemption to the household department after ransacking the house. , Or, in the future, the rent of these redemption fields must be returned to the household department every year until the arrears are paid off."

   Yu Cishi said: "I have already thought about it, and I will not pay back the cash."

  He said: "It will take more than a year for the output in the fields to come out, but now what does Qizhou do without money? Let the Ministry of Households slowly collect these rents."

  The lieutenant couldn’t help but laughed, "My lord is clever."

  Master Tang turned around in the garden, and was buzzed by mosquitoes. He turned around and brought Bai Shan back to the front when he was really annoyed.

  He said, "This Yu Cishi is so shrewd and old-fashioned, Liu Shangshu is afraid this time he will suffer."

  Bai Shan said: "Liu Shangshu is afraid that he is smarter than him, but I don't think he will suffer."

   Master Tang said: "The money we bought this time was all from the Ministry of Households. I thought that the new governor would pay it back, but looking at the success of this governor today, he will definitely not pay it back."

  It's not that he will return it.

  Bai Shan thought of something, and whispered softly, “Brother Xue, the land leases that we bought seem to have been in our hands. Didn’t Liu Shangshu have warned before that, in order to calculate the expenditures, should these land leases be brought back to the capital for verification?”

  Master Tang reacted, unable to speak for a while.

  The two looked at each other, and sighed together, "Jiang is still hot."

At this time, Yu Cishi, who was still ignorant, simply rubbed his hair, and the water came out after one time. He said to the lieutenant: "Grandma's, just to kill them by surprise, I didn't even take a girl with him. When you turn around, you ask someone to find someone to buy two girls who will serve you."

  The tedious task of washing your hair has to be done by someone who is sensible.

  The lieutenant responded with a smile.

  The two returned to the guest house where they lived before, and then they entered the yard. They saw Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi standing under the porch with their waists pinched, looking at the two with angrily in their eyes.

  Master Tang paused slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Hurry up."

  Who knew that Bai Shan also slowed down, "Brother Tang Xue, you are the chief official."

   "It's inconvenient because I am the chief officer, hurry up..."

  Bai Shan had no choice but to resume his normal speed. He passed Lord Tang and the two yushi salutes, "Why are Lord Liang and Lord Ren standing here and not entering the house?"

  Liang Yushi asked sternly: "Where did the Bai and Tang University talents go?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “I went to the back garden and strolled around. Speaking of which, we have been in Qizhou for ten years, but we haven’t visited the garden in the backyard of the Cishi Mansion.”

   "The black lights are blind, Master Bai and Master Tang are interested."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "Although it is dark, the moonlight is still good."

Ren Yushi: "Where is the moonlight?"

  Bai Shan subconsciously glanced at the sky, only to find one or two stars in the sky, and the moon disappeared directly behind the dark clouds.

  He then smiled and said, "Starlight is also very beautiful."

  Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi let out a sigh of nonsense at his open eyes, turned around and entered the house after a cold snort.

  Tang He smiled slightly, and squeezed his eyebrows at Baishan.

  Waiting to enter the house, Liang Yushi directly asked: "What is Tang Master's plan for Yu Cishi's murder?"

  Tang He sat down on the chair and said with a smile: "Liang Yushi, the official said, this is not the responsibility of the official, so the official has no plans."

   "It can be said that the governor kills as soon as he arrives. I am afraid that our relationship that has only eased during this period will deteriorate again."

Tang He pondered for a moment and then said: "Yu Cishi has promised to rent the land to the tenants again, and will give them a better share. Therefore, the principal thinks that most of the difficulties of the tenants have been solved. The rest, as long as the momentum is Suppress each family again, and the matter is considered complete."

  The two censors looked at each other, and they knew Tang He's plan.

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Master Liang, as an adult, the main purpose of our visit to Qizhou this time is to appease the people and redeem the land. If these two things are done well, we can return to Beijing. The rest is the Qizhou Municipal Government. Thing."

  The two Yushi fell silent and stopped talking.

  An officer came to invite them, "My lord, the food is ready, Yu Cishi invites all the adults to the table."

  Lord Tang stood up and smiled: "Let's go, we can go to the backyard and eat and talk with Yu Cishi."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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