Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2620: Pinch point

   Chapter 2620

Man Bao checked the list one by one, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong, he exhaled, signed his name on the list and handed it to Medical Assistant Duan. One day you will go out, so don’t have any problems at this time."

After receiving the    section, the medical assistant should go down.

  Man Bao rubbed his neck, only then did he feel that the soreness of his neck a little bit better.

  She turned around to pack her things and prepare to leave the palace.

  At this time, the sky is almost dark, and they will have to stay in the palace if they don’t leave the palace and the palace gate is closed.

  At this time, Bai Shan finished the documents that needed to be delivered, and he handed the closing documents to Master Fang.

  Master Fang signed after checking, and smiled with him: "I'm on duty tonight, Master Bai, let's go out of the palace. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave for a while."

  Bai Shan glanced out at the sky, nodded, but didn't rush to leave, but accompanied Master Fang to file the signed documents before turning around and leaving.

  Master Sun, who was on duty with Master Fang, saw it and smiled: "Master Bai is cautious, but he won't even believe me, right?"

   Master Fang smiled and said, "This is also the rule. There is always nothing wrong with doing things according to the rules."

  Leaving the small guard room, Bai Shan looked around and saw that there was no one, so he lifted up his robe and ran out. When he met someone, he slowed down, but his steps were fast, and only his toes passed by.

The small class room of the Taiji Hall was not close to the palace gate. He ran and walked, exchanging the two methods before reaching the front of the main road within two quarters of an hour. He saw the palace gate from a distance, and in the dim he saw a familiar person. .

  Bai Shan couldn't help but ran two steps quickly. Seeing the guard at the gate of the palace keenly turned his head to look over, he could only slow down and sprint, not daring to run again.

  The guards of the Forbidden Army stared at Bai Shan with piercing eyes, and they wanted to chop him down if he had changed.

  But their faces are serious, their eyes can't help but glance at each other. The guard who is checking Zhouman's medicine box even said: "Master Zhou, look back."

  Man Bao turned his head and looked back. He saw Bai Shan walking swiftly towards this place. His eyes lit up and he waved his hand and shouted, "Bai Shan, hurry up, hurry up..."

  The guard scolded her: "Quiet!"

  Man Bao immediately stopped and said softly: "The palace gate is about to close, hurry up~"


  Bai Shan's front foot reached the gate of the palace, and he heard a sound on the back foot, and immediately a guard shouted: "The time is here, closed door——"

  Man Bao took Bai Shan's hand and pulled him out.

  Bai Shan was very tired, exhaled deeply, raised his arm to let the guards look at him, there was nothing to take away.

  The guard waved him away.

  The two stood three steps away and watched the palace gate slowly close. Half of the guards were kept outside like them. Well, they were guarding the gate.

  Bai Shan wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "If you are another adult, you can only spend the night in the palace."

  Man Bao asked: "Have you packed up?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Take it away. We will go ahead tomorrow. Are you too hospital?"

  Man Bao happily said: "We are also going first, um, but I have to be by your majesty's side, so I can’t go with the convoy of the hospital."

  Bai Shan said, “It’s okay, I’ve seen it first, and I’ll see where it’s fun and where it’s cooler.”

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly.

  The guards glanced at them and asked, "The two adults are not leaving?"

   The two turned their heads and grinned at them, "You have worked hard to guard the adults."

   So he walked away holding hands.

  The guards who didn’t work hard at first, but felt that it was really hard at this time:...

  Daji drove the carriage forward, picked up the two of them, and went home.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and two squares after leaving the imperial city, I saw lanterns lit up. Many people were walking on the street. There was still a curfew for an hour and a half. It's a lively time.

  Bai Shan asked her, "Are you hungry?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I was too busy today, but I don't want to eat anymore."

  Bai Shan said: "Then let's go home and have some soup."

  It was only when they entered the house, Xibing and Jiulan greeted them and said, "My lord, lady, you are called by your husband."

  The cake asked: "My lord, have you eaten?"

  Man Baodao: "No, you can go to the kitchen and take some things to your husband's yard. We will eat at the husband's yard."

  The cake should be down, bowed and left.

  The two followed Jiulan to her husband, and asked, "What is the husband looking for?"

  "Mr. did not say, but it doesn’t take much for the husband to eat dinner. The old lady still wonders if she has a bad appetite and should I ask a doctor."

   Jiulan smiled and said, "Later, Miss Ru took a look and said that it was nothing big and that was fine."

  Mr. Zhuang’s study room is lighting up. Mr. Zhuang is sitting at the table writing something. He beckoned when he saw them, "Come on."

  The two people stepped forward.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Jiulan, and Jiulan bowed and stepped back.

Mr. Zhuang just clicked the paper on the table: "Come and take a look."

  The two of them looked at them and looked at them. They were confused, "What did the sir write about?" It was weird. Seeing the names listed above, they seemed to be people they didn't like very much.

  Mr. Zhuang said: "These are people who might resent and hate you."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were surprised, "So much?"

  Mr. Zhuang paused and said, "Look, see if anyone else is missing?"

  Bai Shan picked up the list and looked at it carefully, and asked, "How did you remember to list this, sir?"

  His scalp is a little numb, "Although we may not have a good relationship with the people on this list, we don't have to take a small book to write down the people, right?"

  Mr. Zhuang: "...What are you thinking about? I listed it to make you know in your heart. If you encounter unreasonable suppression and malice in the future, it may be these people."

  Bai Shan couldn't help but get serious, "Sir, what happened?"

Mr. Zhuang gave a rolled-up portrait to the two of them, saying: "This is from Yao Chen before it gets dark..."

  He briefly summarized what Yao Ge said today.

"The person named Wandong is not necessarily his real name, but his face will never change. Ask someone to check and see if you can find out who it is." Mr. Zhuang said: "The things that happened back then have been too long. At first, I and Chen Fulin were different from each other. No one can be trusted. However, I have a letter that Yao Ge wrote to me that year. The letter told me the whole story, which is considered to be slightly better."

"But if Yao Ge came out to testify in person, stating that the poem was written by Chen Fulin, then the letter in my hand would be of little use," Mr. Zhuang said: "Even if this matter can be clarified in the end, specious rumors have spread. For a period of time, my reputation was hampered, and it was difficult for me to continue to do it in official circles."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled slightly and said: "But this is nothing. I have a bad reputation. When I get older, I will not lose a lot of resignation, but it is very bad for you two."

   Bai Shan: Good risk, almost staying in the company to work overtime

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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