Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2633: One step short

   Chapter 2633

  Xiao Yuan visited Wei Zhi alone in the evening, and the next day he called the doctor Liu.

  The conclusion reached by the doctor Liu was the same as that of Xiao Yuanzheng, only to get the symptoms of excessive fatigue, fatigue and qi deficiency.

   So Xiao Yuan was thinking about it, and he went to see the emperor, and wanted to invite his master, the old doctor Tan, who had already paid an official to come to see him.

  The emperor raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Wei is unwilling to take a rest. He will go to the government office tomorrow."

  Xiao Yuan was bowing his head and said, “It’s precisely because of this that we have to be diagnosed with the disease to prescribe a prescription. If it’s just excessive fatigue, just reduce some official duties and take a few days off.”

   But if it is as Zhou Man said, it is not enough to take a few days of medicine.

  The emperor pondered and asked, "Is Zhou Man's medical skills already above your level?"

Xiao Yuanzheng lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, Doctor Zhou is a very talented person. He does not look at the illnesses she treats. You can see from the medical books she compiled. There are medical books, and it is difficult to merge them together."

  Xiao Yuanzheng reads few books, but he knows how difficult it is to compile a book, but Zhou Man’s ability to lift heavy weights shows her talent and ability.

  The emperor nodded slightly and said: "I am a little unwell, so please invite the old doctor Tan to visit the palace."

  The old doctor Tan has been in office for many years, and he is rarely invited in the palace, so this invitation has alarmed many people.

Not to mention the people in the capital, they are the people in the palace. Except for the queen in the harem, everyone in the front except Han Shangshu thought it was the emperor who was sick, so the relaxed atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and the palace was five times quieter than usual. point.

The prince in the capital was also taken aback. He immediately got up and was about to go to the palace with his horse whip. He was stopped by Guo Zhanshi, "His Majesty, the booklet sent back is still written by your Majesty. Obviously, your Majesty can still approve the compounder if it is seriously ill. , Your Majesty will definitely not be able to approve any more."

  "You are a prison country. You cannot leave the capital without the holy mandate."

  The prince frowned, "Emperor father is sick, and you still care about this a lot? If you don't ask about it, the emperor will turn back to say that he is lonely and unfilial again."

  "His Royal Highness might as well send a letter to greet you."

  But the prince was still anxious. He wanted to go to the palace to see the situation. He would always feel a little uneasy if he didn't see the father in person.

  Guo Zhanshi stopped him and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, there are Queen Empress and Princess Mingda in the palace, nothing will happen."

  The prince pursed his mouth, holding his whip and did not speak.

  The health of the emperor is too important to the prince.

  The two are in a stalemate. Mr. Zhuang is passing by, seemingly just coming in from outside to go to Chongwen Hall.

  Guo Zhan squinted his eyes and stopped Mr. Zhuang and asked, “Speaking of Mr. Zhuang, I wonder if you have received a letter from Master Zhou in the past few days?”

  Mr. Zhuang was taken aback for a while and saw the prince standing on the side. After a little thought, he understood. He saluted and said: "I have never received a letter from the family."

  Guo Zhan frowned and asked, “How often does Lord Zhou come to call home?”

   Mr. Zhuang said: "It’s just that I went to Yongzhou, it’s not far away. Besides, there is nothing to do at home. If she has nothing to add and nothing to entrust at home, she will naturally not come to the family letter."

  Guo Zhanshi and the prince moved in their hearts, thinking.

  Mr. Zhuang saluted and retired.

Guo Zhanshi watched him walking away and couldn't help but look at the prince, "His Royal Highness, at this time, except for Yin Li, I am afraid that no one can understand the news from the palace better than Zhou Man. You should not act rashly at this time. You are Prison country, and the palace is full of old princes, Prince Gong is not there, you don’t need to worry."

  The prince turned around and left, "I know it."

  The prince went directly to Mr. Zhuang.

  Mr. Zhuang was making tea in the tea room when he saw the prince come in and quickly got up to salute.

  The prince sat down on the chair and said bluntly: "Mr. should know why the lonely came from?"

  Mr. Zhuang sighed and said, "Your Highness is too impatient."

  The prince was a little annoyed and said: "Guo Zhan misunderstood the meaning of gu, sir, don’t you know it? Gu..."

   "The minister knows," Mr. Zhuang suddenly interrupted the prince: "The minister knows that your majesty is the father and you are the son. This is a son's worries about his father. If the majesty is indifferent, then it is a treason."

  The prince's heart is calmer.

   "But your majesty, you are not only a son, but also a prince," Mr. Zhuang said: "The minister thought, your majesty would think you are more like a prince at this time, so you can't act impulsively."

  The prince frowned.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and comforted him and said, "Your Majesty should be fine, otherwise Lord Wei and Li Shangshu who are accompanying the palace will not return without saying a word."

Both Wei Zhi and Li Shangshu were defenders of the steadfast prosecutor system. The prince was so absurd that Li Shangshu stood firmly on his side. Although Wei Zhi did not participate in the battle between the prince and the king, he has always I am very opposed to the emperor's overly pampering King Gong, as long as he has the opportunity to want to straighten the emperor's attitude.

  If the emperor really has something to do, these two will definitely send a letter back to Beijing.

  If the news is false, Mr. Zhuang is more inclined to test the prince.

   Then said: "His Royal Highness is a prince of a country, and a son should do what he should do."

  What should a prince of a country and a son do at this time?

   One is to ensure the stability of the capital, and to ensure the stability of the capital of the imperial court; the other is to quickly send your confidant to the palace to greet the emperor, are you really sick, do you want your son to take care of the illness, the son is worried...

  So the prince wrote a affectionate and worrying greeting letter to the emperor under the guidance of Mr. Zhuang.

The letter from the prince    arrived at the palace one step later than the old doctor Tan.

  When his letter was delivered to the Hall of Longevity, the emperor was sitting in Wei Zhi’s courtyard watching the old doctor Tan give Wei Zhi a consultation.

  Xiao Yuanzheng led Zhou Man and Liu Taiyi to stand and watch.

  Lao Doctor Tan is very old. He has not seen him for two or three years. His beard is all white. The white is particularly even and beautiful, but the gloss is very good and his complexion is also ruddy. Provoked Manbao to look at him several times.

  Lao Doctor Tan put one hand on Wei Zhi's pulse, while touching his beard with the other hand, his eyes closed slightly, but his five senses were sensitive, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Zhou Man.

  Man Bao's eyes were caught straight, and he smiled embarrassedly at him.

  The old doctor Tan smiled slightly, and took his gaze back to look at the face of Master Wei, and then to the face of the emperor on the side. After looking at the two people back and forth for a long time, he said to Master Wei: "Please open your mouth, Master Wei, let me look at the tongue coating."

  Wei Zhidor also cooperated, sticking out his tongue to show him.

  Lao Doctor Tan asked some questions, which were roughly the same as Zhou Man asked at the beginning. When did I go to bed at night, how many times I woke up, whether it was difficult to fall asleep, what was my daily diet, what was the discomfort in my body...

  Wei Zhi did not answer these questions less in the past two days. Because he asked too many questions, he was especially careful in the past two days, so he answered more accurately and in detail.

  Old Doctor Tan wrote down one by one, and he knew it in his heart.

  He retracted his hand and bowed to the emperor. He said, "Your Majesty, Master Wei is indeed ill. He is just one step ill."


  Master Wei:...

  This sounded more terrifying than Zhou Man said.

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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