Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2648: Test one

  Chapter 2648 Trial One

  Bai Shan didn't go either, and he couldn't go away either.

  It was Wei Yu who hesitated, because he was between the two. Thinking of his father's situation in the past few days, Wei Yu couldn't help but come over to look for his father.

  Wei Zhicai woke up, sweating all over when he slept, but it was all fine and dense sweat, which was not uncomfortable. After drinking water, he felt refreshed.

  He put down his teacup and said, "Since the principal is going, your majesty will also go, then you can follow."

   "But father is in the palace..."

  Wei Zhi smiled slightly: "They can still eat me? Don't worry, don't say they don't know my condition, they know, and they don't dare to do anything to me. It's just a verbal temptation. What are they afraid of?"

Seeing Wei Yu frowning and looking unhappy, he smiled and said: "People in this world are all in the hustle and bustle, and there is no shortage of such people in the officialdom. So what is there to worry about?"

  Wei Yu bowed his head and said, "The son is incompetent and cannot share the worries for his father..."

  Wei Zhi shook his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with you. Don't talk about you, it is very difficult for your elder brother or even your majesty to help me with this matter. I have to walk over by myself."

   Wei Yu pursed his mouth, and couldn't help asking: "Father, Lord Zhou, can you talk about your condition..."

  "You want to ask me how long I can live, right?" Wei Zhi smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you will still be able to live in one or two years."

  He didn't ask Zhou Man how long he could live, but he asked Old Doctor Tan.

  Wei Zhi has a good relationship with Old Doctor Tan. After asking the doctor in front of His Majesty that day, the Old Doctor Tan had visited him and watched it again in private.

In the words of the old doctor Tan, "No matter how tired you are without restraint, sudden death is just a momentary; if you can restrain yourself and take care of it, you may develop symptoms after one or two years. You can treat it according to the situation during the introduction, but let it go. State affairs, maybe it will last another year or two without knowing it."

  In a word, from now on carefully maintenance, it is still possible to live for three or four years.

  Three or four years, the salt tax reform should bear fruit, right?

  There is a flood of private salt in the south of the Yangtze River. Official salt is stolen and turned into private salt. Even if the common people buy private salt, there may not be much discount. In the end, the cheapest ones are those who convert official salt into private salt.

Wei Zhi stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead. There is also the problem of land occupation by various places. Nowadays, the division of land under the field equalization system is not very stable. In many places, the land allocated to Cheng Ding is not enough. All have been deducted. If things go on like this, when there is no land to divide, what about the equal land system and the current tax system?

  Until now, Wei Zhi can't think of a better way. Hey, I wish I could live another twenty years.

  "Go ahead." Wei Zhi didn't really want Wei Yu to participate in these things prematurely. Others are inferior and can't participate.

  It's better to live the present moment. When he gets to his position in the future, he has the qualifications to be a counselor, and he naturally understands it.

   Wei Yu lowered his head and left. After thinking for a while, he turned to the next room next door to find Zhou Man.

Bai Shan also returned from his errand. The two of them were sitting under a tree in the yard and eating beancurd. There was a small fried pork stick on the table. The cake was made in the small kitchen set up. The meat was paid for and I bought it from the Imperial Kitchen, and bought some wheat flour, which was wrapped in wheat flour and deep-fried. It was delicious.

  The little Qian clan taught her this hand.

  Wei Yu: "It’s almost time to eat late..." You guys still eat this stuffy stuff.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan raised their heads to look at the bright sun above their heads.

  Well, now the sun is long, and now is the beginning of the afternoon.

  Bai Shan asked Wei Yu to sit down and eat with them.

  Wei Yuwan refused, and sat aside and asked them, "Are you going to Huangzhuang tomorrow?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan shook their heads, "I really want to go, but I don't have time."

  Wei Yu breathed a sigh of relief, got up and bowed to Zhou Man and said, "Master Zhou, my father would like to ask you more."

  Man Bao: "...You go in the morning and return in the evening. It's not a long time away. Where is it necessary?"

   These two people are insiders. Wei Yu spoke a lot more relaxed. He sighed: "No way, there are many people who want to inquire about his father's condition these days."

  Man Bao waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, they are now active. After waiting for the first half month, one month, two months, six months, Master Wei has nothing to do, they believe my misdiagnosis.”

  Wei Yu is very skeptical.

  Bai Shan smiled and said: “People’s suspicions also have a time limit. Unless they can invite someone who is as skilled in medicine as Lord Tan to look at Master Wei carefully, otherwise they will not be able to determine Master Wei’s condition. Brother Wei is relieved.”

   Zhou Man was right. Except for the first two days of rest, Wei Zhi was the same as before.

The handling of state affairs is still sharp, and the emperor should still be boasted and cursed, but the emperor has a much better temper. In many cases, he can hold back not to fight back. Although he is scolded, he occasionally fights back, but compared to before The difference is too far.

  It was the emperor’s attitude that made the officials feel that Wei Zhi’s body was not that simple. The emperor was likely to give in to each other because of Wei Zhi’s poor health, and he was much obedient.

  As everyone knows, the emperor is very soft-hearted, but a little wayward and fun. If Wei Zhi is not physically sick, the emperor can tolerate him like this?

  But they stared at Wei Zhi privately, waiting for him to fall ill, only to find that there was no movement at all.

  Before, he had a servant to deliver a bowl of decoction at noon every day. Later, there was no decoction. I heard that it was because of the heat syndrome.

  Someone had secretly seen him taking pills.

  But this is also heard, and no one has actually seen it.

  It didn't take long for him to smell of medicine on his body. Everyone was refreshed. Before everyone was happy, Wei Zhi and them recommended a sleep-aiding and foot-soaking medicine package matched by Zhou Manxin.

In order to make up a suitable medicine packet for Wei Zhi, Man Bao had dark circles in his eyes, and he even found another job for her, so she went to ask the emperor for Ping An pulse. When everyone asked about the medicine packet, she didn’t. Angrily said, "Taiwan Hospital has a limited budget. Your Majesty ordered the medicine delivered by Mr. Wei. If you want to, I will send you the money back. I will ask Duan Medical Assistance to pack it for you and send it."

  Several adults were upset, and asked the emperor, "Is the ministers not contributing enough to your majesty and Dajin, or are they inferior to Master Wei?"

  The emperor felt sorry for his private library and said vaguely: “All the Qing’s families are naturally good, and the hospital also has difficulties. Would you like Zhou Qing to give you the prescription?”

Man Bao didn’t have any opinion, but the most suitable prescription was Wei Zhi. He turned to give it to them, so he had to reduce something, so he nodded and said, “Okay. Prescription will do."

  The ministers thought to themselves, are we the petty people?

  After taking the prescription, he had to go to Yongzhou to get the medicine, so he said, "No matter, since the hospital is not well-off, then I just wait for the money to buy it."

  Man Bao was happy now.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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