Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2662: Yooo

   Chapter 2662

  Changyu understood, and asked: "The queen only invited our generation, or even the aunts?"

The inmate smiled and said: "This matter is not easy to leave other princesses, but the eldest princesses may not have a lot of money, and it is not easy for them to spend money, so they only sent posts, and only limited to these few in Beijing. If each family is interested , Just give me a few taels of silver. As for the princesses, tomorrow is fourteen, and the empress means that it's time to have a reunion dinner in advance."

  That is to say, the queen only intends to collect the wool of her daughters, and does not intend to ask her sisters for money.

  Changyu understood, and nodded: "Okay, tomorrow night, I must go to the palace with the horse and my mother to accompany the father and the queen.\'

  The waiter smiled and retired.

  Princess Changyu thought for a while, asked the maid to get the money, opened her jewelry box by the way, and picked out some jewelry that she didn't like very much from it. She said: "Go find a box."

  Princess Changyu put the jewelry in, raised her chin slightly and said, "Ming'er bring all these."

   Donate it to the queen to prepare military resources.

  The maid responded.

  And the princess Mingda’s mansion next door is also looking for things. Needless to say gold and silver, there are some things they don’t need, or things that they don’t like very much.

  Bai Erlang rolled up his sleeves and turned over the cabinet by himself, and ordered a lot of cloths he didn't like. All of these can be sold, and one can be sold for two or thirty taels. He can buy a lot of medicinal materials.

Mingda also opened her jewelry box. Bai Erlang went over and looked at it. She took out one and put it in the big box on the other side. After half a day, there were only two golden hairpins in the small box. It was because the style was not very good. Just put it.

Mingda looked at him helplessly, and Bai Erlang said, "These are all pretty, otherwise we will go back to Zhou's house tomorrow. My mother left a lot of things before she left. Her jewelry is old, so take her. "

   Mingda: "...If the mother-in-law knew she would beat you out, right?"

   "No, it's a big deal. Let's buy a few pieces of new jewelry for my mother. If she knows that you donated such a good thing, it would be distressed."

  Mingda couldn’t help but said, “Isn’t that for raising military funds? I didn’t see you say anything when I donated money.”

"That's money, not jewelry." Bai Erlang said: "There is a difference between the two. These jewelry have to be sold at a discount before they can be exchanged for money. If it is really bad, it's fine, but I think these The jewellery is not bad, the craftsmanship is not bad, and they were all given to you by your majesty and the empress, so they are sold at a discount, and I feel distressed."

  Mingda was taken aback for a moment and then laughed, looked down and thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, then we'll donate more money, let's keep the mother-in-law's jewelry."

   Bai Erlang said: "I will go back tomorrow. It just happens to be celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. Let's go back and send some moon cakes to my uncle and grandmother."

  Mingda immediately said: "I have two boxes of good tea here. Minger will send a box to my uncle."

  Bai Dalang was released, and Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai returned to their hometowns, and now Bai Erlang’s relatives in Beijing are also in the family of Bai Shan.

  Well, there is also the Bai family who doesn’t know much about each other.

  Mingda has a good relationship with Man Bao, even with Mrs. Liu’s wife, Zheng’s family. They are elders, and Mingda respects them very much.

   So early the next morning, they took the Mid-Autumn Festival and went out, and then they ran into the frame of Princess Changyu’s family.

Princess Changyu’s frame chased up from behind. Anyway, this street was the two of them, so she was very domineering and directly occupied the other half of the road, side by side with Mingda’s frame. She lifted the curtain and yelled here, " Mingda, what are you doing this morning?"

  Mingda opened the curtain, and Changyu saw Baijiro, whose head was almost falling asleep in the car little by little.

  Mingda smiled and said, "Let’s go to Zhou’s house to give a festival gift, where's my sister?"

  Changyu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I also go back with the horse to give the festival gift, and I have to have lunch with my parents-in-law, isn't Mr. Bai returning to his hometown?"

   Mingda said: "I'm going to send a festival gift to my uncle and grandma."

  How many floors are there, Changyu is a little envious, where is this to send the festival gift, obviously it is to go to Zhouman to play.

  Her expression on her face stopped.

  Wei Yu smiled when she saw it: "After lunch, the princess will also go to see Lord Zhou and Lord Bai. Speaking of our two families are not far away, I don’t know if our sudden visit will be troublesome?"

"No, no," Bai Erlang woke up when Changyu was talking, and he was lying at the window and said to Wei Yu and his wife: "Just go, I will let Bai Shan and the others prepare more food. At this moment, it’s the cool time in Changxuan at home, and my aunt has planted many chrysanthemums, so she can enjoy chrysanthemums and drink tea."

Bai Erlang said with crooked eyebrows: "You don’t know. Last year, my great-uncle let someone dig a lotus pond in their house. She wanted to pick lotus and eat lotus root. But this year it was a bit dry and the water was not deep. The place where the pond was dug. It was mostly sandy soil, so my grandmother asked me to raise some crabs in the lotus pond. This is the time to eat crabs. I don't know if the Zhuangzi will give them to the family. If so, you can eat crabs when you come."

  Changyu's eyes sparkled when he heard it, and immediately grabbed Wei Yu's arm.

  Wei Yu smiled and nodded, "Let’s go."

  Changyu was a bit persuaded Wei Zhi, so he whispered: "Father-in-law there..."

  Wei Yu whispered: "Let me talk about it."

  Changyu is satisfied.

  At the intersection, entering another square, the two carriages could not go in parallel, so Changyu's carriage was one step behind.

  There are more pedestrians on the street. There are more people here, and it is near the East Market. Some people set up stalls on the side of the road. Chang Yu sat by the window and looked at things outside, his eyes unblinking.

  Wei Yu saw her look reluctant, and couldn't help but hesitate, "Do you want to eat some?"

  Changyu immediately said: "Okay."

  She immediately patted the wall of the carriage to stop the carriage. She pointed to a table of guests on the bread shop and said, "That's roasted persimmons, right? I want to eat roasted persimmons."

  Their team stopped and completely separated from the people in the Princess Mingda Mansion.

  The people in the princess mansion on both sides are not surprised at this situation, and they will go back to each house and do their own things, and will not wait specifically.

When Lou Mian drew towards the entrance of the street, he looked up and saw the couple standing in front of the stall. Wei Yu was holding a plate in his hand and was cautiously holding on to the reed tube to let Princess Chang Yu **** out the persimmon. Soup, she can eat all the roasted persimmons very well without losing elegance.

  The guard who followed Lou Mian saw it, and immediately reminded him: "Master Lou, the princess is there, you go up."

   Lou Mian: "Didn't you see the horse and the princess together?"

  The guard said indifferently: "So what, does he have a son who looks good? With you, the princess won't look at him."

  Lou Mian: ...what should I do if I don’t want to go up?

  But this is not what he has the final say. Seeing that he hasn't moved, the guard even stretched out his hand to push him and said: "Mr Lou, the prince had told him before he came out."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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