Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2666: trust

   Chapter 2666 Trust

  Crabs are cold in nature. Although they are delicious, they dare not eat more, especially Mingda. She only ate one, but Man Bao and Chang Yu were okay with their bodies, so they picked two.

  Although the meaning was still unfulfilled, it still stopped.

  Have a good body, and it will be longer in Japan.

  After eating crabs, Man Bao took them to the guest room to rest. The three of them sat cross-legged on the couch, all a little sleepy.

  Changyu looked around and saw that there were only three of them and the maid waiting close to him, so he lowered his voice and said, "Guess who I met on the street today?"

  Man Bao yawned, put the pillow on the couch at the other end, leaned directly down, closed his eyes and said: "Meet Lou Mian?"

   Changyu stared, "How do you know?"

   Mingda said: "Because we met Gao You."


   Seriously, the one among them who has a closer relationship with the Goguryeo messenger is Changyu.

  Man Bao has also seen each other two or three times. If it were not for a good memory, he would have forgotten who they were.

  Changyu, somehow, has seen more people.

  Since Gao You even found out the doorpost that Bai Shan gave in his hand, there is no reason not to send someone to follow the path of the more familiar Princess Changyu.

  Man Bao lifted his eyelids a little and asked, "What did you say to him? Didn’t the horseman always follow you today?"

   "I didn't say anything," Changyu said, "I just asked him to pay a courtesy."

   She hummed: "I'm not stupid, what good things can he do when he comes to the door?"

  Mingda and Man Bao nodded approvingly when they saw that she could figure it out.

  Chang Yu frowned, "Why can't Goguryeo always live in peace? What's the matter of always trying to occupy our land?"

Man Baodao: "That is a vassal state, and the land it occupies is one with the Central Plains. Your Majesty has a lot of people in his heart. Whether they are Han, Turkic, or Qian people, they are all citizens of the Great Jin Dynasty. Nowadays, there is nothing in Liaodong. There are fewer people than they belong to the same clan. Your Majesty wants to take back the land allocated by Goguryeo, and Goguryeo naturally wants to occupy the Central Plains."

Although the war was indeed provoked by Goguryeo, Man Bao did not intend to beautify the emperor. The rule of the world is the general trend. If they abide by the rules and the two sides are in peace, your majesty may not fight them. But time has passed, the country Once the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, they will be unified.

  Now it’s just ahead of time.

  Changyu frowned: "That's just a small piece of land. I saw it on the map with the size of a thumb, and there are Silla and Baekje to the south of Goguryeo. What can I grab?"

  Man Bao closed his eyes and said, “Don’t underestimate Goguryeo. There are many Han people in it. They are not too weak in terms of their intelligence. And they have six hundred thousand soldiers and horses, which is quite a lot.”

  Even Mingda was surprised, "So many?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Bai Shan said, their countrymen are fierce, young men have to learn the art of killing, almost everyone can be a soldier."

   Mingda worried, "How long will it take to go here?"

"I don't know, but winter is coming. It will last two or three months at most. If you can't get it down, you may have to fight again next year." Man Bao got a little bit more energetic, sat up, and whispered: "I see your majesty's determination this time. It’s so strong, maybe it’s also annoyed by Goguryeo’s backlash."

  In the past few years, the relationship between the two sides has been good. The Imperial College has accepted your prince as a student, but when you turn around, you will hit our country;

   Kneeling down and begging for mercy if we can’t beat it, we’re all kind of letting you go. How long is this? Turning around and turning around, no matter how good the emperor’s temper is, it will be worn out.

  Changyu took her hand and said, "Man Bao, you have to come back safely."

  Man Bao confidently said: "Don't worry, I am a doctor, and I am not on the front line, I only save people below."

   "That's how it is said, but the swords and guns are eyeless, who knows?" Mingda asked, "How many guards will you bring with you this time?"

  "This time, I am enlisting with your majesty, and it is not my chief officer. I definitely can't bring more. You can bring two guards in the sky." Man Bao said: "You still have to see the number of places given above."

  Yes, there is a fixed number of how many family members and subordinates each official will bring. Although you are responsible for their food and drink, you can carry two or three months of dry food when you are away for two or three months?

  Isn’t it raised by the Ministry of Households?

  So they must limit the number of places, otherwise anyone who is greedy and afraid of death brings more than 100 guards, does the Ministry of Households still have to consider these rations?

   "By the way, I just saw your fourth brother and second niece, what good things did they bring back from the north this time?"

  Man Bao immediately became energetic, and said to her: "Good question, there are many good things, some gems and jade, I will show you later."

  Chang Yu nodded repeatedly, "You have to count me cheaper."

  "Who is between us, you must be considered cheaper. When you look back, you make good-looking jewelry and take it out. You have to tell them that the gems and jade were bought by my fourth brother and them."

  Changyu nodded happily, "Easy to talk, easy to talk."

  Mingda couldn’t help asking: “Sister, we are going back to the palace to see the mother in the evening, do you still have so much money now?”

   "Don't worry," Chang Yu said, "I will send this year's harvest in Zhuangzi and Fengdi soon."

  Mingda: "...Isn't this all delivered in November and February?"

   "That's not a few months."

   Now not only Mingda, but even Man Bao is speechless. The two said: "You can't eat food like this."

   "No," Chang Yu was very confident, "My shop is already making money, don't worry."

  Wait for her to make good-looking jewelry. After wearing it for two days, she will send it to the Jumbo Pavilion to sell. It will only make money, not lose money.

  Manbao and Mingda know this idea of ​​her, what else can they do besides applauding?

  The three people talked together for a while, and then they went to see what Chu Lang brought back together.

  Thursday Lang came over with several boxes in person, while Zhou Lijun sat on a chair with a big belly and opened the box for the two princesses to see.

  She mainly aimed at Princess Changyu. She directly opened a small box and took out a green gem from it and said: "Princess, look at this color and shape."

   Changyu saw it, his eyes were shining, and he raised the gem to face the sunlight, and then placed it on his finger for comparison.

  Zhou Lijun smiled and said, “I was thinking when I saw it, this is the best way to make a ring for the princess.”

  Changyu became excited, and said to Man Baoming: "I also think it's very suitable, what do you think?"

  Man Bao and Mingda nod their heads together, which is very suitable, so that her fingers are white and slender, and look good.

   Zhou Lijun saw that she liked it, and he smiled and said, “Alright, but this one is the most suitable for the princess, so we kept it at the beginning, just to show the princess.”

  Chang Yujing nodded proudly: "Yes, I want it."

  Man Bao was speechless, "Are you not asking about the price?"

  Changyu said indifferently: "I like it hard to buy a daughter, let alone you will not cheat me."

  She said meaningfully: "Our business is still going on for a long time."

  Man Baodao: "At this point, you are so smart again."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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