Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2669: Enter the palace

  Chapter 2669 Entering the palace

  Man Bao wanted to go to the bed when he returned to the main room, but was pulled by Bai Shan and dragged directly to the bathroom, "I have some hot water ready for you, so you should wash it first."

  Manbao can only take a bath first.

  As a result, I took a bath and felt refreshed.

  She came out wearing her jacket, and there were some snacks on the table, including steamed buns, steamed buns and porridge.

  Bai Shan filled her with a bowl of porridge, put it in front of her, and said, “Let’s eat something first, and then sleep again. In the afternoon we are going to the palace.”

  Man Bao remembered this important event, and ate the porridge blankly and said: "These two children have chosen a good day. One was born on August 14th, and the other was born on August 15th."

  Bai Shan thought so too, and said with a smile: “If you forget who’s birthday in the future, their birthday will not be forgotten.”

  It’s just unlucky. It’s just in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I’m afraid that relatives and friends won’t have time to spend their birthdays, so they will have to pass it by.

  So, is the choice good or bad this day?

  Man Bao went to sleep and woke up after noon.

  Then wash and prepare to change clothes and enter the palace.

  Man Bao decided to follow Bai Shan’s suggestion and put on the official gown. The weather is not hot or cold at the moment, and the official gown is just right.

  It’s Bai Shan. He plans to take it regularly because he is a family member.

  Man Baodao: "By the way, let the cake go to Liru to pack a new set of clothes and jewelry, we will pick her up and enter the palace together."

  Man Bao decided to take Zhou Liru into the palace to meet the world. After all, she will also be an official in the court in the future.

  Bai Shan responded and turned to give orders.

  Man Bao took his family into the palace, first went to the Imperial Medical Office, and handed her clothes to Zhou Liru, and let May dress her up.

  Man Bao took a cup of tea and sat aside and told her two big news, "Yesterday your sister gave birth and gave birth to a son."

   Zhou Liru's eyes widened in surprise, and before he had time to cheer happily, Man Bao continued: "Your sister-in-law also gave birth this morning and gave birth to a girl."

   Zhou Liru almost jumped up, and was held down by May, “San Niangzi, you can’t move, your hair is going to be messed up.”

   Zhou Liru followed his sister-in-law in the car to the palace with a dazed expression. It took a long time to come back to his senses, “Sister, you’ve worked hard.”

  Man Baojing nodded, and said politely: "It's okay, everything goes smoothly."

   "Then can I go home to see the baby tomorrow?"

   "It depends on whether the Hongyou Temple will catch people tomorrow."

  Talking, a group of people arrived at the gate of the imperial city. At the same time, many officials and family members entered the palace, and everyone was queuing.

  Bai Shan was dressed in a beautiful costume with a ring on his waist. He was sitting on the horse. He stretched his neck slightly and looked forward, and he saw the Yin family's carriage.

  He rushed over there and beckoned. The Yin family's servants saw it. After entering the imperial city, he avoided waiting and waited until the Zhou family's carriage and guards came in. The two sides moved forward with their front and back feet.

Gao You watched with his mouth closed, his fists clenched, and one of the guards whispered: "Prince, are you saying that the news we have heard is true? The emperor of Dajin didn't even want to see us, he would accept it. Our peace?"

Gao You said coldly: "Didn't you listen to the suggestion from that person? Dajin wants more tribute. This is because we intend to raise the price again. Anyway, we will pass the good news back. Now Wang Ting is always there. Urge, and you have to ask Wang Ting what the reserve price is."

  "Before coming..."

   "Before we came, we didn't know that Dajin was so tough this time. We can't even send out gold and silver jewelry. Obviously, the amount of tribute previously set is not satisfied with the big Jin, and we must increase it a little bit."

  Hate that he couldn't completely take charge of this matter, and he had to ask the royal court for instructions. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the two countries will definitely have to negotiate. He can't delay a long time. Otherwise, what should I do if Dajin becomes embarrassed and angry?

  They are the emperor Tian Gao who is far from afraid of the Great Jin, but he is the grasshopper in the palm of others' hands.

   At the gate of the palace, Man Bao helped Bai Shan get out of the cart, watching his carriage and horse turn a bend and leave from another road, he looked towards Yin or, "You will enter the palace to participate in the palace banquet?"

   Yin or smiled slightly and said: "Father said that my health is much better, and I am not afraid of sitting for a long time, so he let me go to the palace to have a look."

  In fact, the old lady has a thirsty heart. She has always wanted to marry Yin or a wife, so she wanted to take him out and wander around, telling the world on formal occasions that Yin or's health is much better.

  But Yin may not want to get too involved with another woman or another family, he is not suitable for marriage.

  But it is still possible to enter the palace to participate in the palace banquet.

  He smiled at Bai Shan and Zhou Man. Only then did he notice their outfits, so he couldn't help but smile, "Let’s go into the palace."

   "Well, see your grandmother first."

  The old lady Yin also got out of the car.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan smiled and went forward to salute.

  The old lady Yin quickly smiled and said, "Master Zhou and Master Bai don't need to be polite."

  She looked at the pair of jade men in front of her, and said with some envy: "Master Zhou and Master Bai are really talented and female." In fact, female talent and male appearance are also suitable, anyway, they match very well.


  She glanced at the grandson standing aside, and sighed in her heart. She didn't know if her grandson could find such a thing.

  The empress has always been generous to the elderly and officials with poor health, so there are many waiting in the palace gate.

Old lady like Yin, after entering the palace, you can take a ride directly into the palace, otherwise this long road, the old lady is all dressed up, even if you walk over and get down, you will be sweaty and uncomfortable. , I should be sick when the cold wind blows back.

  The old lady Yin sits on the seat, and immediately points to Yin or asks him to come up.

  Yin or shook his hand and said: "Grandma, Zhou Man and I are going slowly, you go first."

  Bai Shan knew that he didn’t want to be with Mrs. Yin, so he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, old lady. We have been studying in the palace for a few years and we are familiar with each other. We will catch up with you in a while.”

  Old Madam Yin could only give up and let her sit first.

  They all enter the palace early, and they don’t know how long it will take until the banquet begins, so they are not in a hurry, so they walk forward slowly.

  Zhou Liru still envied Zhou Man, "Sister, you wear official clothes much lighter than us."

  Man Bao also noticed it, and said complacently: "This is called foresight."

  Zhou Liru pursed his lips and smiled, looking around.

  Man Bao said: "Don't look, Liu Shangshu's family may enter the palace later."

  The voice just fell, Zhou Liru already pointed to the back and said: "Liu Huan!"

  A few people turned their heads together and saw Liu Huanzheng trotting towards them, "There can be no noise in the palace, but I yelled several times, why didn’t you hear?"

  Man Bao: "You must have not yelled loudly, otherwise you can still be here now?"

   Liu Huan felt like, "You really want me to be arrested."

   Liu Huan looked around and asked, "Where is Bai Er?"

  Bai Shan: "He entered the palace yesterday afternoon."

  So I must live in the palace, where do I need to go inside the palace gate?

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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