Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2682: Shock

  Chapter 2682 Shock

   When passing the medical account, I found that they directly occupied a piece of land for the boss, and the wounded soldiers in front were still sending down.

  Niu Cishi couldn't help strangling the horse, and looking at it with a tilted head, he saw a wounded soldier covered in blood lifted off a stretcher, his face turned pale, and he was lying unconsciously.

  Niu Cishi was slightly surprised, such wounded soldiers, they generally give up, just lift it, but also lift it aside first, first to rescue those who are still alive.

  He looked up and found that some of the wounded soldiers were being carried by others, and some of them were moved by supporting each other.

  The medical account is more lively than ever, and there are more people coming and going.

  Thinking about it, he drove over, not in a hurry to return to the main account.

  Wen Tiandong took a few soldiers to stand at the intersection, and he could walk by himself, or he could walk by being supported. He glanced at the wound and pointed them out, "Go over there..."

He also took a quick look at the wound when he was being lifted, and he was aware that the bleeding was not particularly fierce to the other side, and those who had lost consciousness, or the blood rushed out and the wound was in a more dangerous location, were sent to the doctor. Over there.

Niu Cishi got off the horse with a riding whip and was about to talk to him. Wen Tiandong couldn't see a healthy person in his eyes. There was no injury on his body, and he only swept over him. He was totally unconcerned. So he pushed him as soon as he came to Wen Tiandong. Stepping aside, he went up and glanced at the person on the stretcher, touched his neck, and found that he was still angry. He glanced at the blood-covered person, fixed his gaze on his arm, and asked, "In addition to the arm, there are more Where is the injury?"

  The person lying there was unaware, and the person holding it said, “I don’t know, it seems that I’ve hurt my arm.”

Wen Tiandong nodded, turned his head and shouted inside, "Su Mu, Chen Banxia, ​​here is a serious injury."

  Su Mu was sewing a wound on someone, and couldn't draw his hand for a while. Chen Banxia ran out, glanced at it and said: "Need a blood transfusion."

  She couldn't do it alone, so she turned and ran, calling Zhou Liru, while going to get the blood transfusion device.

  Wen Tiandong said: "The medical account has no place. Put the person on that table."

Niu Cishi wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth. Wen Tiandong received four wounded soldiers who came across each other together. He looked at the wounds and found that they were all minor injuries, so he pointed to that side and said: "Go there. side……"

Niu Cishi turned around and walked a little inside, just in time to see the two soldiers carrying the wounded soldier to a table, and then he saw the little girl who was always with Master Zhou taking out the scissors. Then they cut all the clothes of the person, and then took out the needle to pierce the person on the body, and finally took out the saw. Another little girl stepped forward to help, and the two of them saw the person's arm out with the saw.

  Niu Cishi's eyes widened.

The two little ladies threw the sawed hands into a basket, and then took the medicine packet to stop the bleeding. On the other side, a little lady held up a pole and stuck a needle on his arm. He knew that thing, he I heard Zhao Guogong mentioned it before, saying that this thing is very precious, and the entire imperial medical office can't make a few copies. There are them on the battlefield. With this thing, it is equivalent to half a life.

  The three little ladies are divided into labor, one is holding the medicine bag to stop bleeding, the other is a needle to stop the bleeding, the other is blood transfusion, and then stitched up...

  The blood stopped slowly.

  But they did so much. After stitching, a little lady stretched out her hand to touch his pulse, her face changed slightly, and said: "No, he has no pulse."

  So they began to press his chest, the three of them separated, and one of them did it for a while, looping back and forth.

  Niu Cishi frowned, went forward and saw that his lips were white, he could not help but touch his neck, pursing his mouth: "He is dead."

  Zhou Liru ignored him, but continued to press.

  The three of them took turns in this way, and after about a quarter of an hour, they had pulse conditions again.

Niu Cishi opened his mouth in surprise.

   Zhou Liru exhaled, turned his head and said to Chen Banxia: "Call the teacher, he must not take the ready-made prescription."

  This person needs to replenish blood and qi, especially qi. As long as he can hold this breath, he can live.

  Chen Banxia ran to find someone.

  Man Bao’s clothes were full of blood, looking worse than the soldiers who came down on the battlefield, and even a tight neck was stained with blood.

She came out and saw Niu Cishi standing aside, nodded at him, and went to see the wounded soldier, checked the wound, and touched the pulse. Knowing that he had just lost his breath, she lowered her eyes and thought about it. : "Go and get the roasted angelica six coins, ginseng five coins, dried **** three coins, chuanxiong three coins..."

  Man Bao read the prescription, Chen Banxia read it again, and after confirming that it was correct, he would go down and boil the medicine. Man Bao stopped her and said: "Take two ginseng tablets and give him a hold."

  Chen Banxia responded and turned away.

  Man Bao then looked at Niu Cishi, "Niu Cishi came to see wounded soldiers?"

Niu Cishi nodded quietly.

  Man Bao turned around and said, "Let's go, I'll show you."

  Then led him to the other side. Most of them were moderately injured. She didn't lead the cattle steward everywhere, but when she got to the place, she said, "You can take a look."

   Then go to deal with the wounded who are queuing to save lives.

  Even though Man Bao had 28 students under his hand, plus the original two military doctors, and the old, weak, sick and disabled logistics soldiers who had previously helped in the medical account, it was still not enough.

  After a big battle, not many people will die, but many people will be injured.

The western cakes followed Zhou Man with a medicine box, and Niu Cishi didn’t leave. He just stood by and watched. They kept cutting clothes with scissors, or applying medicine to stop the bleeding, or suturing them to stop the bleeding, and then irrigated them. A bowl of medicine, and some need to saw the legs and arms.

  Some people need to cut the meat that is turned out, and use tweezers or a knife to clean out the dirt in the wound bit by bit.

  Most of them are ladies, looking at Jiao Di Di, but when they shaved the meat with a knife, there was blood on their faces and there was not much change.

  Chen Banxia and others thought, this day is full of patients like this, and changes will have already passed, but they will still panic when they encounter severely injured patients.

  Niu Cishi stood on the side and looked at it, and finally turned to look at the other side.

  On the other side were soldiers with relatively minor injuries. They stretched out their arms and made fun of them while bandaging them. They made fun of those little ladies, "Little lady, you have to be responsible for me if you look at my body."

  The female student blushed, and then when applying the medicine, she pressed the wound fiercely and made the other party scream like a pig, and then the wound was bandaged.

  The soldier was anxious and raised his hand to beat her. Niu Ci kicked the person down in history, and said angrily: "I saved you and made a mistake? Why don't you apologize to the doctor?"

  He turned his head and smiled at the little lady, and said a little flatteringly: "Don't mind the little lady, these big bosses are bad mouths, but they don't have any bad thoughts."

  The female student's eyes are reddish, and she snorted: "I am not afraid, who is afraid of whom, if you have the ability, don't get hurt next time, otherwise you still have to fall into our hands, hum!"

  She lifted the medicine box and went to see the next one.

  Niu Cishi saw that she was gone and stretched out his hand to pat the veteran's head, "If you have nothing to do, go there and have a medical account for a walk, look at your robes with sawed arms and legs, idiots!"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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