Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2700: With the army

   Chapter 2700

  The Goguryeo army retreated quietly. The current camp tent is just a blindfold. The soldiers left in it are broken, and the main tent has been pulled out overnight and sneaked away.

  But after all, there are thousands of people, and the movement is not small. You will know if you want to investigate.

  Qihe Heli heard the scout report and couldn't lie down anymore. He immediately got up from the wooden hospital bed, put on his clothes and went to call the soldiers.

   "They will definitely collide with Xue Bei when they retreat."

  Xue Bei came around, and their plan was to make dumplings for them together tomorrow, and Xue Bei cut their way behind.

This time Qizhi Heli not only brought the cavalry, but also the remaining infantry, leaving only 500 people for Zhou Man. He said: "If there is an enemy army, you will flee back to Baiyan City. Wait here."

  The medical account is different from other camps, so there is no need to fight the enemy.

   Zhou Man nodded in response and watched them leave.

  Su Mu was a little worried, "Teacher, will there really be enemy troops coming?"

   "No," Man Bao comforted him, "Unless they are deliberately seducing the general, otherwise they won't come here to take the back path."

  They are very scared now, they will only stay away from the main account of the Jin army, so how come they come here?

  There may be more people who die in battle.

  Man Bao frowned, beckoned to call a general banner, and said: "Send someone to stare at the front. If the enemy is defeated, we will move the medical tent forward."

  Zongqi's eyes brightened, and he immediately led people to stare.

  It’s so easy to go out once. This is a rare military exploit. Although the protection of the medical account is also a contribution, it is definitely not as good as the frontline fight.

  The general banner happily took people there.

  Man Bao said to Su Mu: "You clean up, and then move forward with me to the medical account."

   Su Mu asked in a daze, "Then, what about these wounded soldiers?"

   "Give it to Jing Zhong, I will call him two hundred people, and the rest will bring medicinal materials and pots and pans and move forward with us."

  They need to bring a lot of medical supplies, not to mention, there are a lot of cloth for dressing, and they should not be contaminated.

  The two of them packed up and began to wait for the general banner to come back.

Qihe Heli rushed into the enemy camp with a large army. As expected, only less than two thousand people were left in the camp. The rest of the camp was empty, and he was furious. He brought the people and killed them. Of course, they were killed. It was too time consuming, and soon they called to disarm and not kill, and then they knelt and surrendered.

  Qihe Heli sat on the horse, staring at the people and confiscated all their weapons. Only then was a team of soldiers and horses left looking at them, and the rest continued to chase the enemy’s main account with the captured horses.

  The general banner finally came after him. Seeing that the battle was over, he immediately sent people to turn around and go back to Zhou Man, and he stayed behind to discuss with the left-behind generals about setting up a medical account.

  The transfer of the medical account was dangerous, but it was a good thing for the soldiers, and the remaining generals agreed without much thought.

  It doesn’t need to be specially built. If the tents left by the enemy army have not been washed down, you can choose two randomly. Put the wounded soldiers over there to get a medical tent.

  Man Bao moved over with someone on horseback, glanced at the wounded soldier lying on the ground, and began to dismount and deal with Su Mu together.

  After finishing the treatment of the wounded soldiers, someone came back to report, “The general has overtaken the enemy’s main account. General Xue met the enemy first, and they fought orthogonally.”

  Man Bao asked: "It’s not dark in winter, can they see it?"

   "So the general Mingjin retreated, and the enemy also suspended the attack, but there were a lot of injured people, and they had camped nearby."

  Manbao asked people to pack up all kinds of medicine chests and mounted the horse and said: "Let's go, go and see."

Night raids are only suitable for camping. Those who want night raids know that there are enemies living there, and there is fire in the camp, and the flames are so bright that they can still tell which side of the armor is on the person’s body. .

But moving to chase at night like this is very easy to accidentally injure your own people, especially on the other side there is a team of their men and horses, the cavalry rushes from here to there, it is easy to kill and kill your own people. .

  The enemy is also difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, so the truce is the best at this time.

  Man Bao has been moving with the army tonight. Fortunately, they have many military doctors. If there were only one or two military doctors in the previous army, don't even think about this kind of treatment.

  Man Bao followed the army ahead with a sad face.

  There is no camp, the soldiers slept in their clothes, their swords and guns in their chests, and they sat up a little bit of trouble.

   Zhou Man felt that his hair was standing upside down before running in front of them. Keke also woke up and warned: "There is danger ahead. Archers are facing you."

  Man Bao asked: "Is it the Jin army or the enemy army?"

   Keke said depressedly: "Jin army."

  Man Bao turned his head and said to the general banner: "If you say something, it will be said that the medical account has been reached."

  Zongqi also tightened his back and felt the danger too, so the horse slowed down, and he shouted at the front: "Brother in front, the medical account is over, this is Lord Zhou——"

  The dangerous breath faded a bit. He quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Zhou Man, "Leave your head here and don't move."

  He first brought two people forward, making sure that they were in front of their army.

  So marching at night is the most annoying. It’s hard to see your fingers when you stretch out your hand. I stay in the camp well. Can’t I have a good fight tomorrow? Why do you want to run away at night?

  The Goguryeo army was also secretly cursing. The Jin army was really desperate. They also chased them at night. They all retreated, and let them run all night. What happened to them, they were even flanked and shameless!

  Zongqi met the guarded colleagues in the past, took a photo of the torch, and confirmed that it was his own. They immediately lit the torch and ran over to greet Zhou Man.

  A school lieutenant said: "Master Zhou, many brothers were injured. Some were accidentally stepped on. They were badly injured when they were snatched out. Please go and see."

  Stamping is the most difficult to treat. Most of them are internal injuries. Bao Bao frowned sadly, followed him to the camp, and after dismounting, he took the medicine box and went to see the wounded soldier. She asked, "Is the general okay?"

"It's alright."

  Yes, ordinary school lieutenants don’t know how He Li was injured.

Man Bao carried the medicine box over. The wounded were all lying on the ground. They lit a few fires and let them lie around the fire. Besides, everyone could only simply wrap them up with a cloth, because they were stationed. Here, I didn't even have to drink hot water.

  Everyone can only drink cold water from the water bag.

  Fortunately, Manbao took all the pots and pans with him.

  Man Bao walked all the way, picked out the wounds that needed urgent treatment, and had them carried to the front fire.

  She looked around and said: "Let people regenerate a fire, break some branches and leaves and spread them on the ground. The night is cold, and the wounded cannot catch the cold."

  She doesn’t mind the open air anymore. In this case, it’s impossible to have a camp. It’s just going to be there. Whether she can live depends on her luck.

  Man Bao began to have someone set up a pot to prepare the medicine, and asked, "Is there any water nearby?"

The school lieutenant shook his head in a daze, "I don't know."

  At night, they just had a fight, who would look for water?

  Qihe Heli heard the report and approached him, and heard the words: "Send someone to find and find the scout."

  They have surveyed the neighborhood before, and they must know where there is water and where there is no water.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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