Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2711: ambush

  Chapter 2711 Ambush

General Ashina has been waiting for them to destroy the checkpoint all the way, pushing their defenders all the way to the thirty-mile position before starting their hands. At the same time, they sent two small cavalrymen, "Go and catch their scouts. killed."

   sent a small group of people to guard the intersection, "Never allow their scouts to go back before us."


  General Ashina then took the people who had been shrunk in the forest to attack, and directly stopped the two thousand people inside.

The Goguryeo scout, who followed the army far away, wanted to see their battle, widened his eyes in surprise, suddenly got off the horse, pressed the horse down, waited for Ashina and their team to pass, and directly bit their army. The two scouts gritted their teeth when he was on his ass, and immediately mounted their horses and turned their heads around to tell the second prince. They were stopped when they came out.

  Their expressions changed, and they turned to look behind, only to realize that they had come out a few rides at some unknown time behind them, and they straightly blocked their retreat...

  General Ashina and his party were all suffocated. They stayed in the woods for four days.

Seriously, it’s really uncomfortable. I don’t eat well, and there’s not enough water. I can only eat one bite at a time. I can’t make a fire. It’s cold at night. I can only squeeze a quilt with three people, even if I get sick. You can only take the pills given by the doctor's account, or take cold water...

  Two more days of nesting, they won’t be able to nest anymore, they will run out of water...

  So now they are like mad dogs who have been imprisoned for half a year. As soon as they rushed out, they screamed in excitement, directly penetrated into the enemy, and rushed in from behind them...

  Behind them is the infantry, there is no time to turn around to defend, and when the cavalry walking in the forefront came to support, they were stopped by more than a thousand infantry, and the rescue was too late, and the team was instantly defeated.

  They just handed over.

  The leading young general of Goguryeo was so distressed that he couldn't get any more, yelling for the infantry to retreat to both sides and enter the forest.

  The cavalry also left in the open area. It is not certain who will win and who will win when entering the forest.

  But everyone panicked at the moment, and there were shouts of killing and shouting everywhere. Who has the energy to listen to him?

  The army was defeated like a mountain, even if they had five hundred cavalry, when the two sides handed over, their aura fell far behind each other, and Hu Bing died bravely, General Ashina controlled the situation before sunset.

  He led people around, trying to control them, and in the end only a dozen ran away sporadically. The rest were either killed in battle or surrendered on the ground at this time.

   "General, do you want to chase after you run away?"

   General Ashina shook his head, "We don’t have so many troops to chase, let people guard the intersection, and not allow them to go to Anshicheng, at least not before we reach Anshicheng."


  Zongqi led a team and left.

  General Ashina waved his hand and asked the defeated army to take off all the armors on their bodies. If some did not have armor, they would take off their clothes.

  Xue Gui led a team of soldiers and horses galloping from Liaodong City. General Ashina saw him and waved: "These are the defeated troops, you can **** them back."

  Xue Gui was taken aback for a moment and said: "Please let the army attack the city together, and the army will strike forward in place."

   General Ashina frowned slightly and said: "These people can't let it go. The army has not arrived. If they run back to Anshi City, we will give up all previous efforts."

  "General, their horses have been confiscated, no matter how fast we are, and we can draw the ground as a prison, in the end, when they are all scared, they will not keep anyone. I am afraid that no one will dare to escape."

  Ashina meditation.

  Xue Gui knelt down and said: "The final general is willing to be a forward, please complete the army."

  General Ashina nodded, "Okay."

  He took a look at the time, and said to him: "It's still early, you go to form a flag and let them supervise each other."


  General Ashina killed all of their officers from a hundred families and above. The Goguryeo soldiers turned pale with fright and bowed their heads deeply.

Xue Gui stepped forward and said: "These people do not accept the discipline of the country, and they are not sorry to die. You are not the same as them. Your Majesty Longen, the general is also kind, allowing you to go to Liaodong City to surrender, as a show of trust in you. , We will not send soldiers to **** you, let you pass by yourself."

He said: "Now, you re-divide the flags, ten people as a small flag, and ten small flags as a general flag. Supervise each other. You can rest here tonight, and you can leave for Liaodong City after dawn. Whoever is on the way After escaping, the small flag sits again and the general flag sits again, and the people who raise them have merit."

  Xue Gui repeatedly emphasized: “Remember, no one is allowed to leave tonight, otherwise they will all be deserters, and they can leave after dawn tomorrow. Remember?”

  Everyone responded with fear, and then began to divide the small flag and the general flag. Xue Gui led the people to designate the candidates for the small flag and the general flag, and pretended to take the pen to write down the person's name.

  General Asina only watched for a while, then turned around and left him alone, letting his men be stationed a little farther away.

  The sky was getting darker and darker. Everyone began to put on the clothes of the Goguryeo Army under the cover of the night and the trees.

   General Ashina ordered: "Let people tie up the cloth strips, put them in their sleeves, and expose them when they start to do it. Don't show your deeds first."

   "Yes." The lieutenant glanced over there and whispered: "General, really let them follow us?"

General Ashina nodded slightly and said, "This Xue Gui is very brave. If he is willing to be a forward, then use him."

General   Ashina brought only a thousand men, while Xue Gui brought two thousand cavalry. He was the forward sent by the emperor as soon as he received the news, and the army fell behind.

  Their speed is slower, not only because of their larger numbers, but also because of the infantry. He doesn't know how the emperor will arrange it, but the time it takes to get here must not be short.

  Liaodong City is a long distance away from Anshi City. After receiving the news, he hurried to get there before dark.

The army of    will start immediately, and it is estimated that it will not arrive until dawn.

  General Ashina was also calculating the time. Based on his knowledge of the emperor, they should be able to arrive in the middle of the night.

  But they definitely couldn't wait for the second half of the night. The second prince only allowed them to advance forty miles. Even if there was an enemy attack on the road, they should go back in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they would definitely doubt it.

  General Ashina's heart beats a bit fast, a little excited and excited, so if they can knock on the city gate, they will have to insist on at least two hours before the reinforcements can arrive.

   Ashina glanced at Xue Gui, which is why he agreed to Xue Gui as a forward, and did not leave a person to guard the prisoners, and directly painted the ground as a prison.

   Ashina thought well. After receiving the report from the scout, the emperor immediately sent Xue Gui with two thousand cavalry to help, and then immediately called everyone to discuss.

  In the end, Qi Le Heli led 20,000 people to go first, and they brought their luggage and the rest to postpone.

   Qi Fei Heli asked for a part of the medical account to accompany him, and the emperor directly let Zhou Man follow.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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