Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2727: Persuade

  Chapter 2727 Persuade to surrender

  Xue Gui saw that the people inside the old man still hadn't seen them for a long time, so he couldn't help frowning, and looked up at Bai Shan who was standing in front.

  Bai Shan still stood tall, and Daji behind him also stood silently, without any extra expression on his face.

   Xue Gui lowered his eyes and said nothing, and continued to stand with them.

Man Bao returned to the medical account, and after assigning today’s task, he personally took people to the front line to see if there were any new wounded soldiers. By the way, he gave Keke points to record the situation of Baishan. If it is dangerous, please drop by. She called the police.

  But the alarm on her side has never sounded, but there was a warning from Goguryeo that made Bing enter the Senate quickly.

   "Prince, East Third Street was attacked by the Jin army, and it has been occupied by ten feet."

  The second prince got up from his seat, and asked with a pale face: "Did the Dajin sent envoys over, why are they still sending troops?"

  Others were also taken aback, and said one person: "The prince might as well call the envoys to come in and ask, if they play us, we just cut off their envoys."

   "It's wrong, the two countries will not cut off the envoys when they cross each other. Doesn't killing the envoys give them a reason to continue the offensive at this time?" One person said: "Since the prince wants to seek peace, he shouldn't be too tough on the envoys at this time."

  "Yes, those who can come here for the envoy must be the officials of the Dajin Zhongzhuhe. The prince might as well fight for one or two."

  Even Xun Sa thinks so.

  The second prince thought for a while, then sat back, and said with a calm face: "Let the envoys come in."

  Someone went down and invited Bai Shan and his party.

  The second prince of high school said to Lingbing: "Send three thousand people to support, and you must guard Dongsanjie."

  Anshicheng is so big, losing a street has a great impact on them, and their territory can no longer be shrunk.

  Bai Shan brushed shoulders with Lingbing who had gone out. He glanced at the **** aura on the opponent's body, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and brought Xue Gui, Daji and others into the house.

  Bai Shan stood in the hall, and first glanced at the person sitting above. There were two people sitting on it. The young man in the middle was somewhat similar to the high-five prince. At this time, there was no expression on his face. He should be the second-year prince.

   Halfway down, there was a chair on which sat a middle-aged man wearing armor, but the expression on his face seemed very kind, it should be Anshi Chengxa.

  Goguryeo’s Husa is equivalent to the governor of the Jin Dynasty, and he holds the power of military and political power.

  The forbidden army went all the way to the east. It was stuck on the city of Anshi. Of course, there was a reason why Goguryeo did not dare to lose the city again and sent heavy troops to support it. But there is also the credit of this Saha, right?

   Therefore, Bai Shan did not dare to underestimate him. He lowered his eyes and bowed his hands with a smile on his face.

  Xue Gui and others just clasped fists.

  Seeing that they were so negligent, the officials of Goguryeo couldn't help being angry, but Bai Shan was not rude as the envoy, and they were weak at this time, they could only stare at Xue Gui and others behind Bai Shan with dissatisfaction.

The second prince squeezed his fists, and saw Bai Shan raising his head and looking at him with a smile, while Su Sa on the side had already got up and down the steps, greeted him with the courtesy of the vassal kingdom, and smiled: "Xiaguan Xu Li, I have seen the envoy of the kingdom. Chen, this one is the second prince of our kingdom."

  The second prince pulled out a smile and got up, went down the steps to return a gift, "Gao Zhi has seen the envoy of the country, please come to your seat."

  The next person moves forward and removes the two chairs above, and put them directly face to face.

Bai Shan was a guest, one step behind the second high prince. After sitting on the right, he looked at the Koguryo generals who were sitting down in order. He reached out and took the letter of credence in Xue Gui, who was standing behind, and handed it to Gao Zhi on the opposite side. Prince, this is our country's credential."

  The second prince took it, opened it, and couldn't help but fluctuate, almost venting anger from his nose.

As Dajin was going to go to the country and it was when he was fighting against Goguryeo, the credential would of course not be very friendly. The above directly listed the evil deeds of Goguryeo, indicating the reason for their conquest of Goguryeo. This credential was here to make them surrender. .

  The second prince slapped the credential directly, and said with a calm face: "It turns out that the envoy is not here to seek peace."

  Bai Shandao: "Now the situation is very good for Dajin. We have already occupied half of Goguryeo. As long as we capture Anshicheng, we can drive down. With such a good situation, why should Dajin negotiate peace and still use a word?"

  The second high prince shook his face and said: "The envoy, please come back, no need to say more about the surrender, my Goguryeo royal family would rather die than surrender!"

Bai Shan persuaded: "Why the second prince stubbornly insist on his own opinion? Continue to resist is just hurting others and hurting yourself, not to mention the whole Anshicheng people. The prince should not think about himself, but also for the people of the city. "

  Gao Zhi sneered, “It’s just for the sake of the people that we can’t surrender. Is it okay to let you move the people in Anshicheng inward and let them endure the pain of heartache and leave their hometown?”

  Bai Shan smiled slightly and said: "The second prince is too worried. If the second prince is willing to surrender, I can guarantee that the people of Anshicheng will not be moved to the interior."

"I just received the news that the Jin army has attacked Dongsanjie. I don't believe the envoy's promise." The second prince sneered: "You Jin State sent envoys to us while attacking my territory. How can I trust the promise you made at this time?"

If you don’t attack, I won’t see you yet. Bai Shan doesn’t have to spend so much time with him, but his face is surprised, and then he suddenly realized that, he finally sighed: "The second high prince may not know, A few days ago, when he captured the west gate of Anshi, the high five prince had already surrendered on behalf of Goguryeo and His Majesty."

  Everyone's eyes widened, including the high second prince sitting opposite.

Bai Shan took out a jade pendant from his sleeve and handed it to the second high prince opposite: "The fifth prince thought that once the city of Anshi was broken, Goguryeo was not far from the country, so he was willing to surrender on behalf of the court of Goguryeo and your majesty. You may not know that the delegation of envoys headed by the five princes had already set off for the inner city a few days ago."

  Just persuaded the five princes, Zhang Hui, who was planning to leave tomorrow, sneezed loudly and frowned slightly. Could it be that the sweet wife and young children in the family miss him?

  Bai Shan pinched his fingers and said, “It’s already the fourth day, so you can quickly get to the inner city with their feet.”

  The second high prince's face was instantly pale, and even the generals below were greatly shocked, and his heart was panicked for a while.

  At this time, it’s too late to send troops to intercept. Yes, if it weren’t for people to arrive in the inner city, how could he tell them this important news.

  The second prince's eyes were about to bleed. He stared at the jade pendant in Bai Shan's hand. He didn't pick it up. There was a piece of the same standard on his body, but the jade pendant was slightly different in color, with their respective names engraved on it.

  So he can recognize at a glance that this is the jade pendant of the fifth oldest.

  The old fifth, stupid and awkward dog thing, he dare to...

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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