Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2732: All visitors are guests

   Chapter 2732 All visitors are guests

  Many people plan the same as middle-aged men.

  At this time, the invitation written by Bai Shan was also sent to the generals by the soldiers guarding the door.

  They all took the post to find the second prince.

  The second high prince sneered, but after only three days, he really couldn't bear it.

   And he also wanted to see what the other party wanted to do, mainly because Zhao Guogong was too annoying. Although the offensive was a little slow in the past three days, he was still attacking them. Dongsanjie had been robbed.

   Although the second prince has been sitting steadily, he is actually a little impatient in his heart, but he does not want to surrender, he still wants to fight for peace.

   "You go," the second high prince said: "I want to see what he wants to do."

  The generals who received the post glanced at each other and saluteed and said: "Yes."

  When Xun Sa received the news, they had already quit to prepare.

  He objected, and said to the second prince: "Second prince, if you see, you should also see him. He is the envoy of Jin."

  Let these generals go to meet the envoys of the Jin country, is it not afraid that he will persuade them to surrender?

  The second prince should prevent them from contacting each other.

  The second prince wanted to use them to test Bai Shan, mainly because Bai Shan was too strong when he first met, and his tongue was sharp. He wanted to prepare to see each other completely.

Hu Sa was so angry that he could no longer be cautious, and said bluntly: "Prince, you and your envoys are equal. Do they go to a banquet or a private banquet? In what capacity are they talking about? "

Yuan Yi and the others were upset when they heard this, and they asked, "My lord, what do you mean, do you suspect that I am waiting to connect with the enemy country? We will report to the prince as soon as we get the post. I will be clear about the heart of the royal court... …"

  The second prince hurriedly said: "I naturally believe in the generals. The generals don't have to worry about it."

  耨Sa's heart aches a little, looking at the monarchs and ministers who confess to each other, she opened her mouth and couldn't say it.

  He clutched his heart, and when they were all greeting enough, he slowly bowed and said, "Prince, the subordinates are unwell, so leave first."

  The second prince was unhappy in his heart, but his face remained calm, nodded and said: "Okay, Husa has a good rest."

  Huisa turned and left in disappointment.

  He got on the carriage, closed his eyes and said to his confidant: "Let the family prepare quietly, and send them away tomorrow night."

   Kissed for a moment, and asked: "Where to go?"

  耨Sa said: "Go back to their hometown, quietly send them back."

  The relatives were taken aback and asked: "Master, can't Anshicheng be kept? Didn't you say that there is a peace talk?"

   "There will be no peace talks," Xun Sa said with a cold gaze: "The prince and them are lacking in confidence, and their hearts are guilty. They have been taken care of by the envoys of the Jin country just one face-to-face, and the peace talks will not be successful."

  He has been silent these days, because the second prince’s method of imprisoning Bai Shan under house arrest is correct.

  As long as they have a more ambiguous attitude, hesitate between peace talks and surrender, and hold back the battle on the front line.

  Even if the frontline has been fighting continuously, it is much more relaxed than the previous few days. They can drag it for at least half a month.

Yu Sa thought, after another period of time, ranging from ten days to half a month, the weather will be cold. Once it is cold, the Jin army may retreat, and then they will have to withdraw from Anshi City or accept peace talks. .

  But he did not expect that the second prince would let Yuanyi and others go to see the envoys.

  Talked that day, Yuan Yi had already intended to surrender...

  Sometimes fighting is the will. When the two sides are fighting for will, one is firm while the other is vacillating. It is easy to see who wins and who wins without having to fight.

  There is no hope for Anshicheng, and even the whole Goguryeo is hopeless. He whispered and kissed, “Let’s bring light things to your home, and close the door when you go back to reduce contact with the outside world.”


   Early the next morning, Bai Shan’s guest house got busy, and the guards also picked up brooms to clean the yard. No way, they have few employees, just the chef's family, and their family is busy with the kitchen at this time.

Bai Shan put on a set of clothes that he found out last night. The long-sleeved robe was moon-white. The robe was embroidered with auspicious clouds and dark patterns, and then crowned with a jade crown. He did nothing but stood in front of the door with a smile. A beautiful painting.

  Such a romantic figure, not to mention the Goguryeo, it is Xue Gui who rarely sees it.

   Holding the wine, pinching time and Yuan Yi, the Meng family father and son who came across by chance stared at the people standing on the steps.

  Bai Shan was watching people take down the lantern hanging under the eaves and put on the oil. Last night, the oil in the lantern ran out and it only burned until midnight.

   Perceiving someone looking at him, Bai Shan turned his head and looked around. He saw Yuan Yi and two unknown people behind him, the deeper the smile on his mouth, and he stepped forward with a smile.

  At this time, Bai Shan's status is higher than that of them, so Yuanyi first held his fists and saluted, "Bai ambassador."

  Bai Shan responded with a smile, "General Yuan is willing to come, it is really brilliant, please come inside."

Seeing that he was respectful and polite, Yuan Yi put down his heart slightly, and walked in with the Meng family father and son. After entering the hall, he introduced them: "Envoy Bai, this one is Master Meng, this one is Master Meng."

  Master Meng hurriedly took Mr. Mengzi and saluted again, and Bai Shan smiled and saluted, "But Pyongyang first pays off after Salmon Won?"

  Master Meng was excited, and he bowed with excitement and moved, and said, "It is the ancestor."

  Bai Shan laughed and said with him: "I have heard about Montessori. Back then, the ancestors in Pyongyang resisted the attack of tens of thousands of Kyushu Island with thousands of people. That prestige is well-known at home and abroad."

  Master Meng asked excitedly: "Has the envoy also heard of this incident?"

   "Naturally, there are records in Korean historical materials. Bai had served in the Imperial Academy, so he saw it and was fascinated when he talked about it with his colleagues."

  Master Meng was so excited that he almost held Bai Shan's hand in a gloomy manner. Unfortunately, after the glory of the ancestor, neither his father nor he could continue the glory of his grandfather.

Yuanyi beside   :……

The Jin Dynasty is full of talents. The most important thing is this kind of wise generals and fierce generals who can win more with less. Some people can even lead a few hundred troops to cross the Western Regions, and even conquer one or two countries. How can they be worthy of a small Mongolian Yuan?

  Meng Yuan is still dead for decades.

  However, Yuan Yi did not speak either. He was not stupid to say such things to offend people.

  After Yuanyi arrived, other guests arrived one after another. Without exception, every Jiangchen brought other people around.

  I met on the road like Yuanyi, because the relationship was good, or he was soft in the past, so the other party brought the person when he mentioned it;

  I also went to someone's door early in the morning and came together after discussing it in advance.

  Bai Shan comers are not rejected, all enthusiastically invite them to their seats, and then let people take out the good tea and soak them. Today, the visitors are the guests, and they should be treated well if they say anything.

  Xue Gui stared blankly.

  Bai Shan nodded very satisfied. Very well, there are big families, as well as the local officials of Anshi city that he has not seen before, and the wealthy businessmen in Anshi city.

  This is finally complete.

  I don’t know if the second-year prince knows that his post is to send one to two, or even to three?

  I don’t know if he will regret it when he knows it.

  Bai Shan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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