Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2736: Variety

  Chapter 2736 Changes

   Zhouman’s tent is not very far from Zhao Guogong’s, just the past few.

  However, at this time, Zhao Guogong was already lying down, and he was going to sleep in a daze. When he was awakened, he thought there was an enemy attack. When he came out, he only saw Zhou Man alone.

  Man Bao clutched his heart and said: "Zhao Guogong, my heart hurts."

  Zhao Guogong: "...Should you contact Doctor Lu for this matter?"

  It's okay to find her students no matter what, he is not a doctor, why do you find him?

  Man Bao glanced at him contemptuously and said: "This is not a disease, haven't you heard of it, someone close to you has something wrong, and the other person has a vague premonition."

  Zhao Guogong: "Something happened to your family? You are going to expedition now. You can't leave if something happens. It's a big crime to escape."

  Man Bao: "...I'm talking about Bai Shan."

  Zhao Guogong frowned, "Master Zhou has a lot of close people, how can you be sure that the accident is Master Bai?"

  Man Bao: "I just know, this is intuition."

  Zhao Guogong walked out of the tent, and instead of letting her in to avoid suspicion, he stood outside the big tent and talked with her, "He is now in the enemy's army, and I can't help you save him."

  Zhao Guo justified: "Goguryeo is so weak, Lord Bai is my envoy to the Great Jin Dynasty, they should not dare to kill him."

  Suffer a little bit at most, get a little bit hurt and so on.

  Man Baodao: "It can be saved, and he has been in the past four days, and there has been no progress. Why doesn't Zhao Guogong send troops to attack and help him?"

  Zhao Guogong looked at her curiously, "Are you not afraid that the other party will get angry and kill Bai Shan?"

  Don’t say anything that the other party cannot kill the envoy, it is a reasonable development inferred from reality when the person is still sensible, but what if the person is irrational?

  So he has been grinding slowly for the past four days, and the number of troops sent every day will not exceed one thousand, just because he is afraid that the opponent will lose his mind if he fights too hard.

  Man Bao decided to believe in Bai Shan after thinking about it. Since Bai Shan said that he can attack by force, it must be possible.

   then said: "It doesn't matter, you can hit it, Bai Shan should be fine."

  Zhao Guogong stared at her, and said after a long while: "This is not something that can be decided right away. Master Zhou will go back and wait for the news first."

   "It's best to attack before dawn. They have little defense and are the most sleepy thing. Maybe we are lucky and can take the entire Anshi city in one fell swoop."

  Zhao Guogong only twitched the corners of his mouth. There are many soldiers and horses on the opposite side, and there are many lanes. How could he be able to take it in one fell swoop?

  However, Zhao Guogong thought for a while, and he sent a scout to inquire about the news, and at the same time went to see the generals of Ash.

   "Can the mission send a message back?"

   "No," General Ashina said, "We asked the soldiers below and the soldiers on the opposite side to inquire about it. It took a lot of money to get some news, saying that Lord Bai was put under house arrest as soon as he passed."

  Qie He said: "Can the mission work? If it doesn't work, then we should attack quickly. I think the weather is getting colder and colder. It may snow sometime, and the situation will be even more unfavorable for us."

   Niu Cishi said: "The envoys are still there. At this time, it is dangerous to attack them."

  Zhao Guogong asked: "What if you ignore the safety of the mission?"

General    looked at each other, General Ashina said quietly: "Your Majesty will not agree."

  Zhao Guogong waved his hand and said, "This is also what Lord Zhou meant."

  Common Generals:...I can’t see that Lord Zhou is the kind of person who sacrificed his relatives for justice.

  Everyone felt complicated for a while.

  Zhao Guogong glanced at them and said, "Master Zhou said that something has happened to Bai Shan now. Let us attack and help him."

   Ashina frowned, "If Lord Bai is in a bad situation over there, we are afraid that our aggressive attack will anger the opponent, and it will be even worse for him, right?"

  Niu Cishi was refreshed, and said to them: "If it is the other princes of the Gao clan, they may be ashamed and angry, and kill Lord White regardless of the consequences, but the possibility of the second prince is very small."

"How to say?"

"This second prince is a well-known and virtuous man in Goguryeo. He has both talents and appearance, so he can compete with the prince for the throne," Niu Cashi said. "These are all advantages, but he also has a shortcoming. He is indecisive and easy. Influenced by others, if Lord Bai had already moved him at this time, but he was hesitant to attack, he felt hopeless to defend the city and would most likely surrender."

  Since there is no hope for defending the city, and even Goguryeo as a whole, there is no hope, so naturally he has to plan for the future, and the soldiers and the city in his hands are political resources.

  Zhao Guogong's eyes lit up, and he glanced at each other with Ashina.

  Qie He Li immediately got up and took the map off and put it on the table, "Try it, anyway, even Master Zhou suggested that."

   Really misjudged, it can only be that Bai Shan is out of luck, and the family members can’t blame them.

  Zhao Guogong looked at the street map of Anshicheng and said after a long while: "This battle can only be won but not lost."

   Lost, the second-year prince will regain his confidence. The introduction is not only a disaster for Bai Shan, but it will also be very detrimental to their promotion.

  A few people on this map have been staring at it for the past few days.

  General Ashina got up and said, "I'll go and get the team to prepare."

   Qi Fei He Li said: "I'm going to order soldiers."

  Niu Cishi also got up, "I will check the armaments."

  Zhao Guogong: "... There is only one stroke in the eight characters. Your Majesty has not yet agreed."

  All the generals saluted, "You have a great manager."

  Zhao Guogong snorted after scrolling the map, and went out of the big tent to find the emperor.

  Others hurriedly prepared to go, they felt that the emperor would definitely agree.

  The emperor was not asleep, he was reading the papers and letters sent from the capital.

  Of course, most of the papers are handled by the prince, and those that can be delivered to him are important but not urgent. In addition, the prince will write letters to the emperor every other time, reporting the situation in Beijing and all over the country.

  So the emperor often has to be busy until late at night.

   Hearing Zhao Guogong’s request to see him, he let him in. The emperor continued to look at the channel in his hand without raising his head: “You don’t have to ask, the envoy has never come back. You are not allowed to attack.”

  Zhao Guogong: "...Your Majesty, this time Lord Zhou personally asked for it."

When the emperor heard this, he put down the letter in his hand, "Zhou Man asked? She didn't know if she angered the other party, would she just hack someone there?"

  People lose their minds but do everything. Even if they regret it afterwards, the thing has already happened, and the dead person is already dead.

Zhao Guogong said the words of Niu Cishi, and informed the emperor of the results discussed by them, saying: "Your Majesty, Niu Cishi knows the Gao family better, and Lord Zhou also cares more about Lord Bai than we do. Since they are the two Everyone agrees with the storm, why not give it a try?"

  The emperor frowned and pondered for a long while and said: "Although Liaodong is important, Baishan is more important than Liaodong."

  He said: "There is also a fierce general Xue Gui in the envoy. I have a good minister and a good general. Why is the world worried about injustice and the territory is not wide?"

  He shook his head and said: "I can't exchange the lives of the two of them for Liaodong."

  Zhao Guo justified: "Your Majesty, if this is Bai Shan's plan, it means that he is very sure. If he hesitates, he will miss the opportunity."

  The emperor said: "Then get the news of Bai Shan first, or you can't take any risks."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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