Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2741: Became

   Chapter 2741

  There is not even a table or chair in this room. Bai Shan really disliked it, so he looked at Daji again.

  Daji looked at him silently, motionless.

  Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "It's all your Majesty's things. We have to hand in them if we keep them back. We will use them first."

Daji was reluctant, "Master, if the second prince does not come today, then we have to buy lunch and dinner. If he does not come tomorrow, we have to buy not only three meals a day, but also some tea and other things. We don’t have so many pearls."

  Bai Shan sighed, "I knew I would bring something more before going out."

   But he still insisted, "Finally buy a set of tables and chairs. You can't have a place where the guests are not sitting, right?"

  Daji can only helplessly take out a pearl to the cell head.

  The head of the cell was squatting not far away, and when he saw Daji touching his purse, he took the initiative and asked with a smile, "What do you want this time?"

  Good luck: "Bring us a set of tables and chairs."

  Head of the cell: "...Where can I get you a table and chairs now? Or you can just use it."

  Da Ji pointed to the tables and chairs behind him and said, "Move your set in."

  The prisoner glanced back, and said nothing for a while.

   Good luck said: "We will spend a while, wait for the second prince to release us adults, you can move out again."

  The cell head rolled his eyes and said, "This is our own table and chair. One pearl is not enough?"

"A pearl can buy a table and chair in a room, just your broken table and broken chair...That's it, you can change it if you like, if you don't change it, I don't want to change it yet." Daji said, he stuffed the pearl back Purse.

   The head of the cell immediately said: "Oh, don't worry, nothing more, nothing else, because you two are envoys of your country, you can change it to you."

   So the head of the cell opened the door and asked them to move their tables and chairs in, but instead of four chairs, they only gave two, and they still had to sit on the rest.

The head of the cell not only gave them the table and chairs, but also gave them the oil lamp on the table. He wiped the table with a linen cloth especially intimately. Then he took the pearl, looked at the light and put it in with a smile. In his own pocket.

The head of the cell exited the cell and then locked the cell again. As soon as he turned his head, he heard the noise coming from above, and the smile on his face fell down. He was holding the stick and wanted to go out to see the situation. This day is up. The night is endless, isn't it? Why is it always so noisy?

  He was about to go up the turn, and when he faced the angrily coming down, his legs were suddenly frightened, and he knelt on the ground directly, "King, Prince..."

  The second high prince walked directly in front of him, his eyes swept away and he saw Bai Shan who happened to be in the first cell.

  He immediately stepped forward, and slashed the long sword in his hand on the chain. Seeing the hacking continued, he asked angrily: "Where is the key?"

  The head of the cell kneeling on the ground immediately stepped forward on his knees, crawling all the way to his feet, and trembling hands took down the key from his waist and offered it with both hands.

  The second prince saw him so stupid and bold, did he even dare to let him open the door of the cell by himself?

  At this time, because of the failure of the front line and the persecution of the generals and ministers, he felt like a fire was burning in his heart. He looked at people's eyes with red light, and he wanted to kill everyone who saw him.

   Just when he was about to be unable to suppress the irritability in his heart, a chuckle sounded in his ears.

  The second prince turned his head and looked into the cell hideously. Bai Shan put down the teacup in his hand, got up and bowed to him with a smile, and said with a smile: "Is the second prince here to see someone?"

The second prince holding the sword with a straight blue veins, Bai Shan suddenly took the smile on his face, and said solemnly to the second prince: "The second prince is in a proper time, do you really want to hang with the court of Goguryeo for the rest of your life? ?"

  He said: "Even the five princes can judge the time and the situation, why should the second prince stick to the change of identity?"

  The second prince slowly calmed down, and the anger in his heart was pressed into the deepest part by Bai Shan's cold eyes.

Seeing that clarity was restored in his eyes, Bai Shan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped forward slowly, reached out from the fence to receive the key in the cell's hand, and then reached out to open the lock and remove the chain. Throwing it on the ground, returning the key to the cell, opened the door and smiled sideways: "Second prince, please."

  The prisoner who caught the key:...

  The second prince took a deep look at Bai Shan, then lifted his foot into the cell.

Master Meng and the others arrived in a hurry. The crowd waited to see the second high prince standing in the cell with a sword, while Bai Shan stood aside with a smile, not panicking, and then they barely suppressed their panic, and hurriedly saluted and comforted him: "Also. Please calm down the prince."

  The second high prince said coldly: "Get out."


  The second high prince directly ordered the guards: "Kick them out. I have something to talk with the envoys separately."

  The guards took the soldiers and blasted the people out. I don't know if the head of the cell was originally from this cell, and the other officials also knelt, so the guards didn't chase them.

Bai Shan picked up the teapot and poured a cup of boiled water for the second prince. He leaned the back of the pot with the back of his hand and smiled slightly. dislike."

  Bai Shan put the tea cup in front of him.

  The second high prince cast his eyes down, put his sword on the table, and drank the glass of white water.

  He turned the tea cup in his hand, and the anxiety in his heart almost overflowed.

Bai Shan seemed to know his suffering, and fell silent, giving him enough time to think, and when he was almost entangled, he said, "Why do the two princes struggle for a while? Life is long. Looking far away, as long as you can live, the world is like this. It's so great, there are many opportunities to make contributions and make a name go down in history."

How can    be the same?

  He is the second prince of Goguryeo. With his domestic power, he is more suitable for this position than the boss, and after the surrender...

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Bai Shan frowned and said: "My Dajin’s chief general has led a team of soldiers and horses to besiege the inner city. Now the fifth prince should have returned to the inner city early, and the second prince can receive it. The official document of the five princes?"

  The second prince of high school paled.

  If the father really killed the fifth child, in order to deter all those who wanted to surrender, he should have announced the whole country, but he has never received news from the inner city.

  Bai Shan smiled slightly when he saw this, lowered his voice and said, "Second Prince, you were the second prince when Goguryeo was there. If the royal court is not there, are you still the second prince?"

The second prince clenched his palms, and Bai Shan said: "What's more, most of the city of Anshi is in my hands. The second prince should understand in his heart that you can't hold this city, and you will bring the remaining 60,000 soldiers to death. City?"

  The second high prince bent his back, closed his eyes and opened his eyes to look at Bai Shan, "What can you give me?"

  Bai Shan smiled slightly, and said in his heart: It's done!

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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