Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2744: Unwilling to rule

  Chapter 2744 Unwilling to rule

  Man Bao glanced at the stab wound he had penetrated under his ribs, and frowned slightly. It had been so long, didn't they even think about stitching to stop the bleeding?

  She opened the medicine box and took out the silver needles to protect his heart pulse first. Regardless of stopping the bleeding, she constantly stimulated his heart with the silver needles. She listened carefully, but still did not hear the pulse.

  Fixed the silver needle, put his hand on his chest, knelt on the bed and pressed...

  Mo Yuan stared blankly, and asked in a daze, "What are you doing?"

  The two doctors were also shocked, and they stepped forward to stop him, "Xu Sa has passed away, how can you insult Xun Sa so much?"

   Yin Li waved his hand, and the guards stepped forward and dragged the doctor who was about to rush over, and even Mo Yuan was dragged over.

  Mo Yuan struggled vigorously and shouted: "Let go of my father, let go of my father, you can't insult him like this, you can't insult him like this."

  Unable to break away, he felt sad, turned to look at the second prince behind the emperor, tears streaming down, "Second prince, are you watching them insult your father like this?"

  Bai Shan, who gave Manbao’s helper, couldn’t help but said, “She’s saving him!”

  Master Fang also quickly helped persuade, "Mr. Mo misunderstood. Master Zhou is one of the best doctors in Jin Guotai Hospital. She is saving Husa."

  Mo Yuan didn’t believe it at all. This person looked like a woman, what an adult...

The two doctors beside    also said: "Xu Sa has lost his breath, let him go with peace of mind."

  Man Bao ignored them and continued to press on his chest. Bai Shan pinched his nose and gave him artificial respiration with disgust.


  After half an hour, Man Bao listened to the other party's heart, touched the pulse, took the silver needle, changed the needle method, and then inserted a needle into his person.

  Huisa was in severe pain, her feet trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

  Mo Yuan, who was almost crying to death:...

  He looked at the resurgent father with tears in his eyes and no response for a while.

  Man Bao pushed away Bai Shan, swept off the hemostatic medicine on his body bit by bit, and after checking it, he began to clean up the wound.

  Bai Shan took out the needle and thread from the medicine box, led the thread to her and gave it to her.

  Man Bao took it, bowed his head and sutured, while reading the prescription, he said with Bai Shan: "Let them follow the prescription to grab the medicine, and immediately boil it and send it over."

  Bai Shan wrote down, wrote down the prescription and gave it to the stunned Mo Yuan, “Mr. Mo, go get the medicine quickly.”

  Mo Yuan just reacted, wiped his face and quickly got up to rush out.

   "Wait a minute," Man Bao turned to stop him, and asked, "Do you have any good ginseng at home? If so, take a few slices to give him a breath of qi."

  "Yes, some, some." The ginseng was in the house. They had only used it for Xunsa before, and a doctor immediately cut two slices and offered it.

  Man Bao can’t help but stun, it’s an excellent ginseng, just by smelling it, it feels great.

  She motioned the doctor to put the ginseng into Xunsa’s mouth, lowered her head and continued to treat his wound.

  Zenzaa seemed to come back to his senses, looking at Zhou Man and asking, "Are you the goddess doctor of Jin?"

  Man Bao thinks he speaks better than his son, so he raises his head and smiles at him.

  耨Sa's heart sank and asked: "Why is the Jin Dynasty's genius doctor in my house?"

  The emperor did not step forward, but turned to look at the second prince, nodded with him, and went out.

The second high prince followed out, and the emperor frowned slightly, and said to him: "The old general is seriously injured at this time, it is not good to irritate him. I will leave Zhou Qing here and let her treat the old general well, and you too Treat Zhou Qing well."

  The second high prince gave up. The surrenders and vassals behind him all knelt down and said, "Your Majesty is kind."

  The second high prince also knelt down and bowed.

  The emperor nodded, and then left with someone.

  The Forbidden Army brought by Yin Li left a part and took over the entire Mo family. Outside, the Jin Army was also taking over the entire Anshi City.

Bai Shan hesitated for a while, but the little servant next to Gu Zhong repeatedly urged him to get up and leave. Bai Er followed him and had to leave. Bai Shan pushed back, "You are a medical accountant," Why follow me, follow Man Bao."

  Hakujiro: ...This is a cure. What does he stay here for?

  But after a glance at Bai Shan, he stopped, curled his lips and returned to Zhou Man's side.

  Bai Shan was relieved. After going out, he looked for water to rinse his mouth before going after the emperor.

  Mo Yuan brought the medicine up, Hu Sa was lifted up and sat up, and after barely eating two spoonfuls, he asked him, "Anshicheng, has it fallen?"

  Mo Yuan lowered his eyes, and then choked up for a while and said: "Dropped..."

  耨Sa slightly turned aside his head and did not want to take the medicine anymore.

  Man Bao frowned slightly, and said to him: "Your injury is very serious and you have lost too much blood. If you don't follow the doctor's instructions, I'm afraid you won't live for a few days."

  Zhasa said blankly: "There is a genius doctor, Mo Yuan, send the genius doctor out."

  Man Bao raised his eyebrows, then turned around and glanced at the two doctors before going out with the medicine box.

  The two doctors looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and followed out.

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang stood in the yard waiting for them with the medicine box.

  Man Baodao: "The patient does not cooperate, and I am asked to ask for consultation, so the subsequent treatment will have to trouble you."

  She said: "Every time I ask for a doctor, you will get a needle and apply medicine, and I will prescribe a prescription for you."

  The two doctors looked at each other, and one of them flushed and said, "This lord, we, we don’t know how to acupuncture."

  Man Bao was taken aback for a moment and then said: "It's okay, just recognize the acupuncture points, I will write down the acupuncture methods in detail."

  Both of them blushed, "I don't know much about the acupuncture points."

  Man Bao asked: "It's okay, as long as you know the Sanyin Meridian of the Hand and the Sanyin Meridian of the Foot."

  Doctor Xu hesitated for a moment or asked: "Which Sanyin Meridian is the Sanyin Meridian of the Hand? Is the Sanyin Meridian of the Foot Corresponding to the Sanyin Meridian of the Hand?"

Man Bao: "...The Sanyin Meridian of the Hand refers to the lung meridian of Hand Taiyin, the pericardium meridian of Hand Jueyin and the heart meridian of Hand Shaoyin. The Sanyin meridian refers to the spleen meridian of Foot Taiyin, the liver meridian of Foot Jueyin and the kidney meridian of Foot Shaoyin. This patient lost too much blood and hurt his heart and lungs. Among them..."

   Seeing them look confused, Man Bao sighed: "Finally, even if he is not willing, I will try my best to get a needle for him."

  But the patient is unwilling to cooperate, which is really troublesome.

  Man Bao sat on the stone bench in the yard and waited for Mo Yuan. Waiting for her to become a little impatient, he asked two doctors who didn’t belong to their minds, “Is their family a member of the original son?”

  Doctor Xu was still thinking about it, and he unintentionally said: "Xu Sa has four sons, seven grandchildren, and the descendants are very prosperous."

  Man Bao glanced at the empty courtyard and sighed: "Sure enough, my parents are right. Jiang is still hot."

   Read more in reading festival, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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