Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2748: Twelve cities in a row

   Chapter 2748 Twelve Cities In Succession

  The emperor is already preparing to leave the camp. Hearing the news of Xu Sa's death, he sighed slightly and waved, "Let's bury the Mo family."

  After that, Gu Zhong picked some porcelain and jade to send to the Mo family.

  Gold and silverware can be directly realized, even if there is no porcelain and jade, the emperor did not want to give it away.

  Man Bao arched his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the minister first retire."

  The emperor waved his hand, and after waiting for someone to turn around, he stopped her, “It’s hard to march in the snow. Maybe your medical accountant insists?”

  Man Baodao: "Since you have entered the army, you are in the army. Your Majesty does not need to treat us differently."

  The emperor nodded with satisfaction, and smiled: "I feel relieved after you have said this. Even with Xueluo, I can continue to march."

   Yin Li walked in stride, and after the report, he opened the curtain and came in, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the fifth batch of grain has been delivered."

  The emperor’s eyes shimmered slightly, and after counting the time, he said: "This time I count them as acquaintances, have they all checked?"

   Yin Li said: "All have been checked, there are no major problems." Small problems are unavoidable.

  The emperor breathed a sigh of relief. Now that there is enough food and grass, I’m sorry if we don’t win Goguryeo.

  He laughed freely and said: "Okay, please go down, leave the camp tomorrow morning."


  With Gao Zhi as the forward, the Jin army drove straight down and soon gathered in the domestic city.

  Because Gao Zhi, Zhao Guogong, and Ashina cleared the obstacles along the road back and forth, the main account only had to move eastward. Even if it snowed, their speed could not be slowed down much, and a group of people quickly caught up.

  When Gao Zhi arrived at the last small city in front of the domestic city, the main account was not far away from them. It was only about eighty miles and could be reached in one day.

And this city has become a stronghold of Fengshangshu. Because he didn't know about Gao Zhi's surrender, he thought it was a reinforcement of Goguryeo. He was planning to defend the city gate. As a result, he squatted on the wall and looked at the banner. It looked more like them. Jin's banner, the big Jin character seems to be correct, right?

Gao Zhi didn’t know that the city was occupied by the Jin army. He was planning to send someone to persuade the city lord. As a result, the two sides got together. He also felt that the flag on the opposite wall didn’t look like their Goguryeo, ah, it was from Dajin. .

  The two parties stared with big eyes, but Feng Shangshu didn't believe them, and kept blocking them out of the city until the leaders of Zhao Guogong and Ashina arrived, and he let them in.

  Gao Zhi thought as he walked in, if Ashina pulled the gate at that time, if their gate officer had such rules, Anshi City would not be broken.

  When the emperor arrived in this small city and saw Feng Shangshu, he could hardly recognize him.

  Not only people have lost a lot of weight, their beards are messy, and even the clothes are almost smelling.

  As soon as he saw the emperor, Feng Shangshu stepped forward with excitement and saluted, "Your Majesty, the minister has finally seen you."

  He originally planned to guard for a few days after the snow came down, and he withdrew from the sea without news of the army.

  He went deep alone, with his eyes open when he slept.

  Seeing the emperor now, I feel relieved when I am excited, and then I want to cry.

  The emperor felt most distressed. After carefully looking at Feng Shangshu and the generals behind him, he felt terribly distressed, so he took their hands and said: "Thank you so much."

  Their monarchs and ministers are here with tears, and not far from the side, Grand Doctor Zheng is also crying with Doctor Lu, in fact, he wants to pull Zhou Man's, after all, she is the chief officer, but there is a difference between men and women.

  So he can only cry in front of Zhou Man and pull the doctor Lu to cry. His trip was really too bitter.

  Man Bao saw that he was thin and out of shape, and the students behind him were also greatly changed. He was distressed for a while, and he quickly asked, "Why are you doing this? Did Feng Shangshu deduct your military rations?"

"Then there must be a ration deduction." Grand Physician Zheng wiped away tears and said, "We are not like yours here. We are walking by sea, and we are going deep alone. In addition to the grain and grass supply at the beginning, there will be no more grain and grass in the back. Can't get in."

  Man Bao nodded to express his understanding. After all, they brought few people, and it was difficult to keep the path along the way. The grain and grass are basically the enemy, so it is better not to send it.

"So we can only raise military rations by ourselves." Grand Physician Zheng cried, "It was not bad at the beginning. Feng Shangshu was very good at attacking the city, and he went down many cities along the way. Every time a city was built, he collected food from the warehouse in the city, and then some more. The rich and the rich will have rations when they walk around and sit down."

  "But twenty-five days ago, Goguryeo began to be fierce. Every time we captured a city, they would rather burn all the food in the city than give them the food before retreating."

  The next few cities were severely damaged, but except for the city gate that was attacked by them, the rest was the use of Goguryeo soldiers and horses, with extremely ruthless methods.

  Before Feng Shangshu, in order to prevent the Goguryeo people from breaking his own way, he has always been friendly to ordinary people and has always restrained the army from disturbing the people.

  They can gather food and grass without disturbing the people, so the relationship is pretty good.

  But after the Goguryeo people act like this, it will be difficult for them to maintain a good relationship with ordinary Goguryeo people.

  Between the Goguryeo people and his own soldiers, Feng Liang chose his own soldiers without blinking, so he directly asked people to expropriate food and grass.

  But the inner city is strong. Most of the remaining soldiers and horses of Goguryeo are in the inner city. Of course, Fengliang alone cannot beat it.

  So he can only look back and grab this small city as a stronghold.

  It’s just that it’s difficult. The city is just this big. When the officials evacuated, they took away what they could take away, and burned those who could not take away. There were not even a few Goguryeo people left in the city.

  They can only collect grain and grass, occasionally go to nearby villages and towns to grab a wave, while besieging the domestic city.

  Because of the food shortage, everyone eats two meals a day. Each meal is still scarce, but the amount of exercise is large. If you come and go, don’t you lose weight?

  Man Bao and Lu Taiyi looked at him sympathetically, especially Lu Taiyi. Zhou Man still needs to go to the battlefield. He was with the emperor most of the time, and he was the easiest of the three.

   Zheng Taiyi was the most bitter.

  Man Bao comforted Dr. Zheng and promised: "I will invite you to eat steamed buns tonight."

  Emperor Zheng cried, raised his head and asked, "Is it true?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Seeing that the students behind Zheng Taiyi were also swallowing their mouths, they said, "You guys come together."

  They nodded immediately and almost got their heads off.

The arrival of the army gave Feng Shangshu ample food and grass. As soon as the two armies converged, they began to bury the pot and cook. The aroma of food wafted everywhere in and outside the small town. Even the people who had been shrinking at home couldn't help but walk out of the house. look all around.

Feng Shangshu saw it and said: "Your Majesty, the people who are left are poor people who can't escape. The ministers searched for some grain from them before. Now it is snowing. If there is no food relief, they may not survive this spring. ."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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