Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2751: baby

  Chapter 2751 Baby

But it’s very decompressive. There are so many tasks every day. From the moment you open your eyes, you are dealing with official duties. When you close your eyes, you still have official duties in your mind. He ran to the city gate and cursed people. It may be a little uncomfortable, but it is absolutely comfortable.

  So the civil servants all liked this task. The generals who had been robbed of a lot of work were very upset. Even General Ashina thought, did he not study less?

  Who hasn’t read a few books yet.

  The only person who didn't **** this job with them was Feng Shangshu. He besieged the city for more than 20 days, and now sees the gate of the inner city, he feels sick, and he doesn't even want to go to curse.

  Probably the most leisurely place is Manbao.

  Severely wounded people generally stayed where they were, and those who rushed along with them were lightly wounded people.

  Now she only besieged the city and not attacked the city. In addition to changing the dressing of the wounded, she sees the soldiers who are sick because of the cold.

  But now there are all the members of the Imperial Medical Office. Although the number of people in the army has also increased, they are on good shifts.

  Especially as the leading imperial physician, in addition to Lu Tai doctor, there is also an additional Zheng Tai doctor.

  Therefore, Manbao can work in three shifts, leaving a lot of time every day.

  As time goes on, she can't help but dig some flowers.

  Well, it’s winter now, there are not many visible flowers, but there are many trees.

  There are many trees here that she has never seen before, or although they are the same kind as she has seen before, there are still some differences. Because of the different growth environment, they are subdivided into one species, which can also be included.

  Man Bao will carry a back basket and Bai Erlang cakes and daji to drill around every day.

  The emperor sometimes couldn't help but complain to Gu Zhong when he saw it, "If I hadn't known how they got along in private and communicated so closely, outsiders wouldn't know how to guess."

  Gu Zhong smiled and said, "Master Bai is also busy, otherwise I'm afraid there will be one more person who drills in the woods."

The emperor    was very curious, "What is there to ponder about those trees?"

  Gu Zhong didn’t understand either, so he could only smile.

  In the evening, Man Bao and Bai Erlang came back riding their horses with excitement on their faces. When the emperor came out to stroll around and inspect the people’s conditions, they saw them, and finally couldn’t help but beckoned to them, “What are you running into the woods all day?”

  The two shook their heads together, "Nothing."

The emperor frowned and looked at them quietly.

Man Baoqiang stayed silent, while Bai Erlang was very guilty, and his feet were empty. Under the emperor’s gaze, his head lowered and lower, but he could only whisper: "Your Majesty, I came into the forest to find you, the empress and the princess. It’s a gift."

  Emperor: "...what gift is grown in the woods?"

Bai Erlang took a look at Zhou Man, and finally took off the back basket on his body, reached in and touched it, looked around secretly, took out a cloth bag, opened the cloth bag, there are two almost human-shaped inside. Ginseng.


  Gu Zhong's eyes widened.

  The ginseng is still stained with soil, obviously it was just dug out.

  Bai Erlang only glanced at the emperor and wrapped it up, still carefully putting it back in the back basket.

  The emperor came back to his senses, and then stared at his face and hands, "Isn’t it given to me?"

   Baijiro: "...there are also the empress and princess."

  He said: "We have to wait for the minister to dry it and prepare it."

  The emperor questioned, "Will you still cook?"

  Shirajiro pointed to Zhou Man, "She will."

  The emperor looked at Zhou Man...and the basket on her back, and asked curiously, "How many ginseng have you dug?"

  Man Bao stretched out three fingers.

  She found things, so she points more, hehehe...

The emperor wondered, "There are so many ginseng in the forest?"

  Man Baodao: "It's not a lot, it's mainly because I can find it."

  People who can find it will always be found, and people who can’t find it may not be found for a lifetime.

  Of course, she is not very good at finding it, but she has a science, so she can scan the specific location directly, and then just follow it to find it.

  But her biggest harvest today is not ginseng, but the various branches in the back basket of Daji and western cakes. Among them, one branch is very valuable. According to Keke's estimation, the included points will be very high.

  The emperor is itchy, "I..."

   "Your Majesty," Gu Zhong interrupted the emperor's unspoken words, and said to him: "You are going to the city gate tomorrow to comfort the soldiers."

Then he turned his head and said to Bai Erlang Zhou Man, "Sir, Lord Zhou, now the ice and snow in the forest has not disappeared, not only is it difficult to navigate, and it is easy to get lost. The forest has not been cleaned, and there may be thieves hiding in it, so be careful. Be careful, it's better for you two to get in less."

  Where did I say this to Bai Erlang Zhouman? It was clearly for the emperor.

  He also said: "If you want ginseng, wait until you break through the inner city and enter the Goguryeo Palace. There are a lot of things inside. Then, let your Majesty and Lord Zhou give some appreciation."

   Gu Zhong said, he glanced at the emperor quietly, so in the future the entire collection of the palace will be yours, why bother to venture into the woods to dig these things?

  Emperor:...Do I care about ginseng?

  What I care about is the process of digging.

  However, he couldn’t say, Gu Zhong’s persuasion was reasonable, and he himself knew that he would definitely not be able to go. If he did, Yin Li would be able to bring six thousand forbidden troops to follow him in.

  So I can only forget it.

  The emperor sighed, turned to leave, looked at Baijiro before leaving, "Remember what you said."

   Bai Erlang baldly said: "...Don't worry, I'm just two dads, who can I give if you don't?"

  The emperor was happy when he heard the words, and his face was full of joy, but he nodded firmly, the depression in his heart disappeared, and he went back happily with Gu Zhong.

  Man Bao also didn't care about comforting the bleeding Bai Erlang, and hurried back to the house with Da Ji and cakes.

  Because Bai Shan was a close minister, and Man Bao was an imperial physician, they all lived near the emperor's neighborhood, which was closer than those of the important officials such as Zhao Shangshu.

   So Man Bao strolled behind the emperor and entered the city lord’s mansion. When he reached a small courtyard, he slipped in, asked Daji and Xibing to put down the branches in the basket and let them all go out with the basket.

  Man Bao sat on a small stool, holding a pair of scissors in his hand, and pruned the branches they had brought back. For example, one branch can be cut into three or four branches, and the leaves can also be trimmed...

  She keeps some, the rest will be collected by Keke, and the others will be hung up on the forum.

Two of the branches were left alone by her, and she cut them all into a section to fit the length of the cutting. One was included in Keke, and the other was wrapped in soaked paper and placed in the space. middle.

  She decided to wait for the forum’s collection points to come down, and then put the rest on the forum, so that the price is good.

  If this kind of branch is really valuable, and it is still popular on the forum, she will go to the mountain a few more times to fold more.

  Manbao put it away, and regardless of the messy branches and leaves on the ground, just check its information with the name given by Keke.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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